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ER vet support

From Plunkett's Emergency Procedures for the Small Animal Veterinarian

Evaluating blood gas first 3 questions: Is pH normal? What's partial pressure of CO2? What's the bicarb?
Partial pressure of CO2 is the ______ component of acid-base evaluation. respiratory
Bicarb concentration is the ______ component of acid-base evaluation. nonrespiratory
Respiratory acidosis/primary hypercapnia indicates... hypoventilation, hypoxemia (not breathing enough)
Moderate elevation of PaCO2 can activate ________ part of nervous system sympathetic
As PaCO2 goes up, so does .... in the skull intracranial pressure and cerebral blood flow
Really high PaCO2 levels are ...mmHg 60-70mmHg
Really high PaCO2 can cause... disorientation, narcosis, and coma
Medications that depress respiratory center: inhalant anesthetics, opioids, barbiturates
Ndeurologic lesions that depress respiration: Cervical spinal cord lesion, brainstem lesion
Nasty chemicals that depress respiration: organophosphates, aminoglycosides
Interesting diseases that can depress respiration at neuromuscular junction: Myasthenia gravis, botulism, tetanus, tick paralysis, severe hypokalemia
Things that obstruct large airways (there are lots) Aspiration, kinked endotracheal tube, tracheal collapse, brachycephalics, laryngeal paralysis, mass lesion, COPD, asthma
The funny list of things that obstruct large airways inhaling your food, kinky tubes, honking lapdogs, pugs, larynxes with stage fright...
Doggy blood pH (normal arterial blood gas) 7.41 7.35-7.46
Kitty blood pH (normal arterial blood gas) 7.39 7.31-7.46
Doggy PaCO2 (normal arterial blood gas) 37... 31-42
Kitty PaCO2 (normal arterial blood gas) 31... 25-37
Doggy bicarb (normal arterial blood gas) 22... 19-26 mEq/L
Kitty bicarb (normal arterial blood gas) 18... 14-22 mEq/L
Doggy PO2 (normal arterial blood gas) 92... 81-103 mmHg
Kitty PO2 (normal arterial blood gas) 107... 95-118 mmHg
Simple primary respiratory acidosis, pH goes... while PCO2 and bicarb both go... pH goes down, the other two go up (or bicarb stays normal)
Simple primary respiratory alkalosis, pH goes...while PCO2 and bicarb both go... pH goes up, the other two go down (or bicarb stays normal)
Nonrespiratory acidosis everything goes... down
Nonrespiratory alkalosis, pH and PCO2 both go...while bicarb goes down. up
Created by: cyzygy
Popular Veterinary sets




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