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Directional Terms-U2

Body Planes-Directional-Locating-etc

What is MEDIAN or MIDLINE PLANE Plane running legthwise through the midline running front and back dividing the body into equal right and left halves.
What is the SAGITTAL PLANE? Lengthwise plane PARALLEL to the midline running FRONT TO BACK dividing the body or any part of it into unequal right and left sides or parts
What is the Coronal or Frontal Plane? A lengthwise plane running side to side dividing the body into front and back parts
What does the directional term SUPERIOR mean? Toward the HEAD END - TOWARD THE UPPER PART OF THE BODY
What does the directional term INFERIOR mean? Farther away from the head or toward the lower part of the body
What does the ANTERIOR or VENTRAL directional term mean? On the FRONT or ABDOMINAL SIDE OF THE BODY
The directional term POSTERIOR or DORSAL refers to what? BACK SIDE OF THE BODY
The directional term PROXIMAL means what? NEARER A POINT OF REFERENCE, usually the trunk or middle of the body
What does DISTAL mean? Farther away from a point of reference
The directional term MEDIAL mean what? Closer to the midline of the body
The directional term LATERAL refers to what? toward the side of the body or away from the midline
The directiobnal term INTERNAL or DEEP refers to what? INSIDE OF THE BODY
Cephalic or Cranial refers to what? Head or Head End
Caudal refers to what location of the body? Refers to the TAIL or TAIL END
The locating term PALMAR refers to where? Refers to the FRONT or PALM OF THE HAND
The LOCATING term PLANTAR refers to what To the SOLE or BOTTOM of the FOOT
-algia pain
-cele hernia,swelling
genesis (-gen) forming, producing
-gram record, a writing
-iasis abnormal condition
-malacia softening
-oid resembling
-phagia eating, swallowing
-plegia paralysis
-rrhage bursting forth
-rrhea discharge, flow
-rrhexis rupture
-stasis standing still
-stenosis narrowing, stricture
- centesis to puncture in order to aspirate
-desis binding or fixation
-ectomy excision, surgical removal of
-lithotomy incision for removal of stones
-otomy incision into
-pexy suspension or fixation
-plasty repair or surgical reconstruction of
abdominocentesis surgical puncture of the abdomen to remove fluid
Acrocyanosis Bluish condition of the extremities
Adenoma Tumor of a gland
Adrenomegaly Enlargement of the adrenal glands
-algesia Pain, sensitivity to pain
Analgesia Take away pain, free from pain
Anteroposterior Passing from the FRONT to the REAR
Antipyretic Against fever, fever reducing
Aplasia Lack of formation or development; usually refers to an organ
Arteriosclerosis Thickening (hardening) of the arteries
Arthritis Inflammation of the joints
Cervicofacial Pertaining to the neck and face
Chiroplasty Surgical repair of the hands
Cholecystitis Inflammation of the gallbladder
Cystitis Bladder Inflammation
Cytology Study of the Cells
Cytoscopy Study of Cells
Dacryocystitis Inflammation of a tear sac
Dactyl/o Digit - Finger - Toe
Dermatosis Skin lesion or rupture
Dextr/o RIGHT
Duodenscopy Inspection of the duodenum with a scope
Dyskinesia Difficult or painful movement
Dyspepsia Indigestion or painful digestion
-emia Pertaining to blood
Encephal/o Pertaining to the brain
Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain
Endocarditis Inflammation of the inside lining of the heart
Enteritis Inflammation of the small intestine
GASTRECTASIA (((gaSTR-E-C-Tasia))) Stretching of the stomach
Gastritis Inflammation of the stomach
Gingivolossitis Inflammation of the gums and tongue
Gynecopathy Any disease of the female reproductive system
Hemi-Plegia Paralysis of one half of the body
Hemostasis To stop or control bleeding
Created by: kimber954
Popular Medical sets




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