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What does a regulation soccer game consist of? Two 45 minute halves
A ______________________ consists of two 45 minute halves. regulation soccer game
What is the FIFA? Federation Internationale de Football Association
What was FIFA founded for? The purpose of formulating rules and regulations to govern the game of soccer.
_____ was founded for the purpose of _________________________ to________________ FIFA, formulating rules and regulations, govern the game of soccer
Which two groups work together to prevent the opposing team from scoring? goalie and the defense
What do the goalie and the defense work together to do? To prevent the opposing teacm from scoring.
What significant thing happened in 1900? Soccer became the first team sport to be added to the Olympic games.
In 1900, soccer became the first team sport to be added to ______________________. The Olympic Games
What is it important to do when dribbling? keep the soccer ball close and your head up.
When _________, it's important to remember to keep the soccer ball close and your head up. dribbling
A player may use _________________ to trap the soccer ball. any part of their body, except their arms
A player may use any part of they body, except their arms, to _________________. trap the soccer ball
A ________ may use any part of their body, except their arms to trap the soccer ball. player
When ________, a player should use the inside or outside of their foot. passing
When passing, a player should use ______________. the inside or outside of their foot
The _______ is responsible for scoring. offense
The offense is responsible for __________. scoring
The _____________ is the only player allowed to touch the soccer ball with their hands. goalie
Who is the only player allowed to touch the soccer ball with their hands? the goalie
What can the goalie do than no other player can? The goalie is allowed to touch the soccer ball with their hands.
Soccer demands _____________. The player's arms, legs, heart, and lungs all benefit from playing soccer. physically fit players
Soccer demands physically fit players. Which parts of the player's body benefit from playing soccer? arms, legs, heart, and lungs
A player's arms, legs, heart, and lungs all benefit from playing what sport? soccer
_________ demands physically fit players. The player's arms, legs, heart, and lungs all benefit from playing soccer. Soccer
Created by: Katrina1212
Popular Fitness sets




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