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DU PA Bac Inf Skin

Duke PA Bacterial Infections of the Skin

superficial skin infections impetigo, intertrigo
pyodermas abscesses, furuncles, carbuncles
soft tissue infections cellulitis, erysipelas
non-specific skin term (doesn't say anything about pathology) intertrigo, folliculitis
superficial kind of cellulitis erysipelas
bacteria causes almost all types of cellulitis streptococcus
pain out of proportion to how lesion looks necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTI)
type of superficial cellulitis, almost always group A strep; sharp, raised borders erysipelas
type of intertrigo caused by C. minutissium erythrasma
type of NSTI caused by P. aeruginosa ecthyma gangrenosum
a deep type of impetigo, is an ulcerative lesion with thick crust that is usually tender ecthyma
scabbing eruption, very common in children but adults often infected, impetigo
etiologic agents of impetigo A B-hemolytic streptococcus pyogenes or S. aureus
predisposing factors for impetigo truama (minor), underlying dermatoses, poor hygiene, previous antibiotic therapy, warm temps/high humidity
appearance of impetigo non-bullous small pustules or vesicles that erode crust (honey-colored), surrounding skin is usually inflammed
appearance of impetigo bullous vesicles or bullae containing clear or turbid fluid, surrounding skin can be normal
topical treatment for impetigo bactroban (mupirocin), altabax (retapamulin)(MSSA only)
bacterial causes of intertrigo groups A and B streptococci, non-diptheroid species of Corynebacterium, P. aeruginosa
skin on skin can cause intertrigo
tend to see satellite lesions with __ caused intertrigo candida
bacterial intertrigo __ bad smells
patients that have an increased risk of erythrasma, it is bright red w/ woods lamp diabetics
topical treatment for erythrasma benzoyl peroxide, mupirocin, imiadazoles
neck-fold intertrigo in babies think __ strep
dermal ulceration, crust is yellowish-gray and thicker and harder than crust in impetigo, children and elderly at risk ecthyma
pyoderma etiology is almost always S. aureus
localized, walled off collection of pus, can develop at any cutaneous site, starts as firm nodule that becomes fluctuant abscess
deep-seated erythematous nodule, common in hair bearing regions or areas of friction, develop central necrotic plug furuncle
large area of coalescing abscesses or furuncles carbuncle
gold standard treatment of abscesses, furuncles, and carbuncles incision and drainage
when doing an I and D be sure to remove __ or infection will recur loculations
adjunctive therapy to I and D systemic antibiotics and warm compresses
populations at risk for CA-MRSA native americans, african americans, homeless, populations in close quarters, incarcerated military recruits, children in daycare, competitive athletes
cornerstone of CA-MRSA treatment I and D
most common soft tissue infections cellulitis, and erysipelas
clinical presentation of soft tissue infections acute, diffuse inflammation of skin, +warmth and tenderness, systemic symptoms not uncommon
predisposing factors for soft tissue infections trauma, surgery, mucosal infection, underlying dermatoses, immunologic deficiency
extends into subcutaneous tissue, borders are often indistinct, cellulitis
etiologic agents of cellulitis GAS, S. aureau
superficial cellulitis, raised borders with clear demarcation from uninvolved skin. erysipelas
etiologic agents responsible for erysipelas GAS, very rarely S. aureus
part of the body that is most commonly affected by erysipelas lower extremity and face
treatment therapy for cellulitis and erysipelas penicillinase-resistant synthetic penicillins or cephalosporins. use macrolides ( but not erythromycin) in penicillin allergic patients
supportive treatment for cellulitis and erysipelas rest, elevation, warm compresses
peggy wants us to know about what drug for the treatment of cellulitis and erysipelas. It is very cheap and it works well dicloxacillin
common sites of infection for necrotizing soft tissue infections perineum, extremities, trunk
predisposing factors for folliculitis shaving, friction in or occlusion of hair covered areas of the body, immunosuppression, topical corticosteroids
sites of prediliction for folliculitis face (especially beard), scalp, neck, legs, trunk, and buttocks
aka barber's itch pseudofolliculitis barbae
keloidal folliculitis is found in what part of the body nape of neck at hairline
prevention of infectious folliculitis antibacterial soaps
infection of subcutaneous lymphatic channels, usually results from trauma, red streaking from wound acute lymphangitis
most common etiology of acute lymphangitis group A streptococcis, less commonly S. aureus
gram negative bacteria found in marine animals that inhabit warm bodies of water vibrio spp
very rare in the US, usually acquired via contact with infected animals or their products or from feed, soil contaminated with spores of the bacillus cutaneous anthrax
systemic tx for erythrasma doxycycline, macrolides
systemic treatment for impetigo cephalosporins, dicloxacillin
Created by: bwyche
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