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Medterm final

Spitting up blood from the respiratory tract and lungs is called ch6 hemoptysis (hemo = blood, -ptysis = spitting)
The suffix which means "suture" ch6 rrhaphy
new opening between two parts of the jejunum ch6 jejunojejunostomy (jejunum = pertaining to the jujeno. 2 parts = jejuno to jejuno, -stomy = opening)
dyspepsia ch6 difficult digestion
splenorrhagia ch6 bursting forth of blood from the spleen
Pyloric stenosis ch6 Narrowing of the opening between the stomach and intestine
WHICH TEST would tell the presence of melena? ch6 Stool guaiac
An ulcer would most likely be detected by which test? ch6 Gastroscopy
congenital lack of continuity of the esophagus is called ... ? ch6 esophageal atresia (atresia = congenital absence of a normal body opening, esophageal = pertaining to the esophagus.)
what is Lipase? ch6 An enzyme that digests fat.
Name the procedure to surgically repair the roof of the mouth. ch6 palatoplasty
Lymphangiectasis ch6 Dilation of a lymph vessel
intracostal ch4 pertaining to - between the ribs
contralateral ch4 pertaining to the opposite side
exophthalamos ch4 protrusion of an eyeball
syndactyly ch4 a congenital anomaly
symbiosis ch4 parasitism
prodrome ch4 symptoms precede an illness (like a fever, or rash)
before meals ch4 ante cibum
antibodies ch4 protein substances made by leukocytes
symphysis ch4 bones grow together, as in the pelvis
ultrasonography ch4 sound waves and echoes are used to create an image
metamorphosis ch4 change in shape or form
hypertrophy ch4 increase in cell size, increased development
excessive sugar in the blood ch4 hyperglycemia
Combining form of the first part of the large intestine ch5 cec/o (cecum)
Pertaining to the abdomen ch5 celiac (celi/o), belly, abdomen (abdominal)
Muscular wave-like movement to transport food through the digestive system ch5 Peristalsis
Part of the tooth that contains a rich supply of nerves and blood vessels ch5 Pulp (soft tissue within the tooth)
Gingiv/o means ch5 Gums
Trigone ch7 portion of the urinary bladder
Glomerular ch7 pertaining to small balls of capillaries in the kidney
Meatal stenosis ch7 Narrowing of the urethral opening to the outside of the body
Electrolyte ch7 Sodium
Creatinine ch7 a Nitrogenous waste
pyel/o ch7 renal pelvis
anuria ch7 no urine
perivesical ch7 surrounding the urinary bladder
uremia ch7 azotemia (-emia = abnormal blood condition, -azot/o = nitrogen) of excess urea (or other nitrogenous wastes) in the blood
X-Ray of the urinary tract ch7 KUB - Kidney, Ureter, Bladder
Oliguria ch7 scanty urine
Diabetes is characterized by what? ch7 Polydipsia, glycosuria, polyuria, and insufficient ADH
Catabolism ch2 The process by which food is burned to release energy
endoplasmic reticulum ch2 part of the cell where formation of proteins occurs
metabolism ch2 the sum of the chemical processes in a cell
karyotype ch2 picture of nuclear structures arranged in numerical order
part of the cell where catabolism primarily occurs ch2 mitochondria
allows materials to pass into andout of the cell ch2 cell membrane
What are genes are composed of ch2 DNA
diaphragm ch2 muscular wall separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities
mediastinum ch2 the space in the chest - between - the lungs
adipose ch2 Fat
pharynx ch2 throat
sarcoma ch2 MALIGNANT tumor of flesh tissue
cancellous bone ch15 Spongy, porous bone tissue
acromion ch15 Outward extension of the shoulder bone is the
foramen ch15 An opening or passage in bones where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave
The projection of the temporal bone ch15 mastoid process
Knuckle-like process at the end of a bone ch15 condyle
Mandible, vomer, maxilla, and zygomatic are all bones of the ch15 face
cranium Occipital, sphenoid, frontal, temporal, and ethmoid are all bones
diaphysis ch15 The shaft of a long bone
scoliosis ch15 lateral curvature of the spinal column
osteodystrophy ch15 Poor formation of bone
