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Viruses Micro Quiz 6


What size are viruses compared to other living organisms? They are the smallest living organisms
Viruses are described as what kind of parasite? And what does that mean? Obligate intracellular parasite Must reproduce within living cells
What is the structure of a virus? DNA or RNA core with a protein coat
How are viral diseases often diagnosed? depends on the virus- patient symptoms and direct testing
Define latency? State of being inactive can recur
Define oncogenicity transform a normal cell into a cancer cell
Define teratogenicity Causes physical defects in the embryo fetus
What is HSV type 1? And symptoms? Herpes simplex virus Type 1- fever, blisters or cold sores
What is HSV type 2? and symptoms? Herpes simplex vrius Type 2- genital herpes- STD
What is VZV? What does it cause? Varicella Zoster Virus- Chicken Pox
What is EBV? What does is cause? Epstein bar virus- Mononucleosis
What is HBV? How is it spread? Hepatitis B virus- Blood and blood products, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk
What is HPV? What does it cause? Human Papilloma Virus- causes warts, genital warts, cervical cancer
What is Morbillivirus? causes measles
What is Rubella? german measles
What is HIV? How is it spread? Human Immunodeficiency Virus- AIDS- Blood and blood products, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk
What is HAV? How is it spread? Hepatitis A Virus- Oral- Fecal route
Which viruses are transmitted by the oral-fecal route? HAV
Which viruses does the MMR vaccinate against? Measles, Mumps and Rubella
Created by: lecopple1
Popular Medical sets




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