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VTHT 1217 Abb.

OU both eyes
OS Left eye
OD right eye
AU both ears
AS Left ear
AD right ear
SID once a day
BID twice a day
TID three times a day
QID 4x's a day
Q/EOD every other day
q12h every 12 hours
V/D vomitting and diarrhea
C/S coughing and sneezing
WNL within normal limits
pt or_ P patient
_ O owner
SQ, SC, Sq subcutaneous
F/S female spay
M/N male neuter
FUO fever unknown origin
PE physical exam
PU/PD polyuria/polydipsia
TPR temp, pulse, respiration
PITA pain in the ass
OHE ovariahysterectomy
NSF no significant findings
Hx history
Tx treatment
Sx surgery
Fx fracture
ADR ain't doing right
BAR bright and responsive
BCS body condition score
Wt weight
lb pound
oz ounce
HR heart rate
RR respiratory rate
BPM beats per minute, breaths per minute
HBC hit by car
GSW gun shot wound
CRT capillary refill time
MM mucous membrane
IV intravenous
IM intramuscular
PO by mouth
NPO nothing by mouth
Rx perscription
UA urinalysis
URI upper respiratory infection
UTI urinary tract infection
Created by: kcrabtree507
Popular Veterinary sets




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