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Quiz Study Guides

Thigh Bone Femur
Knee Bone Patella
Cheek Bone Zygomatic
The sternum protects heart
Coccyx Tail Bone
Carpals Wrist Bones
The ribs protect the lungs
Scapula shoulder bone
upper arm bone humerus
Mental Chin
Upper Jaw Bone Maxilla
Lower Jaw Bone Mandible
Frontal Bone forehead
Cranium Skull
Largest Bone in the LOWER leg Tibia
Tarsals Ankle bones
Phalanges Fingers and/or Toes
Bone in the forearm closest to the thumb Radius
Vertebrae Spine
Metarsals Feet bones (between the tarsals/ankle & phalanges/toes)
Collar Bone Clavicle
Hip Bone Pelvis
Metacarpals Hand bones (between the carpals/wrist and Phalanges/Fingers
SMALLEST bone in the lower leg Fibula
Bone in the forearm closest to the elbow Ulna
How many bones in the human body (adult) 206
The retention of water fluid in the tissues, resulting in swelling Edema
Trauma to a JOINT that causes injury to the ligaments (twisting) Sprain
The process of pus formation Suppuration
Reddening of the skin Erythema
Walking of moving ambulation
Your style of walking GAIT
Name a disease which can cause impaired circulation Diabetes, Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) are two of the examples
Name 3 factors that affect the application of heat and cold Location, Age, General Health of the Patient, Tolerance to changing temperatures, impaired circulation
T/F: Constriction means to make larger FALSE Constriction is to make smaller Dialation is to make larger
T/F: Dialation means to make larger TRUE Constriction is to make smaller Dialation is the make larger
T/F: A chemical cold pack is an example of a moist cold FALSE This is an example of a DRY cold A Wet Compress would be considered MOIST
T/F: Cold increases suppuration FALSE suppuration is the forming of PUS and hot/warm increases this (think of a pimple coming to a head)
T/F: Exudate is a discharge produced by the body's tissues TRUE
T/F:Chemical cold packs should be stored at room temperature TRUE These are packs that are activated manually to produce the cold effect by combining the chemicals, they should not be frozen.
T/F: Chemcial hot and cold packs usually last about 2 hours FALSE - generally 30 minutes- 1 hr max effect
T/F: Cold application is the most therapeutic for Muscle Spasms FALSE - Moist heat is recommended for muscle spasms to relax and sooth the muscle
T/F: Always apply a cold pack for the first 48 hours to bring down swelling, and then switch to heat FALSE - Cold should be applied for the first 24 HOURS
T/F: A cane is held on the side of the body that is opposite to the side that needs support TRUE - cane is on the "good" side and opposite the injured side
Multiple Choice: Hot soaks are helpful in: a) cleansing wounds (b) decreasing suppuration, (c) decreasing blood supply to area (d) all of the above a) cleasing wounds
Multiple Choice: This gait is used by patients who cannot bear weight on one leg: a) two-gait (b) three point gait, (c) four-point gait (d) swing gait b. three point gait
Multiple Choice:This gait is used by patients with paralysis, and by patients who wear supporting braces on their legs: a) two-point gait, (b) three-point gait (c) four-point gait, (d) swing gait d. swing gait
Multiple Choice: This gait is used when a patient is capable of partial weight bearing on each foot and had good muscular coordination: a) two-point gait, (b) three-point gait, (c) four-point gait, (d) swing gait a. two-point gait
Bonus (remix) When charting procedure of progress notes, name items that you should be recording: Charting must include: date, time, am/pm, objectives (your findings and actions), Subjectives (patient feedback or response), MA Instructions, MA signature and title.
Anatomy is the study of: Structure of the Human Body
Give 2 examples of a Heat Treatment (application) Heating Pad, Hot Soak, Hot Compress, Chemical Hot Pack
Give 2 examples of a Cold Treatment (application) Ice Bag, Cold Compress, Chemical Cold Pack
Give 3 examples of Amulatory Aids Crutches (wooden/metal/forearm), Canes (regular, tripod, four pad) , Walkers
Describe sizing of crutches for a patient two (book) three (class) fingers under the axilla (armpit) and hand grips with arm at 30 degree angle
Describe 3 local affects of a Heat Treatment (application) Dilation (opens blood vessels), Blood Vessels increase in diameter, results in increased in blood supply to the area, Tissue metabolism increase, Nutrients and oxygen is provided at a faster rate, Waste & Toxins are carried away faster.
What should you observe on the patient's affected area when applying a heat treatment/application? Name 2 things Erythema (redness), Paleness (pallor), Pain, Swelling (edema), Blisters, how the patient is feeling during the treatment (ask them)
How should instructions be given/reviewed with the patient for continues physician prescribed treatments at home? Instructions should be reviewed by the MA both verbally and in writing, and also charted
Created by: dwall2674
Popular Medical sets




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