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CNA abbreviations

medical abbreviations

Anatomy and Physiology A&P
Freely, at will Ad lib
Before meals ac
Admission Adm
Automatic external defribillator AED
Ambulate amb
As soon as possible ASAP
Axillary Ax
Two times a day Bid
Bowel movement BM
Basal metabolic rate BMR
Blood Pressure BP, B/P
Bathroom privaleges BRP
With c
Complete blood count CBC
Chief complaint CC
Clear liquids cl liq
complains of c/o
Activities of daily living ADLs
Carbohydrate CHO
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR
Computerized tomography CT
Discontinue d/c
Do not resuscitate DNR
Diagnosis Dx
Electroencephalogram EEG
Electrocardiogram EKG, ECG
Congestive heart failure CHF
Coronary artery disease CAD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD
Foreign body airway obstruction FBAO
Fasting blood sugar FBS
Gallbladder GB
Hemoglobin Hgb
Hematocrit Hct
Head of bed HOB
Hour of sleep hs
height ht
History hx
hour h, hr
Intra muscular IM
Intravenous IV
Force fluids FF
Level of consciousness LOC
Licensed practical nurse LPN
Long term care LTC
Left L, Lt
Magnetic Resonance imaging MRI
Not applicable N/A
Negative Neg
Nasogastric NG
night Noc, noct
No known allergies NKA
Nothing by mouth NPO
Oxygen O2
Out of bed OOB
Operating room OR
Over the counter OTC
Emergency room ER
After p
After meals pc
by mouth po
Protective Personal Equipment PPE
As needed PRN
Patient pt
every q
Every hour qh
Every bed time qhs
every two hours q2h
every shift qs
Four times a day Qid
Respiration R
Pulse P
Right R, rt
Red blood cell RBC
Registered nurse RN
Rule out R/O
Range of motion ROM
Prescription Rx
without s
half ss
Immediately STAT
sexually transmitted disease STD
Temperature T
Tablet Tab
Three times a day Tid
Temperature, pulse,respiration TPR
Urinalysis UA
vital signs vs
White blood cell WBC
wheelchair w/c
weight wt
Within normal limits WNL
Myocardial infarction MI
Feet ft
inches in.
centimeter cm
milli liter ml
kilogram kg
Farenheit F
Celcius C
Cubic centimeters cc
Alert and oriented AxO
abdomen ABD
Above the knee amputation AKA
Below the knee amputation BKA
Diabetes Mellitus DM
Deep vein thrombosis DVT
Beats per minute BPM
Degenerative joint disease DJD
fracture Fx
heart rate HR
Intake and output I&O
Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus MRSA
Left upper quadrant LUQ
Left lower quadrant LLQ
right upper quadrant RUQ
Right lower quadrant RLQ
No added salt NAS
per rectum PR
every other day qod
Short of breath SOB
Tuberculosis TB
years old yo
Partial weight bearing PWB
Non-weight bearing NWB
Full weight bearing FWB
Toe Touch weight bearing TTWB
Complete bedrest CBR
Created by: mscardenas
Popular Medical sets




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