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What muscles flex the knee? Bicep Femoris, Semitendonous, Semimembranosus, Sartorius, Gracilis, Gastrocnemium, Plantaris Popliteus
What muscles extend the knee? Vastus MLI, Rectus Femoris, TFL
What are the deep 6 rotators of the hip? Piriformis, obturator externus, obturator internus, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, quadratus femoris
What are the 4 ligaments of the knee? Anterior and Posterior cruciate ligaments and Medial and Lateral collateral ligaments
What do Ligaments connect? Bone to bone
What do Tendons connect? Muscle to bone
What 3 muscles stabilize the hip and knee? Sartorius, TFL, Gracilis
What are two common knee injuries? Patellar Tendinopathy (jumper's knee, shin splints) Iliotibial Band Syndrom (Runner's knee)
Where does the muscle contract from? Origin to insertion
Which bones make up the most complex joint in the human body? Patella, femur, Tibia
What are the percentages of zone 1 for target heart rate? 65-75%
What are the percentages of zone 2 for target heart rate? 76-85%
What are the percentages of zone 3 for target heart rate? 86-95%
What are the postural assessments? Overhead squat assessment, single leg squat assessment, push and pull, static posture
What are the performance assessments? Push up, Davies, Shark Skill
The 9 sites for measure BF% (first four=nasm sites) Bicep, Tricep, Subscapularis, Illiac Crest, Midaxilla, Calf, Thigh, Abs, Chest
What are the overactive muscles in pronation distortion syndrome or knee valgus? Gastroc, soleus, peroneals, adductors, illiotibial head, hip flexors, bicep femoris
What are the underactive muscles pronation distortion syndrome? Ant/Post Tib, Vastus Medialis, glutes, external rotators
What are the overactive muscles in lower crossed syndrome? gastro, soleus, hip flexors, adductors, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae
What are the underactive muscles in lower crossed syndrome? ant/post tib, glutes, transverse abs, interal oblique
What are the overactive muscles in upper crossed syndrome? upper trap, lev. scap, sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, latissimus dorsi, teres major, subscap, pec maj/min
What are the underactive muscles in upper crossed syndrome? deep cervical flexors, serratus anterior, rhomboids, mid/lower trap, teres minor, infraspinatus
How much ATP is recovered if rested 40 seconds? 75%
How much ATP is recovered if rested 3 minutes? 100%
How much ATP is recovered if rested 20-30 seconds? 50%
How much ATP is recovered if rested 1 minute? 85-90%
What muscle spindles sensitive to? Change in length and rate
What is the GTO sensitive to? Change in tension and rate
What are the 6 processes in the Cumulative injury cycle? 1. Trauma 2. Inflammaton 3. Muscle Spasms 4. Adhessions 5. Altered Neuromuscular control 6. Muscle Imbalances
What kind of stretching do you want to do for corrective flexibility? Static (30 second holds)
What kind of stretching do you want do for active flexibility? Active Isolate (2 second holds)
What kind of stretching do you want do for functional flexibility? Dynamic (complete ROM, 10 reps)
What does SAD stand for? Joint mobilitiy. Synarthroses, Amparthrosis, Diathrosis
What are the 6 main nutrients? Water, fat, carbs, protein, minerals, vitamins
Single unit of protein? Amino
Single unit of Carb? Monosaccaride
Single unit of fat? Lipid or fatty acid
What are the 3 monosaccarides? Glucose, frucose, galactose
What are the essential amino acids? Leucine, Isoleucine, lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, typtophan, valine
What are the nonessential amino acids? Alanine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine, tyrasine
What are the two semiessential amino acids? arginine and histidine
What are lipids? groups of compounds containing triglycerides, phospholips, and sterols
What is a lipoprotein? soluable proteins that combine with and transport fat in the blood plasma
What is the function of the pancreas? regulate blood glucose and aid digestion
What breaks down protein? pepsinogen
what breaks down carbs? salivary amalase and ligual lipase
What is the TEF? And how much of the TEE does it account for? Thermal Effect of Food 6-10%
4 fat soluable vitamins? I "KEAD", I "KEAD" ;)
most common electrolytes? Sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium
When calculating protein consumption what would you multiple to get endurance? 1.2-1.4
When calculating protein consumption, what would you multiple to get strength? 1.4-1.7
When calculating protein consumption, what would you multiple for a body builder? 2.0-2.2
How much protein should make up your diet? 10-35%
How much fat should make up your diet? 20-35%
How much carbs should make your diet? 45-65%
What does DOG ASS stand for? Detraining, overtraining, Genetics, Age, Sex, Specificity
What is a motor unit? a motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates
what is the basic unit for muscle? sarcomere
What is the basic unit for bone? osteon
what is the basic unit for nerves? neuron
What is neural activation? Muscle contraction
What are the two myofilaments of the myofibril? Actin(thin) Myosin(thick)
What is the importance of Troponis and tropomyosin? muscle contration
What are the endocrine glands? They secret horomones
Created by: 1045714507
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