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Whole Body Terms

Terms for Medical A & P

Ana- Up
Cata- Down
Epi- Above
Hypo- Below
Inter- Between
Meta- Change
Abdomin/o Abdomen
Adip/o Fat
Anter/o Front
Bol/o To cast, Throw
Cervic/o Neck (of the body or uterus)
Chondr/o Cartilage
Chrom/o Color
Coccyg/o Coccyx, Tailbone
Crani/o Skull
Cyt/o Cell
Dist/o Far, Distant
Dors/o Back portion of the body
Hist/o Tissue
Ili/o Ilium, Part of the pelvic bone
Inguin/o Groin
Kary/o Nucleus
Later/o Side
Lumb/o Lower back, Side & back between ribs & pelvis
Medi/o Middle
Nucle/o Nucleus
Pelv/i Pelvis, Hip region
Poster/o Back, Behind
Proxim/o Nearest
Sacr/o Sacrum
Sarc/o Flesh
Spin/o Spine, Backbone
Thel/o Nipple
Thorac/o Chest
Trache/o Trachea, Windpipe
Umbilic/o Navel, Umbilicus
Ventr/o Belly side of the body
Vertebr/o Vertebra(e), Backbone(s)
Viscer/o Internal organs
-eal Pertaining to
-iac Pertaining to
-ior Pertaining to
-ism Process, Condition
-ose Pertaining to, Full of
-plasm Formation
-somes Bodies
-type Picture, Classification
What are 4 types of tissues? Epithelial, Muscle, Connective, Nerve
Epithelial Tissue Forms linings of internal organs and outer surface of skin covering the body
Muscle Tissue Contains voluntary and involuntary
Voluntary Muscle Tissue Movement is under conscious control
Involuntary Muscle Tissue Movement is not under conscious control
Connective Tissue Contains adipose and cartilage
Adipose Tissue Fat tissue
Cartilage Tissue Bone, blood and elastic fibers attached to bones
Nerve Tissue Conducts impulses all over the body
System A group of organs working together to perform complex functions
What are the 10 organ systems? Digestive, Urinary/Excretory, Respiratory, Reproductive, Endocrine, Nervous, Circulatory, Musculoskeletal, Skin and Sense organs
Axial Head, Neck, Trunk
Appendicular Appendages and limbs
Anatomical Position Body erect, Feet slightly apart, Palms facing foward, Thumbs pointing away from body
Supine Lying on back, Facing up
Prone Lying on belly, Facing down
Fowler's Head or bed elevated 45-60 degrees
Dorsal Cavity Pertaining to the back, also posterior, contains Cranial and Spinal cavity
Cranial Cavity Contains the brain and pituitary gland, Located in dorsal cavity
Spinal Cavity Contains spinal cord and nerves of the spinal cord, Located in dorsal cavity
Ventral Cavity Pertaining to the front, also anterior, contains Thoracic and Abdominopelvic cavity
Thoracic Cavity Contains lungs, heart, esophagus, trachea, bronchial tubes, thymus gland and aorta, also contains pleural cavity and mediastinum
Pleural Cavity Membrane surrounding lungs and protects them
Mediastinum Located outside of and between lungs
Abdominopelvic Cavity Contains all organs below the diaphragm
Regions of the Abdominopelvic Cavity R. Hypochonriac, epigastric, L. Hypochondriac, R. Lumbar, Umbilical, L. Lumbar, R. Inguinal(Iliac), Hypogastric, L. Inguinal(Iliac)
Quadrants of Abdominopelvic Cavity Right Upper Quad(RUQ), Left Upper Quad(LUQ), Right Lower Quad(RLQ), Left Lower Quad(LLQ)
Organs in RUQ Liver(R. Lobe), Gallbladder, Part of Pancreas, Parts of Small & Large Intestines
Organs in LUQ Liver(L. Lobe), Stomach, Spleen, Part of Pancreas, Parts of Small & Large Intestine
Organs in RLQ Parts of Small & Large Intestine, R. Ovary, R. Fallopian Tube, Appendix, R. Ureter
Organs in LLQ Parts of Small & Large Intestine, L. Ovary, L. Fallopian Tube, L. Ureter
What are the 5 divisions of the back? Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral, Coccygeal
Deep Away from surface
Superficial On the surface
Proximal Near point of attachment to trunk or structure
Distal Far from point of attachment to trunk or structure
Inferior Below another structure
Superior Above another structure
Medial Middle
Lateral Side
Plane Imaginary flat surface
What are the 3 planes? Frontal(Coronal), Sagittal(Lateral) and Transverse(Cross-sectional or Axial)
Frontal(Coronal) plane Vertical plane divides body into anterior and posterior sections
Sagittal(Lateral) plane Vertical plane divides body into left and right sides
Transverse(Cross-sectional or Axial) plane Horizontal plane divides body into superior and inferior sections
Disease Conditions which the fails to function normally, often referred to as a condition that causes extreme pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems and death
Homeostasis Physiologic process that monitors and maintains a stable internal environment or equilibrium, keep body in balance
Metabolism Sum if chemical and physical reactions that occur in the body
Manifestation Results of a disease process
Syndrome When all manifestations are combined together
Signs Definitive and objective indicator of illness
Symptoms Subjective and more difficult to measure indicators of illness
Vital Signs Common and measurable indicators that help assess health of patients
What are the main vital signs? Pulse, Blood Pressure, Temperature and Respiratory Rate
Diagnosis Identification of disease determined by studying patient's signs, symptoms, history and result of diagnostic tests
Etiology Cause of disease
Prognosis Prediction of disease outcome
Acute Short term
Chronic Long term
Terminal Last stage of disease resulting in death
Remission When signs & symptoms of disease disappear for a period of time
Exacerbation Disease flairs and may come back
Relapse Disease returns for a long period of time after remission
Complication Abnormal signs and symptoms that person develops already suffering from disease
Sequela Damage after disease process finished its course
Morbidity Disability and extent of illness caused by disease
Mortality Death
S.O.B Shortnes of breathe
A & P Anatomy and Physiology
BP Blood pressure
STAT Immediately
G.I. Gastrointestinal
Created by: Lacey.Cutler
Popular Medical sets




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