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Middle Ages

Test Study

Middle Ages period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, lasting from about AD 500 to 1450
Charlemagne king of the Franks who conquered much of Europe and spread Christianity
feudalism political and social system of the Middle Ages in Europe in which lords gave land to vassals in exchange for service and loyalty
lord powerful landowner
serf people who lived and worked on the manor of a lord or vassal
manor noble's house and the villages on his land where the peasants lived
chivalry code of conduct of knights, focusing on bravery, honor, and respect toward women and the weak
guilds associations of people sharing a trade or craft, intended to control the quality and quantity of their production and to protect their interests
vassals people in feudal society who received land and protection from lords in return for loyalty
clergy people with priestly authority in a religion
Thomas Aquinas Italian philosopher who said classical philosophy and Christian theology could exist in harmony
religious order group of people who live according to a set of religious rules
Crusades series of military expeditions from Christian Europe to Palestine between the 1000s and 1200s
Saladin military leader who united Muslims to fight the Christians in Palestine in the 1100s
Inquisition Roman Catholic court established to find and punish those who had strayed from the Roman Catholic faith
bubonic plague disease that struck western Eurasia in the mid-1300s, in an outbreak known as the Black Death
Hundred Years' War series of wars between England and France that took place between 1337 and 1453
Joan of Arc French peasant girl who led the French to victory over the English at Orleans in 1429
longbow weapon that could shoot arrows with enough power to penetrate a knight's armor
absolute monarchs kings or queens who had unlimited power and controlled all aspects of society
English Channel arm of the Atlantic Ocean that runs between England and France and connects the Atlantic Ocean with the North Sea; both France and England wanted control of this waterway
common law system of law based on court decisions and local customs
King John king of England who signed the Magna Carta in 1215
Magna Carta list of rights written by England's nobility
parliament group of representatives with some powers of government
habeas corpus right of people not to be imprisoned unlawfully
Created by: MrsWise
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