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Span 205 Unit 2 Voc

acostumbarse to get used to
adivinar to guess
aportar to contribute
elegir to choose
equivocarse to make a mistake
evaluar to evaluate
portarse bien/mal to behave/t misbehave
relajarse to relax
vencer to defeat, to overcome
la autoestima self-esteem
el cara'cter personality
la confianza confidence
el instinto instinct
la vergu^enza embarassment
afligido distressed
ansioso anxious
bondadoso good-natured/kind
celoso jealous
desenvuelto outgoing
despreocupado carefree
exitoso successful
gracioso funny
grosero nasty, vulgar
honrado honest
inseguro insecure
maduro mature
malhablado foul-mouthed
malvado evil
mania"tico compulsive
mentiroso lying/false
orgullosos proud
rudo rough
beneficiar to benefit
bloquear to block
comprobar to prove/verify
ejecitar to excercise
emocionarse to get excited
engan^ar to deceive`
evitar to avoid
experimentar to experience
obsesionarse to become obsessed
retrocedar to go backwards
superar to overcome
el amor propio pride
la conducta behavior
el estado a'nimo mood
el placer pleasure
el rasgo characteristic
el suceso event
el truco el vicio
apasionado passionate
capaz capable
dichoso happy, fortunate
egoi'sta selfish
enajenado alienated
humilde humble
ingrato ungrateful
inquieto restless
presumido conceited
sensible sensitive
tenaz terco
vsliente courageous
vanidoso vain
abrazar to embrace
calumniar to slander
comprometerse to get engaged, to commit oneself
dar por sentado to take for granted
declararse to propose, to confess one's love.
Disculpar to forgive
discutir to argue
hacer las paces to make peace
herir to wound
pedir disculpas to ask for forgiveness
sugerir to suggest
el bien good deed
la bondad kindness
los celos jealousy
el chisme/el totilleo gossip
los/las demas el entendimiento
el gesto gesture
la molestia bother
el nivel level
la pareja pair
el propo'sito purpose
carin^oso affectionate
(in)fiel (un)faithful
mandon/mandona bossy
pesado/a boring, tedious
cruzar to cross
dominar to control
envidiar to envy
fracasar to fai
irritar to irritate
pararse to stand (up)
pelearse to fight
poseer to possess
la angustia anguish
la carcajada loud laugh
el comportamiento behavior
la inseguridad insecurity
la risa laughter
atrevido daring/bold
cabizbajo downcast, dejected
callado quiet
consentido spoiled
malcriado bad mannered
sinvergu^enza shameless
tacano stingy
conseguir to get, obtain
enfrentar to face
entretener to entertain
interpretar to interpret
la actuacion performance
el aficionado fan
la cadena network
la carrera career
el especta'culo show
la estrella star
el guio'n script
el mundo del espacta'culo show business
la pantalla screen
el papel role
el personaje character
el rechazo rejection
el reportaje report
la temporada season
la trama storyline
bailable danceable
competetio competetive
innovador innovative
aplaudir to applaud
componer to compose
donar to donate
ensayar to rehearse
estrenar to premiere
grabar to record
hacer un papel to play a role
el actor de reparto supporting actor
el camerino dressing room
la cartelera billboard
el conjunto band, ensemble
la gira tour
el loctur announcer
el premio prize
la resen^a review
el sencillo single (RECORD)
la voz voice
movido lively
lento slow
Created by: pryormeg
Popular Anthropology sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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