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World History E.O. 7

BWHS World History E.O. 7

The countries that are characterized as being poor and underdeveloped are where? Global South
How has technology helped create a global culture? Spreading ideas rapidly across borders
What poses the most immediate challenge to developing nations? Population growth
What is an effect of the Cold War? Increased tensions worldwide
After WWII, why did the imperial powers give up their empires? They lacked the will to fight for them
What does the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) do? Regulates the price of crude oil among member states
What independent state was established by the United Nations as a Jewish homeland in 1948? Israel
Why are water rights a vital issue in the Middle East? One country's source of water often lies in another country
Tensions between what two groups resulted in the partition of India? Hindus and Muslims
What is a problem with many developing countries borrowing money from the West? They spent much of their income trying to pay back their debt
What is an effect of growing cash crops in Africa? Resulted in a food shortage
What Soviet leader initiated reforms that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union? Mikhail Gorbachev
What was the U.S. goal in the occupation of Japan? To ensure democracy
Why did colonial borders cause problems for new countries in Africa? They forced people together of different ethnic groups
What was a problem that faced the new nations of Southeast Asia after 1945? They were caught in the middle of the Cold War
What event played a role in ending European imperialism? The Cold War
The U.S. and the Soviet Union came to the brink of nuclear war in 1962 over Soviet missile bases in what country? Cuba
North and South Korea differ most in what area? Economy
What is an accomplishment of modern technology? It has changed life all over the globe
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is responsible for what? Eliminating trade barriers between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico
Most of the world's wealth is controlled by what countries? Global North
Who turned China into a Communist state? Mao Zedong
What is modernization? Building a stable government while developing a country economically
What is interdependence? Mutual dependence of countries on resources, goods, and knowledge from other parts of the world
What is desertification? Process by which fertile or semi-desert land becomes more desert
What is apartheid? Strict racial segregation in South Africa
What is ethnic cleansing? Policy of killing or forcibly removing people of certain ethnic groups
What is a multinational corporation? Enterprise with branches in many countries
What is the Euro? Common currency used by member nations of the European Union
What is Jihad? Vigorous, emotional crusade for an idea or principle
What is a deficit? Gap between what a government spends and what it takes in through taxes and other sources
What is a recession? A period of reduced economic growth
What is partition? To divide
What two countries were the world's superpowers after World War II? The United States and the Soviet Union
During the Cold War, what was the American priority in Southeast Asia? To stop the spread of communism
What was the Arab-Israeli conflict centered around? The claim by both groups that it was their homeland
What is an effect of urbanization in developing countries? Ties to village and family are weakened
What was the organization formed in 1948 to promote democracy, economic cooperation, and human rights? Organization of American States
AIDS, civil wars, and desertification are all global issues that affect which continent? Africa
Why was Germany able to reunite? Collapse of communism in the Soviet Union
What organization was created after WWII to settle international disputes and act as peacekeeper? The United Nations
Why do so many people in the Middle East support the revival of Islam? It offers alternatives to social and economic problems
Illegal drug trafficking, high poverty, and low education are all issues that affect what region? Latin America
Following WWII, what factors led to Japan's economic success? Efficient, modern factories,technology, and high-quality exports
During the Cold War, what was the primary goal of the United States? To stop the spread of communism
Created by: mrsthiessen
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