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History Final - What

20th Century History final exam, what and why - quizes and tests

In September of 1901, American President William McKinley was shot and killed. Who was then sworn in as the 26th President of the United States? Theodore Roosevelt
In April of 1906, a devestating earthquake hit and nearly demolished this US city. San Francisco
Where did the Wright Brothers make their first flight in 1903? Kitty Hawk, NC
The first decade of the 1900s saw the emergencies of the world's first billionaire. Who was it? John Rockefeller
This country gained its independence in 1901. Australia
What year did the Boxer Rebellion end? 1901
In the Russo-Japanese War, Russia and Japan fight over what area in China? Manchuria
Who negotiated the peace treaty that ended the Russo-Japanese War? Theodore Roosevelt
What was the treaty that ended the Russo-Japanese war? Treaty of Portsmouth
In 1909, who reached the North Pole? Robert Peary
At the start of the 20th century, Britain was at war with a group of people known as "Boere" (Boers). In which country did the Boer War take place? South Africa
Which European monarch dies on January 22, 1901? Queen Victoria
On January 22 of what year did thousands of strikers march through St. Petersburg to ask Nicholas II for better working conditions? They were shot by Russian Troops. What was this tragedy called? 1905, Bloody Sunday
In 1913, the United States levied the Federal income tax under what amendment to the Constitution? 16th
In 1916, the "Saturday Evening Post" released an issue with a particular artist providing the cover for his or her first time. Who was the artist? Norman Rockwell
In April 1913, this American President appeared before a joint session of Congress to deliver his State of the Union Message. Wilson
In July 1918, the Bolsheviks executed the former Czar Nicholas II and his family. With the death of Nicholas and his heir, Alexis, came the end of what Russian dynasty? Romanov
On October 28, Congress passed a law providing enforcement of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. What was this law known as? the Volstead Act
The Russian Revolution, still months away, was haralded by a murder in Moscow on December 29, 1916. What dessolute and widely reviled man, a confidant of the Tsarina, was the victim? Rasputin, the Mad Monk
In 1913, this man revolutionized the manufacturing industry by introducing the assembly line. Who was he? Henry Ford
What year did the Titanic sink? 1912
What two bodies of water does the Panama Canal link? Caribbean Sea and Pacific
Who is considered the Father of Modern China? Sun Yat-Sen
In 1922, Howard Carter made a pretty wonderful discovery. What did he find? King Tut's tomb
In 1924, he became the head of the U.S. Bureau of Investigation. Who was he? J. Edgar Hoover
In 1927, an unknown airmail pilot did what no man had succeeded at before. He flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Everyone knows the pilot was Charles Lindbergh. But, do you know the name of his plane? Spirit of St. Louis
What nickname was given the day of the stock market crash? Black Tuesday
What was the first talkie in 1927? The Jazz Singer
In 1924, one of these cost $290. It was the most popular vehicle in American, and its creator offered to sell the car in any color, so long as the customer wanted black. what was the most popular car in the 1920s? Model T
On April 7, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall illegally leased U.S. Naval reserves in the Teapot Dome oil field to private interests. In what state was the Teapot Dome oil field located? Wyoming
In 1925, John T. Scopes, a public school teacher, was put on trial for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution. In what state of the U.S. did this happen? Tennessee
This notorious gangster ran the Chicago streets during the Roaring 20's until he was eventually convicted of tax evasion. Who was he? Capone
What are the 18th and 19th Amendments? 18th - Prohibition of alcohol 19th - Women's right to vote
In 1930, Grant Wood painted his dentist and his (Wood's) sister in front of a house. What was the name of this famous painting? American Gothic
In 1932, thousands of poor out-of-work veterans demonstrated in Washington DC to try to compel Congress to make an early cash payment of a pormised war bonus that wasn't due until 1945. In what war had these former soldiers known as the Bonus Army fought? World War I
On the night of November 9, 1938, a large-scale attack was carried out by the SS and SA on Jews and Jewish businesses throughout Germany and has come to be known as 'The Night of Broken Glass' or by this German name. Kristallnacht
