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Med Terminology 111

-centsesis surgical puncture
-clasis to break
-desis binding/fixation
-ectomy removal
-lysis separation/destruction
-pexy fixation
-plasty surgical repair
--rrhaphy suture
-stomy forming an opening
-tome instrument to cut
-tomy excision
-tripsy crushing
-algia pain
-dynia pain
-cele hernia/swelling
-ectasis dilation/expansion
-edema swelling
-emesis vomiting
-emia blood condition
-genesis forming, producing
-iasis abnormal condition
-itis inflammation
-lith stone, calculus
-malacia softening
-megaly enlargement
-oma tumor
-osis abnormal condition
-pathy disease
-penia decrease, deficiency
-phagia eating/swallowing
-phasia speech
-phobia fear of
-plasia formation
-plegia paralysis
-rrhage bursting of
-rrhea dischage
-rrhexis rupture
-stenosis narrowing
Midsagittal Right and left halves
Coronal anterior and posterior
transverse superior and inferior
Left Hypochondriac upper left
Epigastric upper middle
Right hypochondriac upper right
Left lumbar left middle
Umbilical navel region
right lumbar right middle
left inguinal left lower
hypogastric lower middle
Right inguinal right lower
cyt cell
hist tissue
nucle/karyo nucleus
anter front
caud tail
dist far/ farthest
dors back
inguin groin
albin/leuk white
chlor green
chrom color
cirrh/jaund/xanth yellow
melan black
poli gray
acr extremities
eti cause
fasci band
idi unknown/peculiar
path disease
somat body
son sound
xer dry
super above
trans across
ultra excess
sign observable by others
symptom experienced only by patient
adhesion abnormal fibrous band that holds normally separated tissues together
analyte substance being analyzed or tested
dehiscence bursting open of a wound
febrile feverish
morbid diseased
sepsis pathological state resulting from the presence of microorganisms
suppurative producing or associated with generation of pus
ablation removal of a part
anastomosis surgical joining of two ducts, vessels, or bowel segments to allow flow to one another
curettage scraping of a body cavity with a spoon shaped instrument called a curette
resection partial excision of a bone, organ, or another structure.
Bx biopsy
CT computed tomography
Dx diagnosis
PET positron emission tomography
Sx symptom
Tx treatment
Adip/lip/steat fat
cutane/dermat/derm skin
hidr/sudor sweat
ichthy dry, scaly
kerat horny tissue
myc fungus
onych/ungu nail
pil/trich hair
scler- hardening
seb- sebum
squam- scale
xen- foreign
Carbuncle deep-seated pyogenic infection of the skin usually involving subcutaneous tissue
cellulitis acute infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
ecchymosis bruise
eschar damaged tissue following a severe burn
furuncle Bacterial infection of a hair follicle or sebaceous gland that produces a pus filled lesion called a boil
eczema acute or chronic skin inflammation
hirsutism condition characterized by excessive growth of hair
keratosis thickened area of the epidermis
pallor unusual paleness
pediculosis infestation with lice
petechia minute, pinpoint hemorrhage under the skin
pruritus intense itching
purpura bleeding disorders characterized by hemorrhage into the tissues
scabies contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite
vitiligo localized loss of skin pigmentation
FS frozen section
I&D incision and drainage
Created by: porter44
Popular Medical sets




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