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Bible Vocab

Finals review Bible vocab

Biblia "the books" (Greek word)
Prophets men and women in the Bible chosen by god to tell His message to the people
prophecy a message from God spoken or written by a prophet
testament an agreement between God and man
messiah Hebrew word meaning "God's Chosen One"
Christ Greek word meaning "God's Chosen One"
Epistle letter
Gospel the "good news" about Jesus
Hebrew the name of the nation God chose to be His special people. (Also referred as Israelites or Jesus)
Idol a statue or image of a god that is made by people and then worshipped if it had the power of God; anything that takes place of God or in a persons life
Famine a time when there is not enough food to keep the people and animals alive
Savior a word that means "he who saves"
Genesis " Beginning"
firmament sky
pentateuch the book of law
covenant an agreement
sin any act or thought that is against the way God wants us to think
transgression sin
scripture a word used to refer to the old testament or the entire bible
Jenovah the english translation for one of the Hebrew names meaning "God" (Yaweh)
Satan the most powerful enemy of God, and all people; also called devil, serpent, evil one, prince of this world, father of all lies.
Curse God's judgment on something evil
Enmity hatred or bad feelings that make two people or groups enemies
sacrifice a gift or and offering given to God
tempt to try to get someone to do something wrong; to test a person to improve his spiritual strength
patriarch a "ruling father", Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
nomad a person who lives in a tent and moves from place to place
altar the place where sacrifices were made to worship God
barren a word describing a woman who could not have any children, a field that couldn't produce crops, or a tree the didn't bear fruit
heir someone who has the right to receive property or position of another person when that person dies
birthright a special right of the oldest son in a Hebrew family to receive a double share of the inheritance and the right to rul over the family after his fathers death
Exodus "a going out"
slave a servant who is owned by his or her master
wilderness a large area of land where a few people live
bondage slavery
Pharaoh the title of the rulers of ancient Egypt
Biblia "the books" (Greek word)
Biblia "the books" (Greek word)
Prophets men and women in the Bible chosen by god to tell His message to the people
Prophets men and women in the Bible chosen by god to tell His message to the people
prophecy a message from God spoken or written by a prophet
prophecy a message from God spoken or written by a prophet
testament an agreement between God and man
messiah Hebrew word meaning "God's Chosen One"
testament an agreement between God and man
testament an agreement between God and man
Christ Greek word meaning "God's Chosen One"
Epistle letter
messiah Hebrew word meaning "God's Chosen One"
Epistle letter
Gospel the "good news" about Jesus
Gospel the "good news" about Jesus
Hebrew the name of the nation God chose to be His special people. (Also referred as Israelites or Jesus)
Christ Greek word meaning "God's Chosen One"
Ark of God the Ark of the Covenant; a special wooden chest containing the table of law, a pot of manna,and Aaron's rod; the ark was to show the people of Israel the God was with them.
Idol a statue or image of a god that is made by people and then worshipped if it had the power of God; anything that takes place of God or in a persons life
Idol a statue or image of a god that is made by people and then worshipped if it had the power of God; anything that takes place of God or in a persons life
Sabbath the weekly day of rest and worship set appart by God
Famine a time when there is not enough food to keep the people and animals alive
Famine a time when there is not enough food to keep the people and animals alive
Savior a word that means "he who saves"
Savior a word that means "he who saves"
Genesis " Beginning"
Genesis " Beginning"
firmament sky
Famine a time when there is not enough food to keep the people and animals alive
firmament sky
pentateuch the book of law
pentateuch the book of law
Genesis " Beginning"
covenant an agreement
covenant an agreement
sin any act or thought that is against the way God wants us to think
firmament sky
sin any act or thought that is against the way God wants us to think
pentateuch the book of law
transgression sin
covenant an agreement
scripture a word used to refer to the old testament or the entire bible
sin any act or thought that is against the way God wants us to think
Jenovah the english translation for one of the Hebrew names meaning "God" (Yaweh)
Jenovah the english translation for one of the Hebrew names meaning "God" (Yaweh)
transgression sin
Satan the most powerful enemy of God, and all people; also called devil, serpent, evil one, prince of this world, father of all lies.
Satan the most powerful enemy of God, and all people; also called devil, serpent, evil one, prince of this world, father of all lies.
