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endocrine terminology mod reddd

anti- Against
ad- Toward
exo- Outside, Outward
eu- Good, Well, Normal
pan- All, Entire
hyper- Excessive
poly- Many, Much
para- Near, Beside, Beyond
hypo- Deficient, Below
-crine Secrete
-oma Tumor
-gen Forming, Producing, Origin
-physis Growth
-uria Urine (Condition)
-emia Blood Condition
-trophy Development, Nourishment
-dipsia Thirst
-tropic Stimulating, Influencing
-tropia Turning
-phagia Swallowing, Eating
-toxic Poison
-ism Condition
-tropin Stimulate
acr/o Extremity
calc/o Calcium
gluc/o Sugar
ket/o Ketone bodies
lact/o Milk
pineal/o Pineal Gland
somat/o Body
glycos/o Sugar, Sweetness
adrenal/o Adrenalin
cortic/0 Cortex, outer region
home/o Same, Alike
lute/o Yellow
pituit/o Pituitary Gland
ren/o Kidney
toxic/o Poison
andr/o Male
gonad/o Gonad, Sex gland(s)
glyc/o Sugar, Sweetness
kal/o Potassium
medull/o Medulla, Inner section
parathyroid/o Parathyroid glands
adren/o Adrenal Glands
crin/o Secrete
gynec/o Female
hypophys/o Pituitary body
melan/o Black, Dark
pancreat/o Pancreas
thym/o Thymus gland
ACTH Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
ADH Antidiuretic Hormone
BMI Body Mass Index
BMR Basal Metabolic Rate
DI Diabetes Insipidus
DKA Diabetic Ketoacidosis
DM Diabetes Mellitus
FSH Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
GH Growth Hormone
HRT Hormone Replacement Therapy
K Potassium
LH Luteinizing Hormone
mg/dl, mg/dL Milligrams per Deciliter
MSH Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone
PBI Protein-Bound Iodine
PRL Prolactin
PGH Pituitary Growth Hormone
PTH Parathyroid Hormone
RAI Radioactive Iodine
RAIU Radioactive Iodine Uptake
T3 Triiodothyronine
T4 Thyroxine
TFT Thyroid Function Test
TSH Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
a-, an- Without
ab- away from
-iasis Abnormal condition of
epi- above, upon
adren/o, adrenal/o Adrenal glands
Post- after
Ante- Beginning
inter- Between
bi- Two
cyan/o Blue
Somat/o Body
cyt/o Cell
Meta- Change
-ectomy Excision of
-megaly Enlargement
Chrom/o, Chromat/o Colour
leuk/o White
mal Poor
Para- near
-oid Resembling
-osis Abnormal condition
-otomy Incision
-ology Person who studies ..
-scopy Process of viewing
erythr/o Red
-rraphy Suture
-rrhagia Burting forth
GTT Glucose Tolerance Test
FBs Fasting Blood Sugars
Rx Prescription
OD Right eye, Once Daily
TID Three times a day
QID Four times a day
PO By Mouth
gtt Drop
CPS Compendium of pharmaceuticals & specialties
Pharmacology Study of medications & their effect on the body
ODB Ontario Drug Benefit
PRN As required
PC after meals
NIDDM Non insulin dependant diabetes mellitus
NPO Nothing by mouth
ICSH Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone
BID Twice Daily
Created by: Brittanyyy
Popular Medical sets




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