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PMI Medical Words

PMI Root words, Prefixes, Suffixes and Abbreviations

Cardi (On Test) Heart
Cyan (On Test) Blue
Cyte (On Test) Cell
Dermat (On Test) Skin
Erythr (On Test) Red
Hem (On Test) Blood
Hemat (On Test) Blood
Leuk (On Test) White
Hephr (On Test) Kidney
Path (On Test) Disease
Phleb (On Test) Vein
Thromb (On Test) Clot
Ven (On Test) Vein
A-, An-, Ar- (On Test) Without
Aniso- (On Test) Unequal
Brady- (On Test) Slow
Endo- (On Test) In, Within
Epi- (On Test) On, Over, Upon
Extra- (On Test) Outside
Intra - (On Test) Within
Inter- (On Test) Between
Iso- (On Test) Equal, Same
Mal- (On Test) Poor
Per- (On Test) Through
Pre- (On Test) Before
Tachy- (On Test) Rapid, Fast
-ac, -al (On Test) Pertaining to
-algia (On Test) Pain
-cyte (On Test) Cell
-ectomy (On Test) Removal, Excision
-emia (On Test) Blood Condition
-itis (On Test) Inflammation
-logist (On Test) Specialist in the study of
-logy (On Test) Study of
-lysis (On Test) Breakdown, Destruction
-oma (On Test) Tumor
-path (On Test) Disease
-penia (On Test) Deficiency
-rrhage (On Test) Burst Forth/ Excessive Flow
-stasis (On Test) Stopping, Controlling, Standing
-tomy (On Test) Cutting, Incision
ABGs (On Test) Arterial Blood Gases
b.i.d. (On Test) Twice a Day (bis in die)
BMP (On Test) Basic Metabolic Profile
BP (On Test) Blood Pressure
BS (On Test) Blood Sugar
BUN (On Test) Blood Urea Nitrogen
C & S (On Test) Culture & Sensitivity
c/o (On Test) Complains Of
CPR (On Test) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Crit (On Test) Separate (Hematocrit)
DVT (On Test) Deep Veinous Thrombosis
Dx (On Test) Diagnosis
ESR/sed rate (On Test) Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (Westigren)
FUO (On Test) Fever of Unknown Origin
HGV/hgv (On Test) Hemoglobin
HH (H&H) (On Test) Hemoglobin and Hematocrit
hx (On Test) History
Lytes (On Test) Electrolytes
Na+ (On Test) Sodium
NPO (On Test) Nothing by Mouth (nil per of)
O2 (On Test) Oxygen
p.o (On Test) Orally (Per Os)
PRN, prn (On Test) As Necessary (Pro re Nata)
pt (On Test) Patient
RBC (On Test) Red Blood Cell or Red Blood Count
Stat, stat (On Test) Immediately (Statum)
Aer Air
Angi Vessel
Bili Bile
Bucc Cheek
Coron Crown, Circle
Cubit Elbow
Cyt Cell
Fibrin Fiber
Gluc Sugar, Glucose
Glyc Sugar, Glucose
My Muscle
Necr Death
Onc Tumor
Ren Kidney
Scler Hard
Thorac Chest
Vas Vessel
Anti- Against
Bi- Two
Dys- Difficult
Homeo- Same
Hyper Too Much, High
Hypo- Low, Under
Micro- Small
Supra- Above
-gram Recording, Writing
-spasm Twitch, Involuntary Muscle Movement
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
ALT Alanine Transaminase
AST Aspartate Aminotranferase
Bx Biopsy
C Celsius; Centigrade
CAD Coronary Artery Disease
CBC Complete Blood Count
Chem Chemistry
Chol Cholesterol
CK Creatine Kinase
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
D Day
DIC Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Diff Differential Count of White Blood Cells
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DOB Date of Birth
ED Emergency Department
ER Emergency Room
ETOH Ethyl Alcohol
FBS Fasting Blood Sugar
Fe Iron
FH Family History
FS Frozen Section
Fx Fracture
GTT Glucose Tolerance Test
h Hour
HCR/Hct Hematocrit
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
h/o History Of
H2O Water
ICU Intensive Care Unit
ID Identification, Intradermal
IP Inpatient
IV Intravenous
K+ Potassium
LE Lupus Erythematosus
MI Myocardial Infarction
Neg Negative
NKA/NKDA No Known Allergy/No Known Drug Allergy
Peds Pediatrics
pH Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Measure of Acidity or Alkalinity)
PKU Phenylketonuria
PT Prothrombin Time/Physical Therapy
req Requisition
R/O Rule Out
RPR Rapid Plasma Reagin
RR Recovery Room
SC, SQ Subcutaneous
Strep Streptococcus
Sx Symptoms
TB Tuberculosis
T&C Type and Crossmatch (Type & X)
TSH Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
UA, ua Urinalysis
UTI Urinary Tract Infection
WBC, wbc White Blood Cell
y/o Years Old
Created by: dzu9477
Popular Phlebotomy sets




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