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AP World Chap 33

Imperialism Term associated with the expansion of European powers and their conquest and colonization of African and Asian societies, mainly from the sixteenth through the nineteenth century.
Mission Civilisatrice ("civilizing mission") Invoked by the French as justification for their expansion into Africa and Asia.
White Man's Burden The duty of European and Euro-American peoples to bring order and enlightenment to distant lands.
Opium War The climax of disputes over trade and diplomatic relations between China under the Qing Dynasty and British Empire.
Omdurman A city in Sudan in where a battle between the natives and the British where the British established rule in Sudan.
Mughal After the death of the emperor Aurangzeb in 1707, the East India Company took advantage of Mughal weakness.
Sepoy Uprising Indian troops who were taken to fight for the British. A revolt by the sepoys led to the establishment of direct British imperial rule in India.
Cawnport Massacre The biggest episode of violence by the Sepoys against the British. Killing 60 soldiers, 180 civilized men, and some 375 women and children.
Great Game Military officers and imperialist adventurers engaged in a risky pursuit of influence and intelligence, taking colonies in Asia.
John Speke An English explorer who ventured into east Africa seeking the source of the Nile River.
King Leopold II (1865-1909) King of Belgium who employed Henry Morton Stanley to help develop commercial ventures and establish a colony called the Congo Free State in the basin of the Congo River.
Herbert Spencer An English philosopher that relied on theories of evolution to explain differences between the strong and the weak.
Terra Nullius "land belonging to no one" according to the British settlers in Australia.
Treaty of Waitangi Signed control of Australia to the British.
Social Darwinism Nineteenth-century philosophy, "survival of the fittest" - Herbert Spencer. Elimination of weaker nations from natural process and justification of war.
Berlin Conference Meeting organized by German chancellor Otto von Bismarck in 1884-1885 that provided the justification for European colonization of Africa.
Monroe Doctrine American doctrine issued in 1823 during the presidency of James Monroe that warned Europeans to stay aw from LA, expressed American imperialistic views regarding LA.
Maji Maji Rebellion Organized by a local prophet, wanted to expel the Germans from eat Africa. "maji-maji" - majic water to protext them from German weapons.
Sino-Japanese War Japan vs. China in a fight over Korea. Japan surprisingly won.
Russo-Japanese War Transformed Japan into a major imperial power. Gave Japan the Liaodong peninsula.
Indentured Labor As the institution of slavery went into decline, planters sought relatively poor and densely populated lands, and a large number of laborers to replace slaves.
Cecil Rhodes An eighteen-year-old student at Oxford University who in 1871 went to south Africa in search of a climate that would relieve his tuberculosis. Ended up owning 90% of the world's diamond production.
Captain James Cook Brought settlers to Australia.
Emilio Aguinaldo The George Washington of the Philippines against Spain, allied with Americans.
Spanish-American War America emerged as a major imperial and colonial power after this war. Tensions in Cuba and Puerto Rico caused the war. America won.
Rudyard Kipling Defined the "white man's burden" as the duty of European and Euro-american peoples to bring order and enlightenment to distant lands.
Queen Victoria Assigned responsibility for Indian policy to the newly established office of secretary of state for India. England had complete imperial rule over India.
Thomas Raffles In 1824 founded the port of Singapore, which Strait of Melaka.
David Livingstone A Scottish Minister who traveled through much of central and southern Africa in the mid-nineteenth century in search of suitable locations for mission posts.
Henry Stanley An American journalist who undertook a well-publicized expedition to find Livingstone and report on his activities.
Richard Burton With John Speke ventured into east Africa seeking the source of the Nile River.
Frederick Lugard The driving force of doctrine of indirect rule, which the British employed many of their African colonies.
Queen Lili'uokalani Overthrown by a group of planters and business peoples, America wanted so they got Hawaii.
Theodore Roosevelt Under his rule the United States supported a rebellion against Colombia in 1903 and helped rebels establish the breakaway state of Panama.
Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau
Created by: krocks313
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