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chapter 123

Medical terms

gastr stomach
hemat blood
arthr joint
itis inflammation
emesis vomiting
dynia pain
logy study of
centesis surgical puncture
oste bone
encephal brain
clasis surgical fracture / to break
desis binding, fixation of a bone or joint
ectomy excision, removal
lysis separation, loosening, destruction
pexy fixation (of an organ)
plasty surgical repair
rrhaphy suture
stomy forming an opening (mouth)
append appendix
thromb blood clot
mast breast
rhin nose
my muscle
trache trachea
tome instrument to cut
tomy incision
tripsy crushing
lith stone, calculus
gram recording, writing
electr electricity
cardi heart
graph instrument for recording
graphy process of recording
meter instrument for measuring
metry act of measuring
scope instrument for examining
scopy visual examination
angi vessel
pelv pelvis
endo in, within
algia / dynia pain
neur nerve
ot eat
cele hernia, swelling
hepat liver
ectasis dilation, expanison
bronchi bronchus
edema swelling
emia blood condition
emesis vomiting
an without, not
gen / genesis forming, producing, orgin
carcin cancer
iasis abnormal condition
chol bile, gall
malacia softening
megaly enlargement
oma tumor
osis abnormal condition; increase ( with blood cells )
cyan blue
pathy disease
penia decrease, deficiency
erythr red
phagia eating, swallowing
dys painful, difficult, bad
phasia speech
phobia fear
hem blood
plasia / plasm formation, growth
plegia paralysis
neo new
hemi one half
ptosis prolapse, downward, displacement
blephar eyelid
rrhage, rrhagia bursting forth
men menstruation
rrhea discharge flow
dia through across
rrhexis rupture
arteri artery
sclerosis abnormal condition of hardening
spasm involuntary contraction, twitching
stenosis narrowing, stricture
hepat liver
toxic poison
trophy nourishment, developement
ac pertaining to
al pertaining to
ar pertaining to
ary pertaining to
eal pertaining to
ic pertaining to
ical pertaining to
ile pertaining to
ior pertaining to
ous pertaining to (or) composed of, producing
tic pertaining to
esis condition
ia condition
ism condition
iatry medicine , treatment
ician specialist
ist specialist
y condition process
pulmon lung
esophag esophagus
thorac chest
path disease
pen penis
poster back
cutane skin
acous hearing
di double
ur urine
pneumon lung, air
pod foot
obstetr midwife
icle small
ole small
ule small
ven vein
ventr belly, belly side
pre before
peri around
post after
nat birth
epi above, upon
hypo under, below, deficient
infra under, below
cost ribs
sub under, below
nas nose
inter between
post after, behind
pre before, in front of
pro before, in front of
gnosis knowing
retro backward, behind
version turning
bi two
later side
dipl double
diplo double
opia vision
bacteri bacteria
hemi one half
calc calcium
hyper excessive, above normal
macro large
cyte cell
micro small
mono one
uni one
therapy treatment
multi many, much
poly many, much
primi first
quadri four
gravida pregnant woman
tri three
ceps heds
ab away from
ad towards
duction act of leading, bringing, conducting
circum around
peri around
odont teeth
trans through across
vagin vagina
ecto outside, outward
tropia turning
exo outside, outward
extra outside, outward
crani cranium
endo in, within
intra in, within
para near, beside; beyond
crine secrete
super upper, above
supra above, excessive, superior
ren kidney
son sound
ultra excess, beyond
a without, not
an without, not
esthesis feeling
anti against
contra against
ception conceiving
brady slow
dys bad, painful, difficult
eu good, normal
pnea breathing
tocia childbirth
graft transplant
hetero different
homo same
homeo same
plasia formation, growth
mal bad
pan all
pseudo false
cyesis pregnancy
syn union, together, joined
dactyl fingers; toes
tachy rapid
Created by: fogarter
Popular Medical sets




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