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Chapter 2

Antiquaries Collectors whose interest lie within the object itself, and the people who produced them.
Research Design A proposal in which the objectives of a project are set out and strategy for recovering the relevant data is outlined
Ecology A proposal in which the objectives of a project are set out and strategy for recovering the relevant data.
Fossil Localities Study of living organisms
Taphonomy the study of the variety of natural and behavioral processes that led me to the formation of a fossil locality. This may include traces of activity of early ancestors, as well as natural agencies such as erosion, decay and animal activities.
Context the specific location in the ground of an artifact or fossil and associated acts
Culture a shared way includes material products + non material products (values, beliefs, norms) that are transmitted within a particular society from generation to generation
Material Culture tangible products of human society
Archaeological Sites places of past human activity
Features non movable artifacts or traces of past human activities
Ecofacts Archaeological finds that have cultural significance
Survey an examination of a particular area, region, or country to locate archaeological sites or fossil locations
Proton Magenetoism A sensor that can deflect differences in soil's magnetic field caused by buried features and artifacts
Resistivity measurement of varation in the electrical current
Aerial Photography photographs taken in the air of archaeology sites + landscapes. Helpful to archaeologists in mapping and locating sights.
Datum Point a reference point in an archaeological excavation, often some permanent feature or marker, from which all measurements come from contour level, and location are taken
Relative Dating a variety of dating methods that can be used to establish the age of fossils, artifacts, or geological features relative to another
Law of Supraposition states that any succession of rock layers, the lowest rocks were deposited first + upper rocks have been placed for progressively short period of time. This assumption forms the basis of stenographic dating
Favnal Succession dating of fossils through the comparison of similar fossils from better dated sequences.
Palynology the study of pollen grains reconstructing past environments.
Seriation Relative dating method based on assumption that any particular artifact, attribute or style will appear gradually, increasing in popularity until it reaches a peak.
Radiocarbon dating numerical dating technique based on the decay of the unstable isotope carbon 14. Can be used to date organic materials.
Potassium Argon Dating a numerical dating method on the decay of an unstable isotope of potassium.
Fission-Track Dating a numerical dating method based on decay of an unstable isotope of uranium. Used to date rocks.
Paleoanthropology study of human evolution through fossils, evolution of human species.
Created by: tskcamara
Popular Anthropology sets




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