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Study Guide Ch 5

Chabner, Language of Medicine 8th Edition, Ch 5 Digestive System

Combining form of the first part of the large intestine is ... ? cec/o (cecum)
Pertaining to the abdomen celiac (celi/o), belly, abdomen (abdominal)
Muscular wave-like movement to transport food through the digestive system Peristalsis (rhythmic contractions of the tubes of the gastrointestional tracts and other tubular structures)
Part of the tooth that contains a rich supply of nerves and blood vessels Pulp (soft tissue within the tooth)
Gingiv/o means ... ? Gums, gum tissue. Gingivitis is an example of inflammation of the gum tissues.
Buccal means ... ? Pertaining to the cheek. (-al = pertaining to, bucc/o = cheek)
high blood levels of a pigment released by the liver with bile (can lead to jaundice) hyperbilirubinemia (-emia = abnormal blood condition, billirubin = byproduct of dead red blood cells, hyper- = an excessive amount of or more than normal, fast.
carries bile into the duodenum Common Bile Duct (aka: choledochus) -us = structure, doch/o = duct, chole = gallbladder)
Enzyme to digest starch Amylase
Chronic inflammation of the intestional tract Chron disease
ring of muscles sphincter
specialist in gums Periodontist - (specialist in tissues supporting the teeth, alveolar bone, gingiva (gums)
stomat/o mouth (an opening)
Cheil/o Labi/o = LIP (cheil/o and labi/o both mean "lip")
stone in a salivary gland sailadenolithiasis (-asis = abnormal condition, lithi = stone, aden/o = gland, sial/o = salivary)
membrane that connects parts of small intestine mesentery (part of peritoneum - holds organs in place - lies in middle of intenstines) (-y = condition or process), (enter/o = intestines), (mes- = middle)
New opening from the large bowel to the surface of the body colostomy (-stomy = new opening, col/o = colon)
Lack of appetite Anorexia "no appetite"
Another term for jaundice Hyperbillirubinemia. --- HYPER --- BILLIRUBIN --- EMIA . (abnormal blood condition of excessive billirubin in the blood)
esophageal varices are ... ? swollen twisted veins, in the esophagus (varices = varix = enlarged tortuous vein, artery, or lymphatic vessel) (-al = pertaining to) the esophagus
abnormal side pockets in a hollow organ, such as the intestine diverticula (condition of is called diverticulosis, an active inflammation or attack is called diverticulitis)
Telescoping of the intestine intussusception
Difficulty in swallowing Dysphagia (-ia = condition, phag = swallow, dys- = difficulty)
white plaques on the mucosa of the mouth Oral Leukoplakia (oral = mouth, plakia = plaques, leuk/o = white)
cecum First part of the Large intestine
duodenum First part of the Small intestine
gallbladder small sac - under the liver - stores bile
pancreas organ under the stomach - produces insulin and enzymes
colon "the Large Intestine"
esophagus tube connecting the throat - to the stomach
ileum Third part of the Small Intestine
pharynx throat
swollen, twisted veins in the rectal region are... ? hemmorrhoids
chronic liver disease resulting from alcoholism and malnutrition is called... ? cirrhosis
failure of peristalsis (wave-like motions) ileus (intestional obstruction - prevents peristalsis from occurring)
calculi in the sac that stores bile cholecystolithiasis (gallstones)
sore or lesion of the mucous membrane in the stomach or duodenum peptic ulcer (peptic = stomach, ulcer = sore, lesion)
Painful, inflamed intestines often caused by bacterial infection dysentry (-y = process or condition), (dys- = painful), (enter/o = intestines)
Chronic inflammation of the large bowel WITH ulcers Ulcerative Colitis (colitis = inflammation of the colon or large bowel), (ulcerative = pertaining to the presence of ulcers)
group of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with stress, but without inflammation of the intestines "Irritable Bowel Syndrome" or IBS
steatorrhea fats are improperly digested and appear in the feces (-rrhea = flow or discharge, steat/o = fats)
Inflammation of the liver caused by Type A, Type B, or Type C virus. Hepatitis (-itis = inflammation, hepat/o = liver)
Created by: penguin
Popular Medical sets




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