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Mass Media ch. 16

Mass Media Chapter 16 quiz

Copyright Protects the ownership rights of creative works, including books, articles and lyrics
Intellectual Property Creative works
Permissions Grant of rights for a second party to use copyright-protected work
Assignment Transfer of ownership interest in a piece of intellectual property
Piracy Theft of copyright-protected material
Infringement A violation of copyright
Grokster Involved in U.S. Supreme Court case that said promoting the illegal copying of intellectual property is an infringement on copyright
Google Books Library Project Digitizes 15 million English-language books for online index access by Google
First Amendment Prohibits government interference in free expression, religion and individual and public protests against government policies
Free Expression Provision First Amendment ban against government abridgment of freedom of speech and freedom of the press
Fourth branch of Government The mass media
Alien and Sedition Acts 1798 laws with penalties for free expression
Charles Schenck, Elizabeth Baer Principal plaintiffs in 1919 U.S. Supreme Court opinion decided on First Amendment grounds
Benjamin Gitlow Principal in 1924 U.S. Supreme Court decision that barred state censorship laws
Near vs. Minnesota U.S. Supreme Court case that barred government interference with free expression in advance
Prior Restraint Prohibiting expression in advance
Clarence Brandenburg Ku Klux Klan leader whose conviction was overturned because his speech was farfetched
Incitement Standard A four-part test to determine whether an advocacy speech is constitutionally protected
Pentagon Papers Case in which the government attempted prior restraint against the New York Times
Patriot Act 2001 law that gave federal agents new authority to pre-empt terrorism
Oliver Wendell Holmes Justice who wrote that shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater would be justification for abridgment of freedom of speech rights
Walter Chaplinsky Namesake for the case in which Fighting Words Doctrine was defined
Fighting Words Doctrine The idea that censorship can be justified against inciting provocation to violence
TPM Standard Government may control the time, place and manner of expression as long as limits are content-neutral
Random House Fought against censorship of James Joyce's Ulysses
John Woolsey Judge who barred import law censorship of Ulysses
Grove Press Fought against censorship of D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover
Commercial Speech Legalese for advertising
Emotive Speech Expressions whose excesses underscore the intensity of an emotion
Hate Speech Offensive expressions, especially those aimed at racial, ethnic and sexual orientation minorities
Public Airwaves Concept that broadcast should be subject to government regulation because the electromagnetic spectrum is a public asset
John Brinkley Radio quack who challenged government regulation of radio
Libel A written defamation
New York Times vs. Sullivan Libel case that largely barred public figures from the right to sue for libel
Reckless Disregard Supreme Court language for a situation in which public figures may sue for libel
Cherry Sisters Compliments in a case that barred performers from suing critics
Fair Comment and Criticism Doctrine that permits criticism of performers, performances
Pornography Sexually explicit depictions that are protected from government bans
Indecency Term used by the Federal Communications Commission to encompass a range of words and depictions improper on public airwaves
Communications Decency Act Failed 1996 and 1999 laws to keep indecent content off the internet
Created by: Meg0301
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