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Chpt 31 Sect1

The Emergence of Modern China

Spheres of influence an area or country that is politically & economically dominated by, though not directly governed by, another country
Nationalists Chinese political party in power after 1911 revolt. Disliked foreign powers in China but were greatly influenced by Western ideas.
abdicate to surrender one's office, throne, or authority
Sun Yat-sen China's 1st president 1911 under the Nationalist party. Wanted China to adopt a government based on Western ideas.
Chaing Kai-shek China's president after Yat-sen's death in the mid 1920's.
Long March a year long journey of Communists who fled Jiangxi in 1934 to avoid execution by Chiang Kai-shek.
Mao Zedong Communist leader of People's Republic of China 1949 until his death in 1976
Taiwan island off of China's mainland. Chaing Kai-shek sought safety there in 1949
collective farms farm where people work as a group & then share whatever they harvest.
Great Leap Forward 1958-1960 plan where collectives were combined into communal settlements, run much like the military
Cultural Revolution 1966-1969 plan by Zedong to establish a new, socialist society- to destroy the "Four Olds"
Red Guards Zedong's army who enforced his policies during the Cultural Revolution
Little Red Books a collection of Mao's sayings compiled and distributed during the Cultural Revolution
Deng Xiaoping leader of China following Zedong's death in 1976
Tiananmen Square event 6/3/1989 event in Beijing. Approximately 2,000 political protesters were killed and hundreds of others wounded by China's military
martial law law administered during a period of strict military control
Marxism an system of economical & political thought developed by Karl Marx
communism system of government in which the government controls the means of production, determining what goods will be made, how much workers will be paid, and how much items will cost
Red China once popular name for communist China
imperialism extending the power and dominian of a country or indirectly by gaining economical or political control over another area
Created by: mrsbbaum
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