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ANP 202 Ch. 1

ANP 202

Anthropology The science of human cultural and biological variation and evolution.
Culture Shared, learned behavior.
Biocultural Approach A method of studying humans that looks at the interaction between biology and culture in evolutionary adaptation.
Holistic Viewpoint that all aspects of existence are interrelated and important in understanding human variation and evolution.
Variation Differences among individuals or populations.
Comparative Approach Comparing human populations to determine common and unique behaviors or biological traits.
Evolution Change in living organisms over time.
Adaptation The process of successful interaction between a population and an environment. Cultural or biological traits that offer an advantage in a given environment are adaptations.
The Subfields of Anthropology 1. Cultural Anthropology 2. Archaeology 3. Linguistic Anthropology 4. Biological Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology Deals with variations in the cultures of populations in the present or recent past. It includes social, political, economic, and ideological aspects of human cultures. They look at all aspects of behavior within a society.
Archaeology The study of cultural behaviors in the historic and prehistoric past. They usually deal with the remains of past societies, such as tools, shelters, the remains of animals they've eaten.
Linguistic Anthropology The study of language.
Biological Anthropology Study of Biological evolution and variation of the human species, past and present. Also known as Physical Anthropology.
Theory Set of hypotheses that have been tested repeatedly and that have not been rejected.
Taxonomy The science of describing and classifying organisms.
Species Group of populations whose members can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
Genus Group of similar species, often sharing certain common forms of adaptation.
Uniformitarianism Theory that states that the geologic processes we observe in the world today, such as erosion or continental drift, operated in the same way in the past.
Natural Selection The process whereby the organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.
Theistic Evolution The belief that God works through the natural process of evolution.
Intelligent Design Creationism The idea that the biological world was created by an intelligent entity and did not arise from natural processes.
Molecular Genetics Field of Science concerned with what genes are and how they act to produce biological structures. Much of molecular genetics focuses on the structure and function of the DNA and RNA molecules.
Mendelian Genetics The branch of genetics concerned with inheritance. Named after Gregor Mendel.
Population Genetics The branch of genetics which deals with the patterns of genetic transmission in populations over time, and which forms the mathematical basis of evolutionary theory.
Microevoltuion Genetic changes within populations from one generation to the next.
Macroevolution Long-term patterns of evolution over thousands and millions of years, as well as the origin of new species.
Created by: Bishxc
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