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Ch. 10 L1 & L2 Quiz


Nutrition the process by which your body takes in and uses food
Nutrients substances in food that your body needs to grow to repair itself and supply you with energy
calorie a unit of heat to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food
Hunger the natural physical drive to eat prompted by the body's desire for food
Appetite the physiological desire for food
What are types of environments that effect your eating habits? o Family and culture o‹ Friends o Time and money o‹ Advertising
What is emotional eating? ○ The need to eat when you feel stressed, frustrated, lonely, sad, or bored
Carbohydrates starches and sugars found in foods which provide your body's main source of energy
Simple Carbohydrates sugars such as needed fructose found in fruits and lactose found in milk
Complex Carbohydrates or starches are long chain of sugars linked together-grains, bread, pasta, beans, and root vegetables
Fiber a tough complex carbohydrates that the body cannot digest, moves waste through the digestive system
Protein nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissue
Fats your body needs a certain amount of this to function properly
Cholesteral a waxy fatlike substance in your blood
Vitamins compounds in food that help regulate many blood processes
Minerals elements found in food that are used in the body
Osteoporosis a condition in which the bones become fragile and break easily
Water essential for most body functions
What are ways your body use nutrients? o‹ As an energy source o To build and repair tissue o To sustain growth o To regulate body functions
What are 5 types of nutrients? o Carbohydrates o‹ Proteins o‹ Fats o‹ Minerals o‹ Water
What are types of carbohydrates? ○ Simple Carbohydrates ○ Complex Carbohydrates ○ Fibers
What is the role of carbohydrates? ○ The main source of fuel for the body's tissue aka energy
How many amino acids does your body use and what are those amino acids called? Your body uses 20 amino acids found in food called nonessentials amino acids
How many amino acids are not produced in your body? What are they called? How do you get them? o All but 9 are produced by your body and are called essential amino acids because the body must get food from them
What type of foods contain the nine amino acids? ○ Complete proteins from meat, eggs and diary
What is the role of proteins? the basic building material of all your body's cell- muscles, bones, skin and internal organs
What are the types of fats? ○ Unsaturated Fats ○ Saturated Fats ○ Trans fats
Ex. of unsaturated fats vegetable oils, nuts and seeds
Ex. of saturated fats found mostly in animal based products such as meat and many diary products
Trans fats fats formed by a process called hydrogenation which causes vegetable oil to harden
Ex. of trans fats found in a stick of margarine & many snacks and package baked goods
What are the role of fats? ○ concentrated form of energy ○ maintain healthy skin and hair ○ absorb and transport fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E, AND K) o increase the levels of cholesterol
Can your body produce minerals? If not where do you get them from? No, get this from food
What are the functions of water? ○ Move food through the digestive system ○ Help digest carbs and proteins ○ Transport nutrients ○ Stores and releases heat ○ Cools the body ○ Cushions the eyes , brain and spinal cord ○ Lubricates joints
How many cups of water are you suppose to drink water? 9-13 cups of water per day
How many of the body cells contain water? ALL OF THEM!!!!!!
Created by: sossenkopp
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