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Anthropology 468 L1

Evolution Basics

Adaptation A heritable trait that increases the probability of survival and/or reproduction in a particular environment. An adaptive trait for one environment may be maladaptive in another.
Carrying capacity the maximum number of individuals a particular environment can support
Coefficient of relationship (r) the proportion of genes (or alleles) that two individuals share by common descent. Consequence of meiosis and sexual reproduction. Parents & Full sibs share 50% of their genes (r=.50) GP & 1/2 sib = (r=.25)
Female choice a mechanism of sexual selection where females mate with males of their choosing. Among mammals females are generally the choosier sex because they are physically tied to reproduction through pregnancy and lactation; males are not.
Fitness a gene's genetic representation in future generations. A gene found in 10% of the individuals in generation "A" and 50% in generation "Z" has higher fitness than a gene found in 10% of generation "A", but on 20% in "Z".
Fixation under directional selection an advantageous heritable trait will dominate a pop.; ie, all members of the pop have the same trait. If there is sufficient interbreeding the trait will be monomorphic (everyone will have it, five fingers, grasping hands)
Gene fundamental physical unit of heredity that transmits biological "instructions" from parents to offspring.
Genotype underlying genetic make up of an individual organism.
Hamilton's rule If BR>C then help your relative; if B>rC, then don't help. B=fitness benefit to your relative, r=coefficient of relationship to your relative, and C=fitness cost to you of helping your relative.
Heritable trait a trait passes on from parent to offspring through genes.
heritable variation variation in heritable traits within a population.
Heritability proportion of phenotypic variation in a population due to underlying genotypic variation.
Historical constraints constraints on evolutionary possibilities. Complex adaptations must evolve through a series of steps. Each step modifies the previous step.
Kin selection a process by which behavioral traits evolve that benefit closely related kin. These behavioral traits involve helping behavior among relatives, depends on a kind of cost-benefit analysis. Costs & benefits are ultimately measured in terms of fitness.
Level of selection the level at which genes are functionally organized to enhance their ability to replicate and survive from one generation to the next. Usually, the indiv. is the strongest level of selection bc. at the level genes are forced to cooperate for survival.
Male-male competition a mechanism of sexual selection where males compete physically (and or psychologically) for access to mates, which results in sexual dimorphism.
Monogamy a mating system where one male and one female have an exclusive mating relationship. Often involves a long-term bond between the pair.
Natural selection process of evolution through differential survival and reproduction of individuals w/ different heritable traits. Occurs thru the survival & reproduction of indiv. w/ heritable traits that are best suited to their particular environment.
Norm of reaction differences in the phenotypic expression of a particular genotype occurring in different environments. ie a genotype that results in normal weight where food is scarce may contribute to obesity in an environment where food is normally available.
Phenotype observable characteristics of an individual organism. (eye color, height)
Polygyny when one male has multiple mates.
Population all the indivs. of a species inhabiting a particular locality or region in which they find mates. If two groups of indivs. belong to a species and live in the same region but don't interbreed (because of geo./ behavioral barriers), they are separate pop.
Selfish gene theory a metaphor for the "interests" of an indiv. gene & for the functional relationships among genes. Genes cooperate w/ each other to the extent that cooperation increases their indiv. chances of "immortality." Genes cooperate because it helps them replicate.
Sexual dimorphism differences in the average phenotype of males and females of a particular species.
Sexual selection a process by which sex differences evolve usually through male-male competition or female choice.
Testes determining factor a segment of the Y-chromosome that causes the zygote to develop as a male.
Unit of selection the gene, the smallest biological unit that may increase or decrease in frequency over multiple generations.
Domains of human psychological mechanisms language, mating behavior, parenting behavior, reciprocal altruism & social exchange, risk assessment and nepotism.
Darwin's observations All species have high potential fertility, resources are limited, more indivs. are born than resources support, phenotypic variations among the indiv. within a pop., a lot of variation is heritable, survival/ repro. often depends on the heritable traits.
Created by: DavisWSU
Popular Anthropology sets




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