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CanColl May 2012 AssessmentsReview Term 2

What is the most commonly sprained lig in the body? Anterior Talofibular Ligament ATFL
In what position is the foot, when the ATFL is sprained? Inverted and plantar-flexed
Which test is testing for an Achilles Tendon rupture? Thompson's Test
What is another name for the medial collateral ligament in the ankle? The Deltoid Ligament
Which test do you use to test the Deltoid Ligament? Valgus Stress Test
How do you treat someone who tests positive for Homan's Sign? CI - refuse to treat and send them immediately to a doctor or hospital
Homan's Test is testing for? Deep Vein Thrombosis DVT
What is a positive sign for Homan's Test? Sharp pain deep in calf muscles - can also include swelling, warmth & redness.
Which is the strongest and thickest ligament in the body? Achilles Tendon
What makes up the Tom, Dick and Harry structures? Tibialis Posterior (Tom), Flexor Digitorum Longus (Dick), Flexor Hallucis Longus (Harry) - also - Posterior Tibial Artery and the Tibial Nerve.
Anterior Drawer Test (Ankle) is testing for? Integrity of the Anterior Talofibular Ligament ATFL
Patellofemoral Grinding Test (aka Clarke's sign) is testing for? Patellar chonromalacia (roughening of the back of the patella)
What is McMurray's Test testing for? Medial Meniscus Damage
What is Alternate McMurray's Test testing for? Lateral Meniscus Damage
Screw Home Mechanism Test is testing for? The normal external rotation of the tibia when the knee is fully extended.
A postive sign for Anterior Drawer Test (Knee) would be? Excessive anterior movement of the tibia
Anterior Drawer Test (Knee) is testing for? Anterior Cruciate Ligament damage
A dot is put on the apex of the patella and the tibial tuberosity. The client is instructed to fully extend their knee and the alignment of the dots is re-evaluated. What test is this? Screw Home Test
That is the function of the ACL? Prevents anteriof dislocation of the tibia on the femur.
What structures make up the Terrible Triad? Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL), Medial Meniscus (MM) and the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)
Which MM's make up the GST muscles that attach to the Pes Anserine insertion? Gracilis, Sartorius, and Semi-Tendinosis
Which is the longest MM in the body? Sartorius
A patellar tracking problem is tested for by which orthopedic test? Q angle
Which tests are testing for meniscus damage? McMurray's, Alternate McMurray's, Apley's Grinding and ODonaghue's Tests
Which tests are testing for LCL or MCL damage? Apley's Distraction, Valgus and Varus Tests
Which tests are testing for ACL or PCL damage? Anterior Drawer, Posterior Drawer and Posterior Sag Sign
Patrick's or Faber's Test is testing for? Hip Joint Pathology, Scaroiliac Joint Dysfunction and Adductor Muscle Injury
Placing your thumbs on PSIS and S2 tubercle and having the client raist their leg on the PSIS side - describes which test? Gillet's Test
What is a negative sign for Gillet's Test? The PSIS should drop forward with hip extension
Describe how Ober's Test is performed. Client is sidelying, top leg extended at hip, flexed 90 degrees at knee. Grasp ankle and knee, raise them and then release knee.
A postive sign for Ober's Test would be? The knee does not drop when released.
