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Phlebotomy ch. 6

Ch. 6 Key terms

Body erect, head facing forward, arms by sides, and palm facing down. Anatomic position
Vertical plane dividing the body into the anterior (front) and the posterior (back) portions Frontal position
Vertical plan dividing the body into equal right and left positions Midsaqittal plane
The longitudinal plane that divides the body into right and left sections Sagittal plane
Horizonal plane dividing the body into upper and lower portions. Transverse plane
Inner layer of the skin Dermis
The outer layer of skin Epidermise
Redness from inflammation of the skin Erythema
Tough protien found in the outer skin, hair, and nails\ Keratin
Black pigment in the outer skin Melanin
Oil producing gland Sebaceous gland
Innermost layer of skin, composed of connective tissue and fat Subcutaneous
Sweat producing gland Sudoriferous gland
A joint Articulation
Sac of synovial fluid located between a tendon and a bone to decrease tissue surrounds by gel. Bursa
Flexible connective tissue surrounded by gel Cartilage
Formation of blood cells in the bone marrow Hematopoiesis
Fibrous connective tissue that binds bones together at the joint Ligament
Maligment tumor containing embroyonic connection tissue Sarcoma
Pertaining to lubricating fluid secreated by membranes in joint capsules Synovial
Connective tissue that binds muscle to bones Tendon
Striated muscle of the heart Cardiac muscle
Movable attachment point of a muscle to a bone Insertion
Stationary attachment point of a muscle to a bone Origin
Striated voluntary muscle that moves bones Skeletal Muscle
Unstriated involuntary muscle of the internal organs and blood vessels Smooth muscle
Marked with grooves or stripes Striated
Nerve cell carrying impulses to the brain and spinal cord Afferent neuron
Fiber of nerve cells that carries impulses away from the cell body of the neuron Axon
Brain and spinal cord Central nervous system
Fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord Cerebrospinal Fluid
Fiber of nerve cells that carries impulses to the cell body of the neuron Dendrite
Carbon dioxide combined with hemoglobin "Carbaminohemoglobin"
Exchange of O2 and CO2 at the lungs External respiration
Red blood cell protien that tranports O2 and CO2 in the bloodstream Hemoglobin
Exchange of O2 and CO2 between the blood and cells of the body. Interanl respiration
Digestive tract Alimentary tract
Yellow pigmented hemoglobin degradation product Bilirubin
Watery stools Diarrhea
Breakdown of complex foods to simpler forms so that they can be used by cells. Digestion
Waste product of digestion Feces
Hormone produced by the pancreas to promote the use of glucose by the body Insulin
Wavelike muscular contractions to propel material through the digestive tract Peristalsis
Functional unit of the kidney that forms urine Nephron
Pertaining to the kidney Renal
Procedure to remove waste products from the blood when the kidneys are not functionaing. Renal dialysis
Increased urea in the blood Uremia
male or female sex cell Gamete
Permanent end of the monthly menstrual cycle Menopause
Monthly shedding of the uterine lining Menstruation
The ovaries producing the gamates Ova
Release of the eggs cell from the ovary Ovulation
Fluid containing spermatozoa Semen
Sperm cell/male gametes Spermatoza
Lymphocytes that transform into plasma cells to produce antibodies B-lymphocytes
Immune response by T lymphocytes to directly destroy foreign antigens Cell-mediated immunity
Immune response that produces antibodies Humoral immunity
Fluid in the lymphatic vessels Lymph
Lymph tissues that filters lymph as it passes to the circulatory system Lymph nodes
Lymphocytes that act directly on an antigen to destroy it T-lymphocytes
digestive juice to break up fat bile
nerve cells carrying impulses away from the brain and spinal cord Efferent neuron
Protective membranes around the brain and spinal cord. Meninges
Tissue around the axon of the peripheral nerve Myelin Sheath
Connective tissue cells of the nervous system that do not carry impluses Neuroglia
Nerve Cells Neuron
All nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. Peripheral Nervous System
Point at which an impluse is transmitted from one neuron to another. Synapse
Pertaining to ductless glands that secreate hormones directly into the blood stream to affect other organs Endocrine
Organs that secreat a substance Gland
Substance produced by a ductless gland and transported to part of the body via the blood to control and requlate body functions Hormones
Elevated glucose levels in the blood Hyperglycemia
Created by: theboger03
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