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AMES Midterm

Thomas Jefferson Wrote the Notes on the State of Virginia and ultimately influenced the public into believing that blacks are inferior and Indians are uncivilized
State of Virginia A plan of gradual emancipation was implimented
Blumenbach- Negroid, Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Australoid 19th century classification of races
Polygenic Traits Part of the nasal index that decides nose shape based on geographical location
Melanin Skin color pigment
Nasal Index Is an evolutionary adaptation to climate broader noses (platyrrhine) evolving in a warm humid environment narrow noses (leptorrhine) evolving in colder climates where the air needed more warming
Social Justice Promoting just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity. All people share common diversity and all receive equal treatment
America's Fundamental Contradiction while our founding documents espouse equality and freedom, there have always been populations who have not been afforded these basic human rights
Ethinicity When a sub population of individuals reveals or is perceived to reveal historical experiences as well as unique organizational behavioral and cultural characteristics
White Man's Burden The duty of whites to govern and impart their culture to what they perceived as inferior races until they can take responsibility
Minority Group Group of people who because of physical or cultural characteristics are singled out for their differential and unequal treatment and regard themselves as victims of discrimination
Majority Group Group of people who because of physical or cultural characteristics are grouped together and are dominant in society
Discrimination the process by which members of the more powerful dominant group act to deny the members of another less powerful and subordinate minority group
Genocide Jews in WWII, Rwanda, Native Americans
Selective Inclusion
Abusive Systemic Practices
Microagressions Type of discrimination that is below the radar
Institutional Discrimination When individual acts are sanctioned by cultural values, beliefs, laws, and norms when they are part of the social structure
Social Structure Exists when individual acts are sanctioned by cultural values, beliefs, laws, norms and when they are a part of the way a social structure normally operates and when they are a pervasive and persistent feature of the contact among people
Stratification Discrimination as it operates to segregate, exclude, and selectively include members of a subordinate ethnic sub population within a society
Racism Attitude, belief, behavior, or institutional arrangement that favors one race or ethnic group (usually the dominant group) over another (usually subordinate or minority group)
Prejudice Attitudes and beliefs involving a tendency to make assumptions about people usually negatively and usually on the basis of a single personal characteristic
Stereotype An exaggerated belief that is generalized to an entire category of people.
In-Group Groups of people you identify with and share values/interest/knowledge
Out-Group Different groups of people who you believe you believe share different interests
Scapegoat Taking out feelings of frustration and aggression on others
Authoritarian Personality If a person is prejudice against one group s/he is likely prejudice to some degree against groups (Adonso)
Childhood Socialization Euro-American culture as normal (Doll Test)
Euro-American (White) is Normal
Effects of Education on Prejudice As we become more educated, we become better able to understand complex ideas and situations and our tolerance for complexity and ambiguity increases
Economic Insecurity and Prejudice Both perceived and real ideas about one’s status. Fewer and fewer resources and more people competing for them.
Passive Acceptance
Active Manipulation Hidden resistances to adaptation of prejudices and discrimination
Marginal Participation
Color-Blind Priveledge
White Priveledge
Possessive Investment in Whiteness Being a member of a particular racial group gives both social and economic privileges or disadvantages that are institutional and intergenerational
Trail of Tears March from Georgia to Oklahoma in winter by foot and over a quarter died along the way and was witnessed by Tolkville
Manifest Destiny Unstoppable, inevitable process ordained by God that is technological, moral, cultural, educational, social progress bringing light into darkness. Where women embodies civilization
Scientific Racism The act of justifying inequalities on the basis of science
1904 St. Louis World's Fair Louisiana Purchase exposition
1790 Naturalization Act Revised law from 1870 and required immigrants to learn English in order to become naturalized citizens.
Passing for White
Dred Scott v. Stanford (1857) the Court held that African Americans, whether enslaved or free, could not be American citizens and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court
Tape v. Hurley (1885) Denied access to school because of her Chinese ancestry
Johnson v. M'intosh (1823) Private citizens could not purchase lands from Indians
Takao Ozawa v. United States (1922) Refused American citizenship even though he has lived in America for over 20 years and graduation from college
United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923) Tried to get Indians recognized as white because of the Naturalization Act
Structural Discrimination Originates somewhere, takes on different forms
Cline A gradation of the one or more characterizations within a species or other taxon especially between populations
Social Construct a social mechanism, phenomenon, or category created and developed by society; a perception of an individual, group, or idea that is 'constructed' through cultural or social practice
Redlining Separating houses based on color zones of race representing the value of housing
Blockbusting When real estate agents went down because of black neighbors and whites accepted offers to sell their houses at a low rate and move- cutting their loses while they still could
White Flight Who moves first, away from black neighbors for the best profit
Stratification Discrimination as it operates to segregate, exclude, and selectively include members of a subordinate ethnic sub population within a society
Created by: Hoodlum1
Popular Anthropology sets




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