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Well Baby WHITEmod

APGAR Test: 1sttest babies are given.Recorded @1&5mins.Score7-10=Good-Excellent condition.4-6=Fair condition(May require resuscitative measure)Under4=Poor Condition(Require immediate&Maximal lifesaving efforts.)tests fpr;Colour,HeartRate,Breathing,reflex,Muscle tone
Brazelton Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale: tested overtime.Using to test newborns response & cope with the environment. 4behaviours;Interactive,Motor,Control of Physiological state&Reaction to stress.
Startle or Moro Reflex: When startled or put down abruptly, arms & legs will flare out & up. Resembling a parachute jumper.
Babinski Reflex: When the sole of the foot is gently stroked from heel to toe, the toes flare upward and foot turns in.
Rooting Reflex: A newborn whose cheek is gently stroked will turn in the direction of the stimulus, mouth open and ready to suckle.
Walking/Stepping Reflex: Held upright on a table or other flat surface, supported under the arms, a newborn (usually after the fourth day of life) may lift one leg and then the other, taking what seems to be 'steps'.
Palmar Grasping Reflex: Lasts from birth-5or6months. When object is placed in infants hand or stroke their palm, the fingers will close & they will grasp it and do not know how to let go just yet.
Tonic Neck Reflex: Placed on the back, a young baby will assume a 'fencing position', head to one side, with arms and legs on that side extended and opposite limbs flexed.
Thrush: Fungal infection, likely picked up from the vaginal tract. Candida Albicans is the organism to cause this. Appears as elevated white patches(cottage cheese, mild curds. on insides of baby's cheeks) Treat with antibiotics.
DPT (Diptheria,Pertussis,Tetanus) + P (Polio)+ Hib (Haemophilus Influenza Type B)vaccine = Pentacel;Protects against Diptheria,Tetanus,Pertussis,Polio&Haemophilus Meningitis. So children can be protected with just one shot. Children need 4doses.@ 2,4,6&18months for complete protection.
Varicella (Chicken Pox): Caused by;Varicella-Zoster virus. Symptoms;itchy rash,blistering spots everywhere &flu like symptoms. resolves without treatment. VERYcontagious, if infected should isolate oneself until pustules crust over& symptoms resolve. Takes 28days for symptoms.
Diptheria: Disease of the nose, throat & skin that can cause breathing problems,heart failure &nerve damage. Can kill 1outof10 ppl who contract it. Has become a rare disease bcuz of routine immunizations. Immunization given at 2,4,6&18months &boosters at 4-6yrs.
Pertussis (Whooping Cough): Causes coughing spells that can lead to vomiting.Cough can last weeks. Can cause breathing problems,pneumonia,brain damage&death. Problems occur most often in babies. Even with immunization,pertussis still occurs.
Tetanus: A serious disease that occurs by dirt contaminated with tetanus germs getting into an opening in the skin. Even with early treatment tetanus can kill 2 out of every 10 ppl who get it.
Polio: Serious disease that can cause nerve damage ?& paralyze a person for life. Most ppl who are paralyzed from polio have problems walking. Some ppl die from polio. Has become a rare disease due to routine immunizations.
MMR (Measles,Mumps,Rubella)Vaccine: a 3-in-1 vaccine that protects against measles,mumps & rubella. First shot is recommended at 12-15months.
Measles: An infection that begins with fever,cough,red runny eyes&a runny nose. progresses to red rash that begins on the face & spreads to the rest of the body. Spread easily through air. Can result in lung&brain infections that can cause brain damage & death.
Mumps: Infection caused by a virus that causes fever,headache & swelling of the salivary glands around the jaw&cheeks. Can also result in meningitis,hearing loss & sterility.
Rubella(German Measles): In children it is a mild illness that causes fever,swollen glands in the neck &a rash. Infection that is very dangerous for pregnant women(baby could be born blind if exposed early, also heart failure,mental retardationµcephaly)
Hib (Haemophilus Influenza Type B): a germcausing;meningitisin children.serious infection of the fluid&lining that cover the brain&spinal cord.Can result in brain damage,hearing loss,blindness&death.can causeinfections in the throat,blood,lungs,bones&joints.
Prevnar: PNEU C-7. it is a pneumococcal vaccine.Caused by streptococus pneumoniae&is the most frequent cause of pneumonia,blood infection,sinusitis&ear infections in children under5.
Prevnar vaccine ages: Recommended:infants 23months or less. OR 24-59mths if they have the following conditions; sickle cell anemia,HIV,immunocompromised, no spleen, or spleen that does not work, or chronic disease
At 2 months what vaccines does your child receive if healthy: D(Diptheria)T(Tetanus)P(Pertussis)+Hib+P(Polio) +Pneu C7(Pneumo Conjugate) (DDTP+Hib together is Pentacel vaccine)
At 4 months what vaccines does your child recieve if healthy: DPT+P+Hib+Pneu C7
At 6 months what vaccines does your child recieve if healthy: DTP+P+Hib+Pneu C7
At 12 months what vaccines does your child recieve if healthy: Men C & MMR
AT 15 months what vaccines does your child recieve if healthy: Pneu C7+ Varicella
At 18 months what vaccine does your child recieve if healthy: Measles,Mumps,Rubella+ DDTP+Hib
At 4-6 years old your child should have another set of what vaccine if healthy: Diptheria,Tetanus,Pertussis
At 12years old your child should recieve what vaccine: Hep B
At 14-16years old what vaccines does your child need: Diptheria,Tetanus,Pertussis
At 13-14years old what vaccine should girls recieve: HPV
By age 1 how many Diptheria,Tetanus,Pertussis,Polio,Hib, Pneu C7 vaccines should a healthy child have: 3
By age 14 what vaccines should your healthy female child have: 6 Diptheria, 6 Tetanus, 6 Pertussis, 5 Polio, 4 Hib, 4 Pneu C7, 2 Measles, 2 Mumps, 2 Rubella, 1 Men-C, 1 Varicella, 1 Hep B, 1 HPV
What do they do at babies first check up? 1)Questions about babies sleep 2) Measurement/recording of weight,length,head circumference 3)Vision&Hearing 4) Review of neonatal screenings(PKU etc).5)Physical exam6)Advise about what to expect in the next few months7)Recommendations about VitD
On average when does teething occur? Around the seventh month. Symptoms could occur 2-3mths prior & may include: irritability,drooling,facial rash & biting, fever or ear pulling
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Symptoms must be present for at least 6mths & include: short attention span, Distractedness, Impulsivity, & Hyperactivity
Created by: Brittanyyy
Popular Medical sets




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