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NVRA Medical study

Medical Terminology

abduct draw away from median line of the body
abscess localized collection of pus buried in tissues, organs, or confined spaces
acetabulum socket in the pelvis within which the head of the femur fits
acromioclavicular joint shoulder – collarbone junction
adduct draw toward the median line of the body
allesthesia the circumstance whereby a sensation such as pain or touch is experienced at a point remote from that at which the stimulus occurs
anastomosis a connection between two vessels
brachial plexus a network of vessels and nerves in the shoulder/arm region
bronchiectasis dilation of the bronchial tubes
bruit sound or murmur heard in auscultation, especially an abnormal one
cardiology the study of the heart and its functions
cerebrospinal pertaining to the brain and spinal cord
Cesarean section a surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus, performed to deliver a fetus
cholecystectomy excision of the gallbladder
chondromalacia abnormal softening of cartilage
creatinine substance found in muscle and blood and excreted in the urine
discogram graphic record of the view of an intervertebral disk
dysphagia difficulty in swallowing
edema presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the body
encephalopathy any degenerative disease of the brain
fasciculated clustered together or occurring in bundles
fasciitis inflammation of a fascia, a band of fibrous tissue that lies deep under the skin
foramenotomy the operation of removing the roof of the intervertebral foramina for the relief of nerve root compression
fundus the bottom or base of anything – e.g., uterus, eye
gallbladder small, pear-shaped muscular sac, located under the right lobe of the liver, in which bile secreted by the liver is stored until needed by the body for digestion
gastroenteritis an acute inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines
glioblastoma a rapidly growing tumor
hypotension abnormally low blood pressure
hypoxia reduction of sufficient oxygen in tissues in spite of adequate blood supply
ileum a portion of the small intestine
ileus a bowel obstruction
ilium pelvis; part of the hipbone
laminectomy excision of the posterior arch of a vertebra
laminotomy division of the lamina of a vertebra
laparoscopy examination of the interior of the abdomen by means of instrument called a laparoscope
lordosis abnormally increased curvature of the thoracic and lumbar spine
luxation dislocation in which bone is displaced from its normal position in the joint cavity
musculoskeletal pertaining to or comprising the skeleton and the muscles
nephrology: scientific study of the kidney, its anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pathophysiology
neurology that branch of medical science which deals with the nervous system
nystagmus involuntary, rapid movement of the eyeball
oophorocystectomy excision of an ovarian cyst
ophthalmology branch of medical science dealing with the anatomy, functions and diseases of the eye
orthopedics that branch of surgery and medical science which is specially concerned with the preservation and restoration of the function of the skeletal system, its articulations, and associated structures
paracentesis aspiration
patella kneecap
petechia a tiny red spot on the skin, but usually used in the plural
perfusion the passage of a fluid through the vessels of a specific organ
plantar fasciitis inflammation of the fascia of the sole of the foot
pulmonology the medical science concerned with the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the lungs
Raynaud's disease vascular disorder characterized by ischemia of the fingers or toes
syncope temporary suspension of consciousness, a faint or swoon
spondylitis inflammation of one or more vertebrae
spondylosis degenerative changes of vertebrae
spondylolisthesis forward displacement of lumbar vertebra
stapedectomy surgical creation of a small opening in the stapes
venous of or pertaining to the veins
viscid sticky, thick
xiphoid shaped like a sword, as in xiphoid process
a­- without/absence of
ab­- away from
ad- to/toward
an- without
ante- before
anti- against
bi- two
brady- slow
contra- against
ecto- outside
endo- within
exo- outside
glyc- sweet
hyper- above
hypo- below
im- not
infra- under or below
inter- between
intra- inside
mal- bad
macro- large
meso- middle
meta- after
mut- change
patho- disease
peri- surrounding
retro- back
sub- under or below
supra- above
super- over or above
tachy- fast
trans- through, across,beyond
ultra- beyond, excess
-­algia pain
-asis condition
-asthenia weakness
-ectomy excision, surgical removal
-emia blood condition
-genic producing, causing
-itia, itis inflammation
-lysis reduction, destruction
-­megaly enlargement
-oma tumor, swelling
-oscopy, -osopy to view
-ostomy creation of artificial opening
-otomy cut into
-pathy disease
-penia insufficiency
-plegia paralysis
-­pnea breathing
-sclerosis hardening
-sepsis infection
-stasis control or stop
-tropic influencing
bronch windpipe
cardi heart
cutane skin
carp wrist
cyst bladder
cyt cell
derm skin
dors back
encephal brain
enter intestines
erythr red
gangli swelling
gastr stomach
hema blood
hepat liver
homeo same
lact milk
leuko white
lip fat
mening membrane
morph shape or form
myo muscle
nephr kidney
olfact to smell
oo egg ovum
oss, oste bone
phleb vein
pleur rib
pod foot
proct rectum
psych mind
pyr fever
ren kidney
scler hard
somat body
strat layer
thromb clot
ven vein
Created by: 1613712232
Popular Medical sets




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