spondylolisthesis ch15 slipping or subluxation of a vertebra
laminectomy ch15 operation performed to relieve the symptoms of a slipped disk
A blood vessel that carries oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs ch11 Pulmonary artery
systole Contraction phase of the heartbeat
mitral valve Valve which is located between the left upper and lower chambers of the heart
pericardium sac-like membrane surrounding the heart
sensitive tissue in the right atrium wall that begins the heartbeat Sinoatrial Node (SA node)
coronary arteries Blood vessels branching from the aorta to carry oxygen-rich blood *to the heart muscle*
cardiomyopathy disease of heart muscle
phlebitis inflammation of a vein
instrument to measure blood pressure sphygmomanometer
local widening of an artery aneurysm
cyanosis bluish coloration of the skin
ischemia ch11 1. Blood is "held back" from an area. 2. Can lead to myocardial infarction 3. Can be caused by thrombotic occulusion of a blood vessel. 4. May be the result of coronary artery disease
metastasis ch19 the spread of malignant tumors to a distant location
adenocarcinoma of the lung solid tumor derived from epithelial tissue
Describe a fungating tumor? mushrooming pattern of growth as tumor cells pile on top of each other
polypoid includes sessile and penduculated types of growth
What term describes localized tumor growth? Carcinoma "in situ"
Hard, densely packed tumor cells scirrhous type tumor
What does "staging" a tumor mean? Assessing the extent of tumor spread
What does mutagenic mean? Producing a change in the DNA of a cell
T1N2M0 Tumor is present - with palpable not demonstrably abnormal lymph nodes - and no metastases
inheritable changes in a cell ch19 mutation
What is the medical speciality that studies the characteristics and uses of radioactive substances in diagnosis of disease? ch20 Nuclear Medicine
radiologist Specializes diagnostic techniques such as ultrasound, MRI, and CT scans
What is true of a radiopaque substance? Absorbs most of the x-rays it is exposed to
metallic powder is introduced to the large intestine and x-rays are taken. barium enema
IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram) X-Ray of the renal pelvis and urinary tract after injecting dye into a vein?
Myelogram X-Ray of the spinal cord
Arthrogram An x-ray of a joint
an x-ray to show an organ in depth Tomography
What best characterizes a CT scan? uses ionizing x-rays and a computer to produce a transverse image of the body organs
What best characterizes an MRI? sagittal, frontal, and cross-sectional images are produced using magnetic and radio waves
PA view x-ray view in which the patient is upright with the back to the x-ray machine and the film to the chest
adduction ch20 Moving the part of the body towards the midline of the body
Gastrectomy ch1 Gastric resection
Inflammation of a bone Osteitis
Cystoscopy visual examination of the urinary bladder
Hepatoma Tumor of the liver
iatrogenic pertaining to produced by treatment
record of electricity in the brain electroencephalogram
diagnosis is made on the basis of complete knowledge about the patient's condition
cancerous tumor carcinoma
microscopic examination of living tissue biopsy
cerebral pertaining to the brain
removal of a gland ch1 adenectomy
necr/o ch3 death
amniocentesis ch3 surgical puncture to remove fluid from the sac around the embryo
inflammation of lymph tissue in the throat tonsillitis
-ptosis prolapse, sag, droop
ischemia blood is held back from an area
acromegaly abnormal enlargement of extremities after puberty due to pituitary gland problem
otalgia pain in the ear
chronic continuing over a long period of time
arteriole small artery
-scope instrument to visually examine
cystocele hernia of the urinary bladder
tumor of bone marrow (cancerous) myeloma
x-ray record of spinal cord ch3 myelogram
Created by: krystalb10
Popular Medical sets




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