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MedTerm Quiz 4

Integumentary System

Albin/o White
Bi/o Life
Cry/o Cold
Cutane/o skin
derm/o skin
Cyan/o Blue
diaphor/o profuse sweating
electr/o electricity
erythro/o red
kerat/o hard,horny (skin)
leuk/o white
lip/o fat
melan/o black
necr/o death of tissue
onych/o nail
py/o pus
scler/o hard
seb/o oil
ungu/o nail
xer/o dry
-derma skin
-opsy veiw of
-tome instrument to cut
pathogens disease causing organisms
sensory reciptors detect temperature, pain, touch and pressure
Fluids are produced in what two glands subaceous and sweat
Sweat glands help he body to maintain it's internal temperature by creating sweat which helps the body to cool
Subaceous glands produce oil which lubricates the skins surface.
Epidermis thin outer membrane of the skin
Dermis middle fibrous connective tissue layer of the skin
subcutaneous layer inner most layer of the skin containing the fatty tissue
Basal layer deepest layer within the epidermis where the cells grow and multiply
keratin hard protein
karatinized cells allow the skin to act as an effective barrier to infection and make the skin waterproof
melanocytes specialized cells that produce the black pigment melanin
melanin black pigment
Contained in the Dermis layer of the skin hair follicles, sweat glands, subaceous glands, blood cessels, lymph vessels,sensory recptors, nerve fibers and muscle fibers
Subcutaneous level hypodermis
lipocytes fat cells
sebum oil from the subaceous glands
Subcutaneous pertaining to under the skin
epidermal pertaining to upon the skin
hypodermic pertaining to under the skin
intradermal pertaining to within the skin
dermatitis inflammation of the skin
dermatologist specialist in skin
dermatosis condition of the skin
dermatopathy skin disease
dermatoplasty surgical repain of the skin
lipectomy removal of fat
lipoma fatty mass
melanoma black tumor
melanocyte black cell
necrosis abnormal condition of dead tissue
onychectomy removal of the nail
onychomalacia softening of the nails
pyogenic pus forming
seborrhea oily discharge
ungual pertaining to the nails
erythroderma red skin
leukoderma white skin
pyoderma pus skin
scleroderma hard skin
xeroderma dry skin
abrasion scraping away of the skin
contusion injury caused by a blow to the body
cyanosis bluish tint to the skin
dermatology branch of medicine that diagnoses and treats conditions and diseases of the integumentary system
diaphoresis profuse sweating
ecchymosis bruise
erythema redness of the skin
eschar thick layer of dead skin that forms over a deep burn area
hirsutism excessive hair growth
keloid thickened hypertrophic scar
keratosis skin condition involving an overgrowth
lesion term for a wound, injury or abnormality
nevus mole
pallor paleness of the skin
petechiae pinpoint purple or red spons from a minute hemorrhages
pruritus severe itching
purpura hemorrhages into the skin due to fragile blood vessels
purulent containing pus
hemangioma collection of dialated blood vessels
urticaria hives
verruca warts
cyst fluid filled sac
fissure crack-like grove in the skin
pustule containing pus
ulcer open sore int he skin
abcess a collection of pus
acne inflammation in the sebaceous gland
albinism a genetic condition in which the body is unable to make melanin
cellulitis acute infection and inflammation in the connective tissue in the skin
decubitus ulcer bed sore or open sore over bony prominences
eczema superficial dermatitis
gangrene tissue necrosis
impetigo highly infectious bacterial infection of the skin
malignant melanoma skin cancer
pediculosis lice
psoriasis chronic inflammation of the skin causing silvery scale
scabies egg laying mites
systemic lupus erythematosus chronic disease of the connective tissue
tinea and tinea capitis ring worm
varicella chickenpox
alopecia absence or loss of hair
paronychai infection around the nail
C&S Culture and sensitivity- test that grows bacteria in order to identify and treat it
BX biopsy- a piece of tissue is removed to examine it under a microscope
FS Frozen section- peice of tissue is cut from a frozen specimen
Dermatone instrument used to cut the skin
SG Skin graft- transfer of skin grom a normal area to cover another site.
cryosurgery extreme cold to freeze and destroy tissue
curettage removal of lesions with a curette
curette surgical instrument that is shaped like a spoon
Debridement removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue from a wound
I&D Incision and Drainage- An incesion which is made to drain pus
chemabrasion abrasion using chemicals
dermabrasion abrasion using wire brushes to remove scars, tattoos and scar tissue
liposuction removal of fat via suction
anesthetics applied to the skin to deaden pain
antibiotics kill bacteria
antifungals kill fungi
antiparasitics kill mites and/or lice
antiprutitics reduce severe itching
antiseptics kill bacteria
decub decubitus ulcer
Derm dermatology
MM malignant melanoma
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
subq subcutaneous
Created by: lynette.thorpe
Popular Medical sets




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