Between 1930 and 1939, this system of concrete fortifications, tank obstacles, machine gun posts, and other defenses was constructed by France along its border with Germany. What was it called? Maginot Line
In 1936, Civil War broke out in this European country, name it. Spain
Who was President of the U.S. in 1931? Herbert Hoover
Which President implemented a New Deal full of 'alphabet soup' programs? Franklin Delano Roosevelt
What year did Hitler rise to power in Germany? 1933
Who declared after meeting with Hitler, "There is peace in our time"? Neville Chamberlain
Name two causes of the Great Depression the stock market crash and bank failures
On July 31, an Allied offensive commenced the opening stages of the Third Battle of Ypres. By the name of what village is this costly battle more commonly known. Passchendaele
On May 31 and June 1, 1916, the German and British fleets fought the biggest naval engagement of World Wor I: the Battle of Jutland. In what body of water did this battle take place? North Sea
What sparked the beginning of WWI and in what year did this event happen? the Sarajevo Shooting, 1914
Name the countries of the Triple Alliance. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Name the countries of the Triple Entente. Britain, France, and Russia
What was the name of the war plan Germany had developed for WWI? Schlieffen Plan
what british passenger liner was sunk in 1915? Lusitania
What was the date of Armistice Day? November 11, 1918
At the start of WWI, Germany hoped to avoid a prolonged two-front war by winning a quick victory in the west. They did this by invading France through what neutral country? Belgium
Where was the armistice (ceasefire) ending the fighting signed? France
Germany was fighting a two-front war with England and France on one side and Russia on the other. After this battle, fought in August of 1914, Russia was weakened and Germany did not have to worry so much about the eastern front. Which battle was it? Tannenburg
What was the longest battle of World war I? Verdun
What was the area between enemy trenches called? no mans land
what was the bloodiest battle of the war? Somme
Name two nnew weapons introduced in WWI? Poison gas and tank
What year did the US enter the war and what was the final straw that drew them into war? 1917, Zimmerman telegram
The offensives in Poland and France tought the English-speaking world a new word called "Blitzkrieg." What does it mean? lightning war
Germany turned its aggression on its old foe France. Even with Allied help, France fell easily, leaving Britain to be the next target. A massive air battle soon followed. What was the battle called? Battle of Britain
Italy decided to join Hitler's march of conquest in June 1940. Which Italian dictator was calling the shots? Mussolini
Japan's day of infamy came with the attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor. What date did the Americans run into a firestorm of resistance during D-Day landings? December 7, 1941
Where did the signing of the Japanese surrender take place, bringing the close to the long and costly war? on USS Missouri
What conferencce in 1945, held by the U.S., the U.K. and the Soviet Union is sometimes called the Crimea Conference? Yeltsa Conference
Germany had Hitler, Italy had Mussolini. Who was the Japanese supremo? Hirohito
It is often said that this bbattle was the key turning point in the Soviet Union's war with Germany, dooming the Nazis due to tremendous irreplaceable casualties. Battle of Stalingrad
This naval engagement is said to have been the most important naval battle in the Pacific Theater of World War II. Battle of Midway
The supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe and Africa directed the largest combined sea invasion in history on June 6, 1944, and announced its start by saying "OK, we'll go." Who was it? Eisenhower
Who was it that promised to return to the Philippines as he left - right before they fell to the Japanese in 1942? MacArthur
The bomb that ended the war in Asia, and ended world War II, "Fat Man" was detonated above Nagasaki and Japan surrendered. On which day was the Fat Man dropped? August 9, 1945
Who was the American President who allowed the use of the nuclear bombs on Japan? Truman
In 1945, the League of Nations was replaced by a more powerful peace keeping organization. What was it? United Nations
A Connecticut pediatrician wrote "The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care." Benjamin Spock, M.D.
