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Common Medical Abbreviations C5

AM before noon
NB newborn
AMT amount
N/C no complaint
approx approximately
neg negative, not
aq water
ASAP as soon as possible
noc nocturnal, night
BC(P) birth control (pill)
N/V nausea & vomiting
BM bowel movement
occ occasionally
CC chief complaint
OTC over the counter
ck check
peds pediatrics
c/o complains of
per by or through
dc discontinue
PM afternoon
dec decrease
po by mouth
def deficiency
postop postoperative
DOB date of birth
prep preparation
dsg dressing
pt patient
D&V diarrhea and vomiting
qns quantity not sufficient
DSD dry sterile dressing
Rx prescription
ea each
sigmoid sigmoidoscopy
EDD expected date of delivery
sl slight
GYN gynecology
SOB shortness of breath
lac laceration
spec specimen
liq liquid
stat now, immediately
LMP last menstrual period
meds medications
mod moderate
n normal
Dx diagnosis
H&P history and physical examination
H/O history of
Hx history
MHx medical history
PE physical examination
prog prognosis
Tx therapy, treatment
CAD coronary artery disease
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CVA cerebrovascular accident
HT hypertension
MI myocardial infarction, heart attack
OM otis media (ear)
STI sexually transmitted infection
TB Tuberculosis
URI upper respiratory infection
UTI urinary tract infection
ECG/EKG electrocardiogram
Echo echocardiogram
EEG electroencephalogram
IVP intravenous pyelogram
U/S, US ultrasound, ultrasonography
BG blood glucose
Bx biopsy
C&S culture and sensitivity
C&S culture and sensitivity
CBC complete blood count
WBC white blood cell count
FBS fasting blood sugar
UA urinalysis
U/C urine culture
abd abdomen
AD right ear
AS left ear
AU in each ear
GI gastrointestinal
EENT eyes, ears, nose, throat
GU genitourinary
LA left arm
LL left leg
LLQ left lower quadrant
RLQ right lower quadrant
LUQ left upper quadrant
OD right eye
OS left eye
OU both eyes
RUQ right upper quadrant
RL right leg
RLE right lower extremity
rt right
lt left
C celcius or centigrade
cc cubic centimeter
F fahrenheit
l length
L liter
qt quart
AP apical pulse
BP blood pressure
DVA distance visual acuity
P pulse
R respiration
SC subcutaneous
T temperature
VS vital signs
wt weight
TPR temperature, pulse, respiration
AM before noon
NB newborn
AMT amount
N/C no complaint
approx approximately
neg negative, not
aq water
NKA no known allergies
ASAP as soon as possible
noc nocturnal, night
BC(P) birth control (pill)
N/V nausea & vomiting
BM bowel movement
occ occasionally
CC chief complaint
OTC over the counter
ck check
peds pediatrics
c/o complains of
per by or through
dc discontinue
PM afternoon
dec decrease
po by mouth
def deficiency
postop postoperative
DOB date of birth
prep preparation
dsg dressing
pt patient
D&V diarrhea & vomiting
qns quantity not sufficient
DSD dry sterile dressing
Rx prescription
ea each
sigmoid sigmoidoscopy
EDD expected date of delivery
sl slight
GYN gynecology
SOB shortness of breath
lac laceration
spec specimen
liq liquid
stat now, immediately
LMP last menstural period
meds medications
mod moderate
n normal
Dx diagnosis
H&P history & physical examination
H/O history of
Hx history
MHx medical history
PE physical exam
prog prognosis
Tx therapy, treatment
CAD coronary artery disease
CHF congestive heart failure
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CVA cerebrovascular accident
HT hypertension
MI myocardial infarction, heart attack
OM otis media (ear)
STI sexually transmitted infection
TB Tuberculosis
UTI urinary tract infection
ECG/EKG electrocardiogram
Echo echocardiogram
EEG electrencephalogram
IVP intravenous pyelogram
U/S, US ultrasound, ultrasonography
BG blood glucose
Bx biopsy
C&S culture & sensitivity
CBC complete blood count
WBC white blood cell count
fbs fasting blood sugar
RBC random blood count
UA urinalysis
U/C urine culture
Created by: Eosine
Popular Medical sets




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