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Exam 1 vocab Hist201

homonid creature with human-like characteristics but not human
Homo Sapiens consciously thinking human- 250000 years ago, sophisticated tools, flexible language
Paleolithic Society "old stone age", pre-agriculture, hunter-gatherer societies
Complex society civilization, surplus agrucultural production, urban areas, division of labor, trade, culture, intellect, politics, religion
Neolithic era "new stone age" Agricultural times
çatal Huyuk South central Anatolia, early complex society even though it does not have all characteristics, specialization of labor, obsidian
Sumerian city-states controlling within city walls and hinterlands surrounding
Mesopotamian empires gathering large amounts of cities together under one head to exploit them, needs greater organization, laws, codes, Sargon of Akkad, Hammurabi, Assyrians, Babylon
Phoenicians alphabetic writing, Canaanites, lots of trade, ships,
Harappans living on Indus River, example of ecological degredation, disappeared in 1500 BCE
Aryans lived after Harappans, horses, white race, The Vedas in religion, very violent people, God Indra
Dravidians lived in India before Aryans, darker skinned, lower in society
Xia dynasty Women played larger role, one of the first vigorous states to organize all China, lots of allies
Shang dynasty rise in technology, walls, smaller kingdoms instead of centralized, Lady Fu Hao
Hammurabi Mesopotamian Emperor, Hammurabi code
Indo-Europeans horses, lots of similar languages, Hittites, migrated widely, followed many Mesopotamian practices
Hittites toppled Babylon, War chariots, iron metallurgy, incorporated many Mesopotamian practices
stratified society society with different levels of class
patriarchal society society where men are dominant
slaves prisoners of war, convicted criminals, debtors
caste system stratified society originally based on color
varna groups in caste system
brahmin priest
kshatriyas warriors, aristocrats
vaishyas cultivators, artisans, and merchants
Shudras landless peasants and serfs
Epic of Gilgamesh stories of Gilgamesh, mesopotamian superman, and friend Enkidu, explored themes of religion, death, friendship, loyalty
Hebrews monotheistic, Moses, Yahweh
monotheism one god instead of a Pantheon
Akhenaten Pharoah that changed his name to worship god Aten, monotheistic, major proponent of Aten
Cult of Osiris Resurrected Osiris, afterlife, judge of people in afterlife
Vedas collections of Aryan hymns, songs, prayers and rituals for Aryan gods
Upanishads transmigration of the soul, reincarnation, desire moksha (returning to Brahman, universal soul)
Brahman universal soul
oracle bones bones from Chinese fortune telling, writing of Chinese question, answer
Axum African kingdom centered in Ethiopia, growing season increase, pop increase, big trading spot, then monsoon stopped and pop decreased
Chinook society longest lasting hunter gatherer sedentary society, Pacific Artic Coast, salmon and whale fishing
Endemic disease diseases constantly present in a society
Epidemic disease new disease with high death toll
Homogenization of the disease pool combining and becoming accostumed and sharing diseases across large areas
Magdalenian society south france, northern spain, non-agricultural sedentary people, dried and stored reindeer meat
Natufian society Syrian non-agricultural sedentary people, wheat grew wild
Created by: ksheehy96
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