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Medical Terms 1 Phle
Medical Terms for Phlebotomy #1 including combining vowel
Question | Answer |
abdomin/o | abdomen |
abrupt/o | broken away from |
abcess/o | going away, collection of pus |
aer/o | air, gas |
agglutin/o | clumping, stick together |
aneurysm/o | aneurysm |
angin/o | chocking, strangling |
aort/o | aorta |
appendic/o | appendix |
arteri/o | artery |
onc/o | tumor |
oste/o | bone |
path/o | disease, suffering |
phleb/o | vein |
plasm/o | something molded or formed |
pulm/o | lung |
pulmon/o | lung |
py/o | pus |
ren/o | kidney |
resuscit/o | revive |
retr/o | behind, backward |
scler/o | sclera, white of eye |
sphincter/o | tight band |
staphyl/o | cluster, bunch of grapes |
strept/o | twisted chain |
syring/o | tube |
systol/o | contraction |
thorac/o | chest |
thromb/o | clot |
tox/o, toxic/o | poison |
trache/o | trachea, windpipe |
tunic/o | covering, cloak, sheath |
tympan/o | tympanic membrane, eardrum |
varic/o | swollen or dilated vein |
vascul/o | little vessel |
ven/o | vein |
ventr/o | in front, belly side of body |
ventricul/o | ventricle of brain or heart |
venul/o | venule, small vein |
a-, an- | away from, negative, no, not without |
Prefix: ab- | away from |
Prefix: ac-, ad-, af-, as-, at- | toward, to |
Prefix: al- | like, similar |
Prefix: ante- | before, forward |
Prefix: anti- | against, counter |
Prefix: bi- | twice, double, two |
Prefix: brachy- | short |
Prefix: brady- | slow |
Prefix: cent- | hundred |
Prefix: circum- | around, about |
Prefix: co-, com-, con- | together, with |
Prefix: contra- | against, counter, opposite |
Prefix: cort- | covering |
Prefix: cyst- | bag, bladder |
Prefix: de- | from, not, down, lack of |
Prefix: demi- | half |
Prefix: di- | twice, twofold, double |
Prefix: dia- | through, between, apart, complete |
Prefix: dis- | negative, apart, abscence |
Prefix: dys- | difficult, painful, bad |
Prefix: ecto- | out, outside |
Prefix: em- | in |
Prefix: en- | in, into, whithin |
Prefix: endo- | within, in, inside |
Prefix: epi- | upon, above, on, upper |
Prefix: eu- | well, easy, good |
Prefix: ex-, exo- | out of, outside, away from |
Prefix: extra- | on the outside, beyond, outside |
Prefix: fore- | before, in front of |
Prefix: hem- | relating to the blood |
Prefix: hemi- | half |
Prefix: hydra- | relating to water |
Prefix: hyper- | over, above, increased, excessive |
Prefix: hypo- | under, decreased, deficient, below |
Prefix: in- | in, into, not, without |
Prefix: infra- | beneath, below, inferior to |
Prefix: inter- | between, among |
Prefix: intra-, intro- | within, into, inside |
Prefix: mal- | bad, poor, evil |
Prefix: med-, mes- | middle |
Prefix: mega- | large, great |
Prefix: meta- | change, transformation, subsequent to, behind, hindmost, after or next |
Prefix: multi- | many, much |
Prefix: neo- | new, strange |
Prefix: nitro- | nitrogen |
Prefix: non- | no |
Prefix: nuli- | none |
Prefix: ortho- | straight, normal, correct |
Prefix: os- | mouth, bone |
Prefix: pan- | all, entire, every |
Prefix: para- | apart from, beside, near, abnormal |
Prefix: per- | excessive, through |
Prefix: peri- | around, surrounding |
Prefix: poly- | many |
Prefix: post- | after, behind |
Prefix: pre- | before, in front of |
Prefix: pro- | before, in behalf of |
Prefix: re- | back, again |
Prefix: retro- | behind, backward, back of |
Prefix: semi- | half |
Prefix: sub- | under, less, below |
Prefix: super- | above, excessive, higher than |
Prefix: sym- | with, together |
Prefix: syn- | union, association |
Prefix: tachy- | fast, rapid |
Prefix: tetra- | four |
Prefix: trans- | across, through |
Prefix: tri- | three |
Prefix: ultra- | beyond, excess |
Prefix: un- | not |
Prefix: uni- | one |
Prefix: venter- | the abdomen |