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Haney Handouts

Massage Terms

gross anatomy large easily observed organs and organ systems
microscopic anatomy cells and tissues that can only be observed with magnifying instruments
atoms basic structural units of compounds
cells smallest structures know to exhibit the characteristices of life, building blocks of the body
tissue composed of cells wtih similar form and function
organs composed of different tissure that work together to form a structure that performs a specific function
organ systerms composed of two or more organs working together to perform a higher function
organism living thing composed of many organ systems
integumentary system forms the external body covering protecting deeper tissure from injury
skeletal system protects and supports body organs while providing a framework for muscle attachment
muscular system allows locomotion and facial expression while producing internal body heat
nervous system control system of the body, responding to internal and external stimuli
endocrine system system of ductless glands producion process regulating hormones
cardiovascular system transport system carrying oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and wastes
lymphatic system open system of vessels distribution intra-cellular fluids
respiratiory system keeps the blood constantly supplied with oxygen and removes corbon dioxide
digestive system breaks down food into absorbable substances and eliminates indigestible substances
urinary system eliminates nitrogenous wastes while maintaining a balance of electrolytes in the blood
reproductive system responsible for the production of offspring
receptor (homeostatic control mechanism) monitors and responds to changes in the environment
control center (homeostatic control mechanisms) analyzes information from receptors and determines the appropriate resonse
effector (homeostatic control mechanisms) provieds the means for the control center's resonse to the stimulus
hypothalamus contains the "thermostat" to regulate body's temperature (part of the endocrine system)
hormonal stimulus endocrine organs are stimulated by other hormones
humoral stimulus endocrine organs are stimulated by changes levels of ions or nutrients in blood
neural stimulus endocrine organs are stimulated by nerve impulses
adhesion a binding together of two anatomical surfaces taht are normally separate. Occurs frequently in muscle and connective tissue after trauma or with chronic tension. Deep-transverse friction is used to break up adhesions
beating a percussion massage technique applied with a lightly closed fist using the hypothenar eminence and small finger as the striking surface, used for stimulation
broadening a massage technique in which muscle and fiscial tissue are comporesed and broadened with a deep, slow, sliding motion; used to break adhesions and increase circulation
circular friction a friction massage technique applied in a circular motion covering no more than 1 square inch at a time; used to break adhesions and for specific warming
compression a massage technique that employs a gradual compressing of tissue followed by a gradual reduction of pressure; used to increase circulation
contract/ relax an active movement used to promote muscular relaxation through consciously tensing and then relaxing a specific muscle or muscle group
contract/ relax/ stretch a technique used to enhance stretching by preceding the stretch with contract/ relax of the mucsle to be lengthened
cupping a percussion technique applied with cupped hands (no volar contact); used for stimulation
debility a condition that reduces or hinders an athlete's ability to perform his/her sport, but is not totaly disabling
deep friction massage techniques that utilize short, circular, or back and forth motions applied with the fingertip or thumb and using sufficient pressure to produce motion on the tissue beneath the skin; used to treat a specific small area and prevent adhesions
deep-transverse friction a friction massage technique applied in a direction across the length of the muscle fivers using heave pressure; used to break adhesions
digital compressoin a compression massage technique applied with the thumb or fingertips; used in veroius kinds of point work
disability a condition that does not allow athletesto perform their sport at all
durable hyperemia hyperemia that lasts for a long peroid of time; one of the goals in pre-event massage. Compression and broadening techniques are often used to induce durable hyperemia
effleurage a classic western massage term for sliding movements; found in Russian and Swedish massage
event massage and a;;lication of sports massage in the time period surroundng a competitive event that aims at immediat performance enhancement, recovery, or both. Includes pre-event, interevent, and postevent massage
general relaxation physiological state characterized by decreases in heart rate, oxgen consumption, respiration, and skeletal muscular activity and by increases in skin resistance and alapha brain waves; sometimes called relaxation response
hacking a percussion massage technique applied iwth the little, third and fourth finger wiht the palms facing each other, used for stimulation
hyperemia increased blood flow to part of the body. Massage techniques used to induce hyperemia inclede deep sliding strokes, kneading, and compression.
hypertonicity increase in muscle tone resulting in muscle tension
hypoxia insufficient amount of oxygen
interevent a type of event massage given in the shore periods between evens in an extended competition that aims at recover from one performance and preparation for optimal performance in the next event
ischemia insufficient blood flow to tissure taht results in a decreased oxygen supply (hypoxia), increased carbon dioxide and an insufficient supply of nutrients. Can cause pain, stiffness, and soreness in the affected area.
jostling a massage technique in which teh soft tissues are shaken back and forth with short, quick, loose movements; may be accompanied by mobilization of surrounding joints; used to loosed up an area
kneading a massage movement in which the hands alternately and rhythmically lift squeeze, and release the soft tissues; used for muscular relazation and increasing circulation in the tissues.
maintenance an all-purpose application of sports massage that is scheduled between competitions. It aims at recovery, normalizing stressed tissues, and treating minor injuries and complaints.
massage the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body
massage specialist a person with special skills in massage and related techniques, gained through education and experience
Created by: eestrand
Popular Massage Therapy sets



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