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Ch. 20 Africa GWMMS

Ch. 20 Africa Shaped by History GWMMS

Colonize To settle an area and take over its governments
Nationalism A feeling of pride in one's homeland
Pan-Africanism A movement formed in 1920's for unity and cooperation among all Africans
Leopold Sedar Senghor A poet and political leader of Pan-Africanism. He became the first president when Senegal became independent in 1960
boycott When a group of people refuse to buy goods or services.
Kwame Nkrumah An African leader who organized protests against British rule in the 1950's.
Quran The holy book of the religion of Islam
Mansa Musa Mali's most famous king
Aksum A kingdom that was located in East Africa. It is now Ethiopia and Eritrea
"Ghana, Mali, and Songhai" Three of the richest and most powerful kingdoms in West Africa
pilgrimage A religious journey
Tombouctou A great Muslim trading and learning center
Swahili A Bantu language with some Arab mixed in developed by Muslim traders
city-state A small kingdom with its own government and controls much of the surrounding land
Kilwa A very rich and beatiful city-state in East Africa
hunter-gatherer "The earliest humans who survived by gathering fruit, berries, and roots and hunted meat"
Louis Leakey A scientist who found some of the first evidence of early humans in East Africa
domesticate To adapt something for your own use
fertile Containing substances needed by plants in order to grow well
surplus More than is needed
Egypt A kingdom that rose along the Nile in the 4000's B.C.
Nubia An ancient region in North America that rose directly below Egypt
migrate To move from one area to another
Bantu-speakers Traders and herders who brought the Bantu language to Central and Southern Africa
ethnic groups "Groups of people that share the same languages, religions, family ties, and customs"
Created by: mrs-edgar
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