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160 Finals

This size IV catheter should be used on a 100lb dog. 18g
Px is an abbreviation for...? Prognosis
An otoscope is used to look in the...? Ear
The two chemicals in a radiograph processor. Developer & fixer
Best way to correct an error in a medical record. Single line through it & initials
This chemical is used first for a radiograph. Develpoper
What is worn by an assistant to measure their radiation exposure? Dosimeter
Dosimeters report exposure in...? Sieverts
When taking a radiograph of a leg, what must be included above and below the point of interest? Joints
Does the placement of an orogastric or a nasogastric tube require a sterile tube? Yes
Does the placement of an orogastric or a nasogastric tube require sterile site preparation? No
Can a VA clean and maintain a gastrostomy tube? Yes
Body weight must be taken at all veterinary visits. True or False? True
It is not good to see a "flash" of blood in the hub of the catheter when placing an IV catheter. True or False? False
Which one of the following is not allowed to be given by a VA: SQ, IM, IC? IC
Which vein is commonly used for IV catheterization during surgical procedures? Cephalic
What personal protection devices should be worn while taking a radiograph? Lead gloves, lead apron, thyroid shield, dosimeter, lead googles
What tube is placed in the trachea to deliver oxygen to the patient during surgery? Endotracheal
Which feeding tube is larger in diameter: 5FR, 12FR or 3.5FR 12FR
What is critical to provide a feline after an enema? Litter box
The mAs for a MA of 300 and time of 1/50 is? 6 seconds
Fluorescein stain is used to check for? Cornea ulcers
A schirmer tear test is used to test _____. Tear production
Where should x-ray film be stored? Vertically in a light proof box
What is a Radiology log? Log of date, position, view, owners name, settings, patients name or ID #. To provide a record
Tx is abbreviation for ? Treatment
Rx is abbreviation for? Prescription
Sx is abbreviation for? Surgery
What information is included in the pets signalment? Breed, sex, color, age, reproductive status and species.
On a wiggly animal to prevent movement blurs what would you need to reduce? Exposure time
A large amount of black wax in cat ears could be a sign of? Ear mites
What color is the sclera? White
Radiographic film may have some exposure from the red light if left out in the dark room too long. True or False? True
Radiographic detail is most commonly effected by what two things? Patient movement and the penumbra effect
A Robert Jones bandage is what type of bandage? Compression
What is the name of the strips that are placed in the first step of a Robert Jones or modified Robert Jones bandage? Stir-ups
Barium sulfate is used exclusively in the gastrointestinal tract and is what kind of contrast material? Positive contrast
Concerns with the tertiary bandaging are primarily with keeping distal areas from? Swelling
Name the four steps of wound healing in order? Inflammation, debridement, repair, maturation
The secondary layer of a bandage is responsible for? Absorbency and padding
What three things should be checked if a dog is hit by a car? Breathing, mucous membranes, bleeding
What is dehiscence? Splitting along a suture line or a wound line
What injection route has the quickest absorbency? IV
What is collimation? Adjusting that focus area to the point of interest
What type of crystals are found on the radiographic film? Silver crystals
What information must be included on a radiographic film Owners name, date, pet ID#, hospital name and address, markers
What is scatter radiation? Low energy beams that change direction after encountering object
A Schiotz tonometry pen is used to measure what? Eye pressure (glaucoma)
Radiographic contrast is? Tthe number of shades of gray that can be seen (grey scale)
Radiographic density is? Degree of blackness
Should you be able to see the nictitating membrane when observing a healthy animal? No
Which restraint method would be used for a vaginal smear? Standing
What type of tube is used when a tube is placed in the mouth, down the esophagus and into the stomach? Orogastric
The preferred site for an IM injection in a small animal is? Epaxial muscles
What type of screen is used in most radiographic film cassettes? Intensifying screens
Radiopaque areas appear what color? White
Decreasing the kVp's does what to the contrast? Decreases the contrast
Fogging of a radiographic film results from what? Light exposure
X-rays can penetrate even thick leaded walls and floors. True and False? False
Radiolucent areas appear what color? Black
Radiographic films are part of what? Legal documents
When giving a medicated bath what three things should you do first? Cotton in ears, mineral oil in eyes (lubricate), rinse completely
If a radiographic film has been left out in the dark room can it get exposure for the red light? Yes
What is penumbra effect? Blurred edge, halo effect long objective
Barium Sulfate is used exclusively in the gastrointestinal tract and is what kind of contrast material? Positive contrast
How soon after an injury does the healing process begin? Immediately
Name the four steps of wound healing in order? Inflammation, debridement, repair, maturation
The secondary layer of a bandage is responsible for? Padding and absorbency
What is dehiscence? Splitting along a suture or wound line
A wound that is closed prematurely can result in what two things? Infection, dehiscence
What is collimation? Adjusting focus area to point of interest, helps scatter radiation
The preferred site for an IM injection in a small animal is? Apaxil muscles
What type of screen is used in most radiographic film cassettes? Intensifying screens
Fogging of a radiographic film results from what? Light exposure
Can x-rays penetrate thick leaded walls and floors? No
Tissue will have less density on a radiograph than? Air
Does a radiograph taken on a digital machine need to be logged? Yes
Oblique shots in radiology refer to? Angle
Artifacts that appear on every film taken may be caused by? Something in the cassette blocking beam
Name three signs of infection in a wound? Pus, redness, swelling
When restraining an animal always use? Minimal restraint
What are the two phases of inflammation? Vasoconstriction & vasodilation
Mentation is a check of what body system? Nervous system
Which has a slower heart rate a large breed dog or a small breed dog? Large breed dog
During a routine physical exam it is important to always check? Vital signs
Wounds are normally left open or given a grain if older than...? 6-8 hours
Tissue will have less density on a radiograph than? Air
What is the purpose of the radiographic log? Prevent repeats, legal requirement, help reduce scatter radiation
A radiograph that comes out clear was likely never exposed to what? X-ray beams
When restraining an animal always use? Minimal restraint
Mentation is a check of what body system? Nervous
A large breed dog would have a slower heart rate than a small breed dog. True or False? True
Name the five types of wound classification. Punctures, lacerations, degloving, incisions, abrasions
What is the most important trait for a VA to have? Confidence
An infection could cause? Hyperthermia
The directional term for an area situated close to the point of attachment is? Proximal
The directional term for an area situated on the caudal aspect of a limb, distal to the tarsocrural joint is? Plantar
Which route of injection is used for poorly soluble medications but not for fluid therapy? IM
Successful history taking starts with? Communication
Which injection method is used for chemotherapy administration? IO
Which injection method is used for rapid absorption of fluids and medication? IV
Hypothermia is a common symptom of? Sepsis
Hemodynamic stability is determined by mucous membrane color and pulse quality. True or False? True
Why is it critical to get the weight of an animal at each veterinary visit? Indicate illness, need for nutritional adjustment
Reptiles are always restrained with a hand behind the head to prevent them from biting. True or False? True
A pulse deficit is an indication of a heart ____. Arrhythmia
Which heart arrhythmia is normal for dogs? Sinus arrhythmia
A sign of dyspnea is? Reluctance to lay down
Hemodynamic stability is determined by? Mucous membrane color & pulse quality
When restraining a horse for an exam where should you stand? Left side
Do voice commands work well with a cat? No
A veterinarian is the only one who can? Diagnose, prescribe and perform surgery
Which one of these hypodermic needles is the smallest 18g, 25g, 22g? 25g
Why is it critical to get the weight of an animal at each visit? Indicate illness
Reptiles are always restrained with a hand behind the head to prevent? Biting
Created by: PimaVT
Popular Veterinary sets




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