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Cell vocabulary

Centrioles structures that function in cell reproduction
Cilia hairllike extensions on the surface of those cells capable of movement
Endoplasmic Reticulum membrane network of "roads" and "channels" that wind through cytoplasm
Flagella A sperm cell's "tail"
Golgi bodies sacs that make and transport carbohydrate compounds
lysosomes the cells "digestive system"
mitiochondria "power plants" that burn food in the presence of oxygen to make cell energy
Ribosomes "protein factories" that make proteins
anabolism the building metabolic phase; grows, maintains, and repairs body structures
biology the study of life and life processes
catabolism the breaking down metabolic phase; producing energy from food and oxygen
chromosomes short, tightly-coiled rods that contain genes
CYT/O- cell
cytoplasm substance between plasma membrane and nucleus of all cells
DNA deocyribonucleic acid, the chemical genes are made of
genes regions of DNA organized within the body's "blueprints"
KARY/O- nucleus
karyoplasm substance of nucleus
karyotype picture of chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell
metabolism the chemical processes by which cells obtain and use energy
nucleus spheroid body within a cell that dictates protein production, controls transport, metabolism, growth and heredity
organelles structures within cytoplasm
-PLASM formative, formed material
plasma membrane the outside boundry of the cell
RNA ribonucleic acid, needed for production of protein within cells
tissue fluid salt water solution that bathes every cell in the body
cells the basic structural unit of living organisms
What do muscle cells look like? long and skinny
What do epithelial cells look like? squarish and flat
What do nerve cells look like? roots or tenticles
What do fat cells look like? blobs
osmosis the diffusion of water across cell membranes
diffusion allowing only beneficial substances into the cell, and waste products out
What are 3 types of muscle tissue? Voluntary or Stirated, involuntary or smooth, cardiac
Voluntary or Stirated muscle tissue controlled by conscious effort, such as arms and legs
Involuntary or smooth muscle tissue works without conscious effort, controlled by the nervous system and keeps automatic systems (digestive) moving
Cardiac muscle tissue specialized form of involuntary muscle tissue found only in the heart
Epithelial tissue Skin. Formed from the epithelial cells, also covers organs, lines body cavities, forms portions of some ducts and glands
Connective tissue a fibrous tissue to connect or support other body structures
Name 6 connective tissues fat, cartilage, bone, blood vessels, scar tissue, and fascia
Fascia a connective tissue that forms a membrane to invest or surround muscles and organs to separate and support them
Nerve tissue extends throughout the body to send messages to and from the brain
Created by: Tonia Joyce
Popular Veterinary sets




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