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Del Mar Fair SAB

Del Mar Fair small animal bowl study stack

Breeds of Cavies Abyssinian, Abyssinian Satin, American, American Satin, Coronet, Peruvian, Peruvian Satin, Silkie, Silkie Satin, Teddy Satin, Teddy, Texel, White Crested are the 13 recognized breeds of cavies.
Semi Arch Type Animals are longer in the body and have a well defined rise starting at or near the back of the shoulders, and continuing to round over the bad and hips to the base of the tail.
Compact Type Animals are lighter in weight and shorter in body length than animals of commercial type.
Commercial Type Animals are of medium length, with depth of body equaling width of body throughout. The high point of the top line should be over the hips. Fullness of body and the firmness of flesh are important qualities.
Cylindrical Type The Himalayan is the only breed in this group. Animals are to show a straight top line with no arch or rise.
Full Arch Type Animals are to have an arch starting at the nape of the neck and continuing in a smooth, unbroken line over the shoulders, loin, hips, and finishing by rounding to the base of the tail.
Malocclusion Teeth having the lower incisors extending in front of the upper incisors or meeting with no overlap.
Meat Pen A group of three rabbits under 10 weeks of age, each weighing between 3 and 5 pounds.
Molt The act of shedding or changing fur
Fryer A young rabbit ready for market
Gestation The time between conception and birth (usually 31 days).
Doe An intact female rabbit
Buck An intact male rabbit
Kindle The act of giving birth by rabbits
Dewlap A fold of loose skin that hangs from the throat. Very common in does
Dewclaw An extra toe on the inside of the front legs
Flyback A coat of fur that quickly returns to its smooth normal posititon when stroked from the hindquarters to the shoulders
Rollback A gradual return of the fur to its normal position when stroked from the hindquarters to the shoulders. Slightly slower return than a flyback coat.
Wry/Screw Tail An abnormal tail, bent, carried, or twisted permanently to one side. A corkscrew tail with one or more turns. DQ from competition.
Kit Young rabbit of either gender
Sow A female cavy
Boar A male cavy
Pup A young cavy
Rex fur type This fur type is very dense and the guard hairs are approximately the same length as the undercoat, giving it a plush feeling.
Satin fur type A fur type that is finer than normal and composed of transparent hair.
Angora fur type The fur type containing a long, wool-type fiber that is harvested and used in the manufacture of clothing.
Albumen The white of an egg
Bevy A group of ducks
Broiler A young chicken grown for its tender meat
Buckling A young male rabbit
Clutch A batch of eggs that are hatched together
Rooster/Cock A male chicken
Cockerel A male bird under 1 year of age
Dam The female parent
Doeling A young female rabbit
Drake A male duck
Drakelet A young male duck
Duckling A baby duck
Ducklet A young female duck
Flock A group of chickens or turkeys
Gaggle A group of geese
Gander A male goose
Goose The female goose, as distinguished from the gander
gosling A young goose of either gender
Hatchling A bird that has just hatched
Hen A female chicken more than 12 months of age
Hutch A rabbit cage
Mange A skin disease caused by mites that feed on the skin
Poult A young turkey of either gender
Pullet A female chicken less than 1 year of age
Roaster A young chicken of either sex, usually 3 to 5 months of age, that is tender-meated, with soft, pliable, smooth-textured skin and breast bone cartilage that may be somewhat less flexible than that of a broiler/fryer
Snood The fleshy appendage on the head of a turkey
Sore hocks Ulcerated footpads in rabbits
Snuffles A highly contagious respiration disease of rabbits marked by nasal discharge
Wattle A small, fleshy appendage that dangles under the chin of some fowl species
Tom A male turkey
Wean To separate a young animal from its mother or stop feeding it milk
Created by: OV4H
Popular Agriculture sets




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