Noble's Test is testing for? IT Band Friction Syndrome
Client is supine. Therapist places palms of their hands on the outside of the ASIS's then presses in on the ASIS's. This describes which test? Posterior Gapping Test
Trendelenberg Test is testing for? Weakness in the gluteus medius mm
Which test should you try if your client is experience signs of sciatica but all sciatica tests are showing negative? Piriformis Test
The Femoral Triangle is made up of which three structures? Inguinal crease (superior), Adductor Longus (medial) and Sartorial mm ridge (lateral)
Sharp shooting pain during a lumbar quadrant test indicates Facet or Nerve irritation? Nerve
Which type of scoliosis can be resolved with massage treatments - functional or structural? Functional
What 3 tests (and in what order) should you perform if you suspect sciatica? Straight Leg Raise, Braggard's and Well Leg Raise (aka Lermitte or Crossed Extension SLR)
Is it more accurate to measure leg length from the umbilicus to the medial malleolus or from the ASIS to the medial malleolus? From the ASIS is more accurate - bony chains
Where does sciatic pain present? Low back and posterior leg
What are you looking for when performing Hoover's test? Malingering - neg sign is when the opposite heel presses down with effort
Facet joint irritation presents as Local or Radating Pain? Local
Hyperreflexia may be indicative of? Upper Motor Neuron Lesion UMNL
Hyporeflexia may be indicative of? Lower Motor Neuron Lesion LMNL
What is the normal rating for a DTR? 2
Winging of the scapula is potentially caused by damage to which nerve? The Long Thoracic Nerve
Which MM innervated by the Long Thoracic Nerve - can cause winging of the scapula? Serratus Anterior
Which two tests test for bicipital tendonitis? Speed's and Yergason's Tests
Which three tests are used to test for Thoraci Outlet Syndrome TOS? Adson's, Eden's and Wright's Tests
What pulse do you monitor when checking for TOS? The radial pulse
Golfer's Elbow Test - tests for what? medial epicondylitis
What mm group is affected by medial epicondylitis? The forearm flexor group
What are the three stresses for any tendonitis test? Pain on palpation, pain on stretch and pain on resisted action
What is Tennis Elbow known as? Lateral Epicondylitis
What mm group is affected by lateral epicondylitis? The forearm extensor group
Is the carrying angle larger on males or females? Females (males = 5 degrees, females = 10 - 15 degrees)
The Ulnar nerve is also known as the? Funny bone
What makes up the mobile wad of three? Brachioradialis, Extensor CarpiRadialis Longus ECRL and Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis ECRB
What muscles make up the anatomical snuff box? Abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis (APL, EPL & EPB)
What is Allen's Test testing for? Integrity of the radial and ulnar arteries
What are you testing for with Finkelstein's Test? DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis
With DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis - where is the pain felt? At the radial styloid process
What three tests are used for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Tinel's, Phalen's and Reversed Phalen's
How are the hands positioned for Phalen's Test? backs of hands together
How are the hands positioned for Reversed Phalen's Test? praying (palms together)
Which nerve is affected by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Median Nerve
Jaw reflex tests the integrity of which nerve? CNV - the trigeminal nerve
Chovstek's Test is for which nerve? CNVII - Facial Nerve
What three things is Cervical Compression/Spurling's testing for? Narrowing of the spinal foramen, Facet Joint Irritation and Disc protrusion
With Spurling's - any dull, achy pain would indicate what problem? facet joint irritation
With Spurling's - any sharp but local shooting pain would indicate what problem? disc protrusion
With Spurling's - any sharp shooting pain which refers down the arm would indicate what problem? narrowing of the spinal foramen i.e. nerve root compression
Always follow a compression test with what? A distraction
What are the three tests used for Vertebro Basilar Artery Insufficiency? Quadrant Test (cervical), Backward Bending and Maigne's Test
What are the signs and symptoms of VBAI (VAI)? nystagmus, nausea, dizziness, faintness, personality changes, slurred speech,tinnitus
The ulnar nerve passes thru the elbow on which side of the olecranon? Medial
Epicondylitis is a fancy name for? Tendonitis
The test for inflammation of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis is called? Finkelstein's Test
Abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis longus nad extensor pollicis brevis make up what structure? The anatomical snuff box
Striking the tendon of tricps at the olecranon process and observing a contraction in the mm is a test for? Deep Tendon Reflex at C7
What mm is absent in 15 to 20% of the population? palmaris longus
Dislocation of the lunate bone occurs in which direction? Anterior
The jaw reflex test is testing which nerve? CN V
What action is performed when a client reaches behind their back to touch the inferior angle of their opposite scapula? internal rotation and adduction
Performing a DTR on the biceps brachii is testing which nerve root? C 5
Created by: Hanz Onn
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