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GI Diseases


Function of the Digestive System Ingest food, digest food (mechanical & enzymatic), absorb nutrienets, provide immunity, discharge wastes.
3 Layers of the stomach Inner Muscosal Layer Muscular Layer Serosal Layer
Gastropexy Attaching the stomach to the body wall to correct or prevent GDV
Gastrotomy An incision into the stomach
Resection/Anastomosis Removing a segment of the SI and sewing the new ends together
Emesis Vomiting
Ulcer A 'sore' in the lining of the stomach or intestines.
Perforation When an ulcer is full-thickness and a hold is created in teh stomach/intestine
Obstipation Extreme & Persistent constipation
Radiographs Plain & Barium Series
Endoscopy A fiber optic camera in a thin tube that is inserted into the orifices to view inside
Biopsy & Histology Removing a piece of tissue and havin git analyzed by a clinical pathologist
Exploratory Laparotomy Surgery to evaluate the entire GI tract
Sucralfate/Carafate A gastroprotectant used to bind stomach acit and coat ulcers
Metronidazole/Flagyl An antibiotic for anaerobic bacteria, andtiemetic
Metoclopramid/Reglan Stimulates upper GI motility and is antiemetic
Prednisone Corticosteroid that can be used as an antiinflammatory or immunosuppresive drug. *Can cause gastric ulceration, expecially if used with NSAIDs
Omeprazole/Propulsid/Gastroguard Proton Pump Inhibitor
Enemas for constipation Can be warm water, KY, soap, DSS or prepared Petenema
Barium A white think liquid suspension used as a radiographic contrast agent, GI coater and andtidiarrheal
Pepto Bismol/Bismuth Subsalicylate Antidiarrheal and gastric coater
Loperamide/immodium Antidiarrheal
GI Diseases: Oral Cavity & Pharynx Perodontal Disease and Gingivitis Stomotitis Lip-fold dermatitis/pyoderma Salivary muscoceles Neoplasia Foreign Bodies
GI Diseases: Esophagus Esophagitis/GE Reflux Obstruction
GI Diseases: Stomach Acute Gastritis Ulceration Neoplasia Foreign Body GDV
GI Diseases: Small Intestine IBD Diarrhea Parasites Lymphangiectasia Neoplasia FB Intussusception
GI Diseases: Pancreas Pancreatitis EPI
GI Diseases: Cecum There are none
GI Diseases: Anus/Rectum Perianal Hernia Perianal Fistulas Neoplasia
What is the difference between vomiting and regurgitation? Vomiting is using abs Regurgitattion is no effort
Esophagitis Inflammation of thye esophageal mucosa
Gastric Ulcers An erosion through the gastric mucosa, +/- muscular layer, +/- serosa
Gastric Neoplasia Usually adenocarcinoma in dogs, lymphona in cats
Gastric Dilation & Volvulus GDV Gas-distended stomach that may twist, taking spleen with it and occluding spenic and gastric blood flow
Pythiosis Ifection with Pythium sp, a fungus-like organsim that is found in freshwater. Can cause cutaneous lesions, too.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease An immuse-mediated disease in which imfalmmatory cells(WBCs) accumulate in the lining of the SI & LI
SI parasitism Most GI parasites are found in the SI- not acidic and slow transit.
Lymphangiecasia A chronic disease of imparied lymphatic drainage in the Si that results in the lymph being dumped into the SI lumen instead of returning to the blood stream. Creates a protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) and loss of lymphocytes
SI Neoplasims Adenocarcinomas, Lymphoma, Mast Cell Tumor
Intussusception A telescoping of the SI, usually occurs at the ileocecocolis junction. Usually juvenile dogs. Causes intestinal obstruction and vascular compromise
Pancreatitis Imflammation of the exocrine pancreas
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Progressive loss of the pancreatic cells that make digestive enzymes. usually young German Shepherds. No cure
Megacolon A disease of older, obese cats.
Perianal Hernia Typical signalment is old, male, intact dogs. (Small breeds > Large)
Perianal Fistulas/Anal Furunculosis A fistula is an abnormal hole or connection between adjacent tissues. A diease of the German Sheperd dog.
Created by: kelseylink
Popular Veterinary sets




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