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NHA Common Terms

Common Terms taken from the Phlebotomy Handbook 8th Edition

Appendicitis Inflammation of the Appendix
Arthritis Inflammation of the Joints
Bursitis Inflammation of the Bursa
Cholecystitis Inflammation of the Gall Bladder
Colitis Inflammation of the Colon
Cystitis Inflammation of the Bladder
Dermatitis Inflammation of the Skin
Diverticulitis Inflammation of the Colon Wall
Encephalitis Inflammation of the Brain
Gastritis Inflammation of the Stomach Wall
Gastroenteritis Inflammation of the Stomach & Intestines
Hepatitis Inflammation of the Liver
Meningitis Inflammation of the Meninges
Nephritis Inflammation of the Kidneys
Osteochondritis Inflammation of the Bone & Cartilage
Osteomyelitis Inflammation of the Bone
Pancreatitis Inflammation of the Pancreas
Peritonitis Inflammation of the Abdominal Wall
Rhinitis Inflammation of the Nasal Membranes
Tendonitis Inflammation of the Tendons
Tonsillitis Inflammation of the Tonsils
Anesthesiology Loss of Sensation/Pain management
Cardiology Diseases of the heart, arteries, veins, & capillaries
Cytology Cellular structure & functions
Dermatology Skin
Endocrinology Diseases of the Endocrine System (glands & hormones)
Gastroenterology Diseases of the stomach or intestinal or digestive system
Gynecology Diseases of the female reproductive system
Hematology Blood & blood-forming tissues
Histology Microscopic structures of tissue
Immunology Disease of the immune system; allergic disorders
Microbiology Microbes
Nephrology Disease of the Kidney & Urinary Systems
Neurology Diseases of the Nervous system
Oncology Tumors
Ophthalmology Disease of the eye
Parasitology Parasites
Pathology Pathogens or disease causing agents
Proctology Diseases of the rectum, colon, anus
Psychiatry Disorders of the Mind
Radiology Radioactive substances used in prevention, diagnosis, & treatment
Serology Antibodies in serum
Urology Urinary System
Anterior In front of (ex: I will collect blood from the anterior side of the arm)
Posterior toward the back (ex: There is a large bandage on the posterior side of the arm)
Medial toward the midline (ex: The heart is the medial to the right shoulder)
Lateral toward the sides of the body (ex: the hip is lateral to the navel)
Dorsal back side (ex: The mole was on the dorsal side of her shoulder)
Ventral front side (ex: The scrape was on the ventral side of the knee)
Proximal near the point of attachment (ex: the leg was broke on the proximal side of the knee)
Distal distant or away from the point of attachment (ex: the birthmark was distal to the wrist)
Superficial near the surface of the body (ex: Superficial veins show up easily on her skin)
Deep far from the surface of the body (ex: Major arteries are in deep tissues)
Supine Position Laying/reclining face up on his/her back
Antebrachial Forearm - between the wrist and elbow
Antecubical Depressed area in front of the elbow - Area used to draw blood or start an IV
Sclerosed Hardening (of the veins)
Palpate to feel for the vein
Thrombosed clotted
Hemolysis destruction of the blood cells
Hemoconcentration increased localized blood concentration of large molecules such as proteins, cells, and coagulation factors.
Hemoglobin (HGB) the molecules that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide to the RBGs.
Hemostasis is the process by which blood vessels are repaired after injury.
Vascular Phase 1st stage in Hemostasis, when an injury to a blood vessel occurs, it constricts, slowing the flow of blood.
Neutrophils 40-60% of WCB population, phagocytic cells, which means they engulf and digest bacteria.
Lymphocytes 20-40% of WBC population, their numbers increase in viral infections, they play a role in immunity.
Monocytes 3-8% of WBC population, the largest WBC's they increase in intracellular infections and TB.
Eosinophils 1-3% of WBC population, they increase in allergies, skin infections, and parasitic infections.
Basophils 0-1% of WBC population, carry histamine, which is release in allergic reactions.
Thombocytes platelets, are formed in bone marrow, are essential for blood coagulation.
Median cubital vein vein of choice, middle, usually large and does not move.
Cephalic vein second vein of choice, outer side of the antecubital of the arm, more difficult to locate, tendency to move, is sometimes the only vein found in obese patients.
Basilic vein inner (by your side) vein, third choice, near the brachial artery, if the needle is inserted too deep, this artery may be punctured.
Sclerosed veins feel hard or cord like. Unsuitable for Venipunctures.
Thrombotic veins unsuitable for venipuncture.
Tortuous veins are winding or crooked veins, unsuitable for venipuncture.
Septicemia infections associated with the presence of pathogenic organisms, induced during a venipuncture.
CLIA (1988) Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments, over sees QA (Quality Controls) in any sites that test human specimens.
Joint Commission is an independent non-profit organization that oversees, QA (Quality Assurance) standards for health care.
Created by: 604453982
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