In 1947, the country of India was partitioned. What new country was born from this action? Pakistan
In 1948, new country was born, this one in western Asia. what's the ancient name of this young country? Israel
The united States and many European nations formed an alliance to help figght communism, "an attack on one is an attack on all." What was that organization? NATO
Although he never won the Nobel Peace Prize, the most peace-oriented man of 1948, and perhaps of the entire Twentieth Century, was assassinated before the first month was out. Name him. Mohandas Gandhi
In the 1948 US presidential election, incumbent Harry Truman won in a huge upset. A famous photo shows the winning candidate holding up a post-election Chicago Tribune newspaper with what headline? Dewey Defeats Truman
In 1948, racial segregation was ended in the United States Armed Forces by Executive Order 9981. Who signed this order? Harry S Truman
A Wisconsin senator said "The State Department is infested with Communists." Who was the senator? Joseph McCarthy
In 1950, what company introduced the first credit card? Diner's Club
The first successful polio vaccine was introduced in 1955 and is also the preferred vaccine today. It is an injected vaccine. Who discovered it? Jonas Salk
April of 1955 saw the British Prime Minister resign for medical reasons. This man served as Prime MInister from 1940 to 1945, and again from 1951 to 1955. Who was he? Winston Churchill
What is the name of the organization of Communist states that began in 1955 and included USSR, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Albania, and Romania? Warsaw Pact
Which conflict began on June 25, 1950? Korean War
who succeeded Joseph Stallin as Premier of the Soviet Union after his death on March 5, 1953? Nikita Khrushchev
Who ran the four minute mile on May 6, 1954? Roger Bannister
Which of the following Supreme Court cass did NOT concern Civil Rights?: Sweatt vs Painter, Henderson vs US, Lucy vs Mississippi, and Gideon vs Wainwright Lucy vs Mississippi
The landmark 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown vs. Board of Education found that separate schools based on race were inherently unequal. This landmark case overturned another Supreme Court decision, which one? Plessey Vs Ferguson
Successfully launched in 1957, what was the name of the first man-made satellite? Sputnik I
Many Americans felt optimistic when the young John Fitzgerald Kennedy took office as President. What is the famous quote from his inaugural address? "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."
It was the best of times: In 1967, Dr. Christain Barnard made medical history when he performed the first successful human transplant of what organ? heart
On June 13, 1967, the civil rights movement in the U.S. got major boost when what person was appointed to the Supreme Court? Thurgood Marshall
In what city did the 'Summer of Love' find its unofficial headquarters? San Francisco
Muhammad Ali made headlines in April 1967 by doing what? He refused induction into the US Army
The retroactively-named Apollo 1 mission was supposed to be the first manne flight of a command module that would get to the moon. Why did the mission fail to accomplish its goal? The crew were killed by a fire during testing
In 1964 three civil rights actvists, Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James Chaney, were murdered and members of the Ku Klux Klan were involved. In which American state did this occur? Mississippi
What did Lyndon B. Johnson create in 1965 that forever changed health insurance for retirees in America? Medicare
It was the best of times: Happily, on July 24, 1969, the men who were the first people to walk on the moon returned safely to earth. Which U.S. President had a speech ready to deliver should the astronauts have been stranded on the lunar surface? Richard Nixon
1961 marked the year of the first human in space. Who is it? Yuri Gargarin
Who assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. in April? James Earl Ray
In June, Robert F. Kennedy was shot. In which state was he killed? California
This 1968 get-together was a festival of peace and love, and a whole lot of music. where was it held? Woodstock, New York
Lyndon Johnson declared a war on what in a famous speech in the mid-sixties? poverty
Whose arrival in the United States in February of 1964 sparked what was called "The British Invasion"? The Beatles
Which of the following men did not run for president in 1968?: Hubert Humphry, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, or George Wallace Barry Goldwater
Who is credited with introduction the term "BLack Power" to 1960s political discourse? Stokeley Carmichael
The Civil Right Act outlawing discrimination against women and African-Americans was signed into law by which President of the United States on July 2, 1964? Lyndon B. Johnson
It was August 28, 1963, at a rally for "jobs and freedom". Martin Luther King gave one of the most important speeches in modern history, and it wasn't the one he'd prepared for the day. Which of his many great speeches was it? I Have a Dream
Which Apollo was launched in 1969? It is famous for being the first manned apollo mission to land on the moon. Apollo 11