Curse God's judgment on something evil
Jenovah the english translation for one of the Hebrew names meaning "God" (Yaweh)
Curse God's judgment on something evil
Enmity hatred or bad feelings that make two people or groups enemies
Enmity hatred or bad feelings that make two people or groups enemies
sacrifice a gift or and offering given to God
sacrifice a gift or and offering given to God
tempt to try to get someone to do something wrong; to test a person to improve his spiritual strength
tempt to try to get someone to do something wrong; to test a person to improve his spiritual strength
patriarch a "ruling father", Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
Enmity hatred or bad feelings that make two people or groups enemies
patriarch a "ruling father", Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
nomad a person who lives in a tent and moves from place to place
nomad a person who lives in a tent and moves from place to place
sacrifice a gift or and offering given to God
altar the place where sacrifices were made to worship God
tempt to try to get someone to do something wrong; to test a person to improve his spiritual strength
barren a word describing a woman who could not have any children, a field that couldn't produce crops, or a tree the didn't bear fruit
barren a word describing a woman who could not have any children, a field that couldn't produce crops, or a tree the didn't bear fruit
patriarch a "ruling father", Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
heir someone who has the right to receive property or position of another person when that person dies
heir someone who has the right to receive property or position of another person when that person dies
birthright a special right of the oldest son in a Hebrew family to receive a double share of the inheritance and the right to rul over the family after his fathers death
birthright a special right of the oldest son in a Hebrew family to receive a double share of the inheritance and the right to rul over the family after his fathers death
Exodus "a going out"
Exodus "a going out"
slave a servant who is owned by his or her master
slave a servant who is owned by his or her master
slave a servant who is owned by his or her master
heir someone who has the right to receive property or position of another person when that person dies
wilderness a large area of land where a few people live
birthright a special right of the oldest son in a Hebrew family to receive a double share of the inheritance and the right to rul over the family after his fathers death
bondage slavery
Exodus "a going out"
Pharaoh the title of the rulers of ancient Egypt
slave a servant who is owned by his or her master
Atonement to make up for a wrong act, to become friends with God again
wilderness a large area of land where a few people live
Plaque anything that causes harm or suffering
Plaque anything that causes harm or suffering
bondage slavery
passover a feast held in memory of God's deliverance of Israel from Egyptian slavery
Pharaoh the title of the rulers of ancient Egypt
Unleavened bread bread without yeast
passover a feast held in memory of God's deliverance of Israel from Egyptian slavery
Atonement to make up for a wrong act, to become friends with God again
bitter herbs a green salad eaten at Passover to remind Israel of the bitterness of their lives as Egyptian slaves
Plaque anything that causes harm or suffering
manna the special food God gave to the Israelites for forty years in the wilderness
passover a feast held in memory of God's deliverance of Israel from Egyptian slavery
tabernacle a portable tent where the Israelites worshipped God
Unleavened bread bread without yeast
Ark of God the Ark of the Covenant; a special wooden chest containing the table of law, a pot of manna,and Aaron's rod; the ark was to show the people of Israel the God was with them.
bitter herbs a green salad eaten at Passover to remind Israel of the bitterness of their lives as Egyptian slaves
Sabbath the weekly day of rest and worship set appart by God
manna the special food God gave to the Israelites for forty years in the wilderness
Ark of God the Ark of the Covenant; a special wooden chest containing the table of law, a pot of manna,and Aaron's rod; the ark was to show the people of Israel the God was with them.
tabernacle a portable tent where the Israelites worshipped God
Sabbath the weekly day of rest and worship set appart by God
Ark of God the Ark of the Covenant; a special wooden chest containing the table of law, a pot of manna,and Aaron's rod; the ark was to show the people of Israel the God was with them.
Sabbath the weekly day of rest and worship set apart by God
Adultry a sexual union between a man and a woman when one or both are married to someone else
Covet to want something very much to have something that belongs to another person
Created by: lilaznwondah
Popular Religion sets




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