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Animal Science 215


anemiahe a condition in which the blood is deficient either in quality or quantity (what mom has when her iron is low)
virulence capacity of a micro-organism to produce disease (viral)
agalactia the absence of milk or the failure to secrete milk (lact is the root for producing milk)
carrier animal or person in apparently good health who harbor pathogenic micro-organisms (they pass on disease)
edema presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid in intercellular tissue spaces of the body (swelling)
benign not malignant (not cancerous), favorable for recovery
intravenous within a vein (IV)
incubation period elapsed time between exposure to infection and the appearance of disease symptoms
morbidity condition of being sick or diseased
post-mortem examination of death
hemoglobin red coloring matter of the blood corpuscles (red part of the blood)
febrile having fever
hepatitis inflammation of the liver
sterility inability to fertilize or produce an egg (sterile)
vector carrier, especially the animal host that carries protozoal disease germs from one human host to another
serum extract of blood that contains antibodies
metabolism chemical changes by which the nutritional and functional activities of an organism are maintained
rhinits inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose (thnk of a rhino with the big horn = nose)
titer standard strength or degree of concentration of a solution as established titration
anorexia lack or loss of appetite
anthelmintics drugs that kill or expel gastrointestinal worms
attenuation process of reducing or weakening the virulence of a micro-organism by cultivation or artificial media
bronchile one of many subdivisions of the bronchial tubes within a lung
epidemiology study of the elements that cause disease to occur (-ology means the study of)
dystocia painful or slow delivery or birth
enzootic referring to the prevalence of an animal disease in a particular district or region
leucocyte white or colorless blood corpuscles
mastitis inflammation of the mammary gland (boobies)
eradicate to rid of; to destroy
immunity level of resistance to a particular infection
pathogenic capable of producing disease
trauma wound or injury
syndrome group of signs or symptoms that occur together and characterize a disease
vaccine substance composed of attenuated organisms that produce active immunity
panzootic referring to a widespread epidemic among animals
aerobic growing only in air or free oxygen
infectious disease disease that is caused by a living agent, such as bacteria, protozoa, virus, or fungi, which may not be contagious
germicide agent that kills germs (like anti-bac gel)
immunology science or study of immunity and its factors (-ology means the study of)
myocarditis inflammation of the muscular walls of the heart or myocardium
plasma fluid portion of blood before clotting has occurred
rigor mortis stiffening of the muscles following death
toxin poison
septicemia condition in which pathogenic organisms and their associated proteins are present in the blood
virus submicroscopic infective agent that causes disease
fertilization union of a sperm and an egg
bacillus rod shaped organism
intramuscular within the muscle (in the muscle)
osteomalacia softening of the bones (osteo = condition of the bones)
portal of entry route that a micro-organism must take in entering the body in order to have any effect
mortality death rate
parasite organism deriving nourishment form a living plant or host
phagocyte cell capable of ingesting micro-organisms or other foreign bodies
prehension manner of taking food into the mouth
exotoxin soluble toxin secreted by specific bacteria and absorbed into the tissue of the host
dysentary frequent small watery stools, usually containing blood and mucus, accompanied by pain
antibody specific substance produced by and in an animal as a reaction to the presence of an antigen
ventral pertaining to or relating to the belly or underside, opposite of dorsal or back
symptom sign or signal, reaction, evidence of disease
polynea rapid or panting respiration
mutation permanent change in certain characteristics of an organism, resulting from an alteration or change in genes
dermatitis inflammation of the skin (derma = skin)
endotoxin toxin produced within an organism and liberated only when the organism disintegrates or is destroyed
atrophy wasting of the tissues, emaciation
cellulose carbohydrate substance present in the walls of plant cells
Created by: bthomason
Popular Agriculture sets




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