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Veterinary Disease Terms

Latrogenic Disease caused by treatment
Idiopathic Unknown
Non-Contagious Disease that can't be spread
Non-Infectious Disease NOT caused by organisms
Nosocoomial Disease caused by pathogenic organisms in treatment/clinic
Asymptomatic Disease without symptoms
Carrier Animal that has disease w/o showing signs
Contract To catch a disease
Epidemidology Study of relationships determining frequency and distribution of disease
Etiology Study of disease causes
Focal Localized region
Germ Bacteria or viral organisms
Incidence Number of new cases in a given time
Prevalance Number of disease cases in a population at one time
Labile Unstable
Morbid Afflicted disease
Morbidity Ratio of sick animals to well animals in a population
Moribund Near death
Mortality Ratio of sick animals that die compared to sick animals
Panzootic Widespread outbreak affects many animals
Zoonotic Disease that can be transferred between animals and humans
Palliaive Relieve condition, not cure it
Prophylaxis Extreme fear
Subclinical Without showing signs
Susceptible Lacking resistance
Transmissable Ability to transfer from one animal to another
Transmissible Disease Types Blood Borne Sexual Airborne Fecal-Oral
Traumatic Causing Injury
Microorganism Living organism of micro dimension
Pathogen Microorganism that produces disease
Virulence Word used to describe ability of an organism to cause disease
Diagnosis Determine cause of disease
Differential Diagnosis Figure possible cause of disease
Prognosis Predict outcome of disease
Sign Characteristic of disease others can see
Symptom Characteristic ONLY sensed by patient
Syndrome Signs that occur together
Acute Having a short course with sudden onset; severe
Peracute Excessively acute onset
Chronic Going on for a long time
Remission Partial or complete disappearance of disease, signs or symptoms
Endemic Ongoing presence of disease in group
Epidemic Quick & wide outbreak
Epizootic If the outbreak attacks many animals in a group
Pandemic Occurring over a large geographic area
Assesment Condition of patient
Vital Signs Temp Pulse Respiration Rate Blood Pressure
Pulse Heart beats per minute Obtain by listening or feeling for pulses
Respiration Rate Number of 1 full inhale and 1 full exhale
Ausculation Listening
Palpation Feeling
Venipuncture Withdraw of blood from vein
Profile Group of lab tests
Assay Test to find number of organisms, cells or amount of chemical substance found in sample
Centrifuge Machine that spins samples to separate elements based on weight
CBC-Complete Blood Count Finds number of red blood cells(Erythrocytes) white blood cells(Leukocytes) and Thrombocytes--red and white blood cells and platelets
Prothrombin Time Clotting time
Refractometer Tool used to determine deviation of light through objects
Medial Midlline
Lateral Away from midline
Cranial Towards head
Caudal Towards tail
Rostral Towards nose
Dorsal Towards back
qd Everyday
FIA Feline Infectious Anemia
FIP Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Ecto Outside
Hyper Excessive
Infra Below
Sub Underneath
Retro Behind
Created by: 1213316765368808
Popular Veterinary sets




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