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Reli 230 Midterm

ID terms

Apologists (120-220)Christian writers, defended faith from persecutors. Martyrs: Justin, Paul, Peter, James.
Gnosticism (2nd cent) Sect of Christianity, Jesus is source of knowledge of salvation and enlightenment. Platonic dualism, rejected resurrection.
Edict of Milan (313) Constantine I made Christianity legal, put official end to persecution. Started acceptance of Christianity.
Council of Nicaea (325) First ecumenical council to solve issue of Arianism (Trinity). Gregorian calendar, easter, and canon law.
St. Benedict (early 5th) Benedictine Order (529) and Monasticism. Preserved ancient texts, started schools and monasteries.
Gregory the Great (590-604) Pope, Gregorian and liturgical reforms. Consolidated authority in Rome.
Great Schism (1054) Split: Eastern Orthodox & Roman Catholic. Theological disputes: Eucharist, papal power, role of Constantinople.
Investiture Controversy (11th-12th) Secular officers buying offices in Church. Conflict of Church and State and authority.
First Crusade (1095-1099) Urban II, taking Jerusalem from Islam. Established pope as high secular power w/ army.
Scholasticism (13th-14th) Critical though & reasoning in Church. Divine will and univosity of being.
Innocent III (1198-1216) Led 4th Crusade to take Constantinople. Formally cemented schism.
100 years War (1337-1453) England vs. France over French kingdom. Corruption and power abuse led to Western Schism.
Great Western Schism (1378-1417) Two popes: Avignon & Rome. Reconciled under Pope Martin V.
Conciliar Movement (15th) Established papal authority in Rome. Ended Western Schism and established papal infallibility
Nominalism (Plato, 5th cent.) Thought movement: abstract ideas exist, objects do not. Challenged existence of God.
John Wycliffe (14th) Translated Bible into vernacular. Undermined papal authority, advocated secular power, gave power to laity.
Martin Luther (Early 16th) Protestant movement: salvation by faith and grace alone. Condemned indulgences and translated Bible to German while in exile.
John Calvin (16th) French reformer: against use of images of Jesus/God. Moderate approach to theology and social transformation
Council of Trent (1545-1563) Ecumenical council: consolidated Roman control. Condemned Protestant heresies, clarified church doctrines: salvation, sacraments, canon.
Puritanism (16th-17th) English Protestants, rejected hedonism. Stricter worship & doctrine.
Febronianism (18th) Movement of nationalizing Catholicism. United dissident churches & denied pope power.
Great Awakening (18th) English & American movement of increased religious zeal. Edwards + Whitefield = piety & personal experience in mass.
Second Great Awakening (early 19th) New sects in Catholocism.
Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834) German religious philosopher: dependence on God. Personal interpretation of God and piety.
Pius IX (1846-1878) Pope, convened Vatican I. Papal infallibility, Mary doctrine.
Vatican I (1869) Council: reaction to revolutions in Europe. Permanence of dogma & faith & reason.
Modernist Controversy (early 20th) Movement of theologians to use reason and science to understand religion. Excommunicated and condemned by Church.
Liturgical Movement (20th-V2) Worship reform in church. Increased involvement, singing, vernacular, gregorian chants, priest faces.
Aggiornamento Bringing the church up to date. Spirit of change and open-mindedness -> Gaudium et Spes
Pius XII (1939-1958) Liturgical reform, stepping stones to VII. WWII: advocating peace & reconciliation.
John XIII (1958-1963) Pope, called V2, designed to be ecumenical. Prepared bishops and documents. Short-term filler.
Roman Curia Council of church, governing body. high-ranking church officials
Ecuminism Listening/cooperating with other Christian religions to work towards unity. V2 was, V1 wasn't.
Paul VI (1963-1978) Pope after John XXIII, continued V2. Improved relations between Orthodox and Protestants.
Created by: mwright555
Popular Religion sets




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