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WVSOM Skin System 2012 Fogle- Geriatrics

what are the primary histologic changes of aging skin? acellular, avascular, less dense, less elastic tissue, less sweat glands
<1cm diameter FLAT, circumscribed Macule
>1cm diamete FLAT, circumscribed Patch
<1cm ELEVATED, firm, circumscribed Papule
1-2 cm, ELEVATED, firm, circumscribded Nodule
>2cm diametee ELEVATED, firm, circumscribed tumor
<1cm ELEVATED circumscribed SEROUS fluid vesicle
>1cm ELEVATED circumscribed SEROUS fluid Bulla
ELEVATED superficial lesion filled with purulent fluid Pustule
<0.5 cm Red-purple, non-blanchable discoloration petechiae
>0.5 cm red-purple, non-blanchable, discoloration purpura
Variable red-purple, non-blanchable discoloration ecchymosis
ELEVATED, ROUGH lesion >1cm Plaque
ELEVATED, irregular shaped area of cutaneous edema Wheal
Keratinized cells that are irregular and are flaky Scale
rough thickened epidermis secondary to persistent rubbing/itching Lichenification
Loss of portions of the epidermis that is moist, glistening, usually following rupture of a vesicle or bulla Erosion
Loss of Epidermis and Dermis which varies in size Ulcer
Dried Serum, blood, or exudate Crust
Define Nevus Mole! which can be dysplastic, precancerous, or cancerous
Halo Nevus Depigmented halo around a mole which needs biopsy due to the same pathological process as melanoma
What factors increase the risk for skin diseases? Atherosclerosis, DM, HIV, CHF
What is solar lentigo? Skin condition causes by Sun/UV exposure which is benign
Define the characteristics of solar lentigo <5mm well demarcated in sun exposed areas
define Lentigo Maligna Melanoma in situ; consists of maligant cells but does not have invasive growth.
What is seborrheic keratosis waxy, arty papules of plaques with a "stuck on" appearance
define Actinic keratosis rough, scaly flesh colored macules or papules on sun-exposed areas. pre-malignant for squamous cell CA.
what is the treatment for actinic keratosis? cryotherapy, topicals, or excision
what is the difference between squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma? squamous cell carcinoma is a plaque or nodule with scaling, crusting, or ulceration in SUN EXPOSED areas. Basal cell carcinoma has a variable appearance that is ulcerative.
What are the four types of melanoma? Superficial, Lentigo, Acral, or Nodular
what is seborrheic dermatitis erythema and scaling which appears in sebaceous glands
what organism causes seborrheic dermatitis? Malassezia furfur
What is the treatment for seborrheic dermatitis? Selenium sulfide and ketoconazole
Created by: Bwest8
Popular Medical sets




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