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Stack #85410

Common Conditions and Diseases of the Integumentary System

acne vulgaris acne
alopecia baldness
comedo blackhead
dermatrophy stretch marks
diaphoresis excessive sweating
erythema redness of the skin (flushing)
herpes simplex virus (HSV) fever blister
onychomalacia nail softening
onychophagia nail biting
paronychia infection around the nail
pediculosis lice infestation
plaque dandruff
pruritus itching
rhytid/o wrinkles
urticara allergic reaction, hives
xeroderma dry skin
abscess, furuncle, carbuncle localized collection of pus occuring in any body tissue including the skin; furnuncle occurs around a hair follicle; carbuncles are larger and involve several furuncles
candidiasis yeast-type fungal infection caused by the yeast candida, often affecting individuals with chronic diseases
cellulitis diffuse spreading inflammation of the skin usually caused by Staphylococcus
cheilitis lip inflammation
exanthem measles-like eruption or rash that may be due to a virus, bacterial toxin, or allergic reaction to a drug
herpes family of viruses characterized by skin inflammation and the eruption of groups of small vesicles along the course of affected cutaneous nerve
herpes simplex 1 commonly called fever blisters and cold sores, usually around lips and nose
herpes genitalis (simplex type 2) commonly called genital herpes, highly contagious disease that may be sexually transmitted
herpes varicella highly contagious childhood disease, commonly called chickenpox, becomes dormant after the infection clears
herpes zoster reactivation of the varicella virus in adults, appears as blisters grouped along cutaneous nerves, commonly called shingles
impetigo bacterial, inflammatory skin disease caused by Staphylococci and Streptococci characterized by vesicles, pustules, and crusted lesions
lyme disease multisysem infection caused by the lyme spirochetes or Brorrelia burgdorferi, a bacterium
measles highly communicable disease caused by the rubeola virus, marked by fever and rash, also known as rubeola
pityriasis rosea benign rash characterized by scaling, rose-colored spots
scabies contagious, parasitic infection of the skin causing intense itching
tinea skin disease caused by fungus, ringworm, the usually includes the name of the body part affected
tinea versicolor type of superficial fungal infection on the trunk and arms caused by the overgrowth of a saprophytic yeast normally present (pityrosporum)
verruca wart, type of common viral skin infection
contact dermatitis acute or chronice allergic reaction affecting the skin
eczema inflammation of the skin characterized by itching, redness, and vesicles, causes skin thickening in acute stages or dry lichenifications in chronic stages
atopic dermatitis chronic type of eczema often in families with a history of allergies and asthma, onset is usually two months after birth
lichen planus recurrent, itchy, inflammatory skin eruption often accompanied by oral lesions
psoriasis chronic skin disease of unknown cause characterized by red, raised plaques with distinct borders and silvery scales
rosacea common chronic red pustules that usually erupt in the middle of the face in middle-aged individuals
scleroderma chronic disease caused by infiltration of fibrous tissue resulting in "hard skin"
sebaceous cyst cyst that develops when a sebaceous or oil gland becomes blocked
seborrheic dermatitis superficial inflammation of the skin associated with heavy production of sebum or oil that is overgrown with oil-bearing yeasts
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) chronic inflammatory disease of connective tissue
actinic keratosis premalignant condition characterized by growth of wart-like lesions on sun-exposed areas of skin
albinism genetic total or partial absence of pigment in skin, eyes, and hair
Created by: kate8686
Popular Medical sets




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