In which year did the United States become aware of Soviet plans to station missiles in Cuba? 1962
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the U.S. missiles in what country threatened the Soviet Union? Turkey
It was the worst of times: On March 21, 1960, thousands of Africans apporached a police station in Sharpville to protest restrictive pass laws. The police opened fire even as the crowd scattered, killing 69 people. In which country did this occur? South Africa
What does the 24th Amendment, adopted in 1964, address? Poll tax
What was the name for the CIA operation to assassinate to overthrow Fidel Castro in the 1960s? Operation Mongoose
In what year was the Six Day War? 1966
What was the date of John F. Kennedy's assassination? November 22, 1963
What was the date of Robert Kennedy's assassination? June 4, 1968
This person served as President of South Vietnam from 1955 to 1963, and was assassinated as a result of a coup which took place November 1, 1963. Ngo Dinh Diem
What was the worst case of a war crime perpetrated by Americans during the Vietnam War? Massacre at My Lai
The US campaign of aerial bombardment against North Vietnam, begun in March of 1965, was known as Operation ________. Rolling Thunder
The use of Agent Orange and Napalm were heavily criticized by the anti war movement, especially after a famous photograph was published. What did that photo depict? A young naked girl running down the road from her village after a napalm strike
During the Vietnam War, this was the captial of South Vietnam. Saigon
The term 'Vietnamization' as used by President Richard Nixon is best described as: a gradual turnover of the war from the U.S. military to South Vietnamese forces
What year did communist troops take Saigon? 1975
Which two countries besides Vietnam did the HO Chi Minh Trail run through? Laos and Cambodia
America's main purpose for being in Vietnam was to make sure that Vietnam did not fall to what? Communism
Communist friendly soldiers in South Vietnam were called Vietcong
A cease-fire agreement has finally been signed. You and other fellow Americans will be sent back home to the U.S. When was the cease-fire agreement reached and where was it signed? Paris, 1973
What is Saigon known as today? Ho Chi Minh City
Name 5 of the six presidents involved in Vietnam. Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford
Who was the overall commander of the allied forces in Vietnam from 1964 to 1968? General William Wastmoreland
The DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) was a buffer zone between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. It was also referred to as what corresponding circle of latitude? The 17th Parallel
He was the president who ordered the 'rolling Thunder' bombing campaign of North Vietnam. Lyndon Johnson
At what decisive battle did the Viet Minh throw out their colonial rulers in 1954? Dien Bien Phu
According to what Cold War philosophy did the United States believe that, if Vietnam fell to communism, all of southeastern Asia would fall to communism? domino theory
Where was the United States Navy allegedly attacked in 1964? Gulf of Tonkin
Who led the Viet Minh in the early 1900s? Ho Chi Minh
The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army launched the ______ in 1968. TET Offensive
What European country controlled Vietnam until World War II? France
Who was the main architect of North Vietnam's military operations? Vo Nguyen Giap
He was the Secretary of Defense under both Kennedy and Johnson. Robert McNamara
What major US Combat Base was under siege in 1968 and was referred to as America's "Dien Bien Phu"? Khe Sanh
The shooting at Kent State University on May 4, 1970 led to hundreds of college shutdowns and protests. In what state is Kent State University located? Ohio
What was the name of the "trail" used by the Vietcong to transport supplies all over vietnam? Ho Chi Minh
What year did Communist troops take Saigon? 1975
What were communists sympathizers who fought in South Vietnam called? Vietcong
What president formally ceased the fighting in Vietnam? Nixon
What is the city of Saigon known as today? Ho Chi Minh City
Who was the first elected president of Poland? Lech Walesa
who was the first black man elected president of South Africa? Nelson Mandela
Who was the first elected president of Russia? Boris Yeltsin
What country invaded Kuwait in 1991? Iraq
What was the US military operation in Kuwait called? Operation Desert Storm
what country no longer exissted after December 31, 1991? USSR
Who was known as the "Comeback Kid"? Clinton
where was the first terrorist attack on US soil? World Trade Centers
Where was the Branch Dividian disaster? Waco, TX
Who was one of the masterminds of the Oklahoma City bombings? Timothy McVeigh
What was the name of the first successfully cloned sheep? Dolly
What country gained control of Hong Kong in 1997? China
What two countries went nuclear in 1998? India and Pakistan
What country gained its independence in 1999? Kosovo
What country lost control of Panama Canal in 1999? US
Created by: Imasingingal
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