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SGHS - Human Geo
Unit 2 Review - Human Geography
Question | Answer |
Refers to a people's way of life - including how they meet their needs, and their language, religion, beliefs, customs, institutions, and technology? | Culture |
What are things people usually do (how they dress, foods they eat, how they celebrate holidays, traditions, etc)? | Customs |
Based on rules for the proper behavior of individuals in a particular position and situation? | Roles |
Organizations developed by each society to make social roles clear and take care of social needs? | Institutions |
How people perceive other cultures? | Cultural Perceptions |
Religion based on the spiritual nature of all things. | Animism |
One of the earliest forms of religion. Based on belief that plants, animals, even places have their own spirits. | Animism |
Religion based upon the writings of the Upanishads and the Bhagavad-Gita;heavily dependent on social classes known as caste? | Hinduism |
Religion that believes in more than one god, Reincarnation, Karma, and sacred objects such as the cow; third largest religion and most popular in India? | Hinduism |
Religion based on a philosophy of self-denial and meditation, living according to the Four Noble Truths, and following the Eightfold Path to Nirvana? | Buddhism |
Religion founded in Nepal by Siddhartha Gautama, who saw too much suffering in the world and found peace in giving up his wealth and selfish human desires; significant religion in East and Southeast Asia. | Buddhism |
The first religion known to assert the existence of one god. Jewish faith that followed the Old Testament, Torah, and the Ten Commandments? | Judaism |
Religion based upon the teachings of Jesus (a Jew born in Bethlehem), preaches forgiveness, mercy, and sympathy for those less fortunate. | Christianity |
Major religion of the Roman Empire, Europe, and the Americas; also the world's most popular religion with over 2 billion followers. | Christianity |
Religion that was founded by a prophet named Mohammed around 600 AD that received a vision to convert all Arab tribes to follow a single god known as Allah. | Islam |
Religion that follows the sacred text of the Qu'ran and the Five Pillars of Faith (confession of faith, prayer five times a day, giving charity, fasting during the month of Ramadan, and a pilgrimage to Mecca)? | Islam |
Religion that combines both Hindu and Muslim beliefs; followers believe in reincarnation, equality, developing a love for one god; men do not cut their hair and often wear turbans? | Sikhism |
Belief in more than one god. | Polytheism |
Belief in only one god. | Monotheism |
People who share similar wealth, power, and prestige are said to be of the same. | Social Class |
How easy it is to change one's social class (move up or down) | Social Mobility |
Roles assigned specifically to men or women; may vary from society to society? | Gender Roles |
Refers to a group of people with a common ancestry and common culture, most often based on religion and language? | Ethnic Group |
Society where there a many different cultural / ethic groups (i.e. US, Canada, Brazil)? | Heterogeneous / Multicultural Society |
Society where there is only one cultural / ethnic group, language, religion, and traditions (i.e. Japan, Saudi Arabia, Korea, China)? | Homogeneous Society |
When minority members of a society is denied political power; and majority group uses force to keep minorities under control? | Ethnic Prejudice |
When minorities are denied civil and political rights (i.e. own property, use public facilities, intermarry, vote)? | Discrimination and Exclusion |
Extreme action against a minority that forces them to move away or relocate away from the majority? | Expulsion. |
Hutus, Jews, Serbs, are all examples of minorities groups who have fallen victim to this extreme crime; organized attempt to eliminate a group of people? | Genocide |
Area that has common characteristics that distinguish it from neighboring areas? | Region |
Area that has clear boundaries and is defined by at least one common human or physical characteristic (i.e. government, political unit, language, religion, etc)? | Formal Region |
A nodal area often organized around a focal point, defined by one function that may cross political boundaries (i.e. transportation system, service map)? | Functional Region |
An area based upon a people's attitudes and emotions about a place such as the "Deep South" or "Chinatown"; may not be based on real facts or conditions? | Perceptual Region |
Single most important human activity that lead to the development of urban centers and industrialization? | Agriculture |
Map that uses the concentration of dots to symbolize how many people live per square mile in a given area? | Population Density |
Factors that influence people to leave a place; escape religious persecution, oppression, poverty, political conflicts, and environmental disasters? | Push Factors |
Conditions that attract people to move to a place: to search for greater political or religious freedom, search for economic opportunity, and to reinforce cultural ties? | Pull Factors |
Water bodies, landforms, resources, climate are all examples of these (hard concept question)? | Physical factors that influence where people live. |
Political and social activities, transportation routes, and technology are all examples of these (hard concept question)? | Human factors that influence where people live. |
Country lifestyle marked by low population density, lots of available land; often centered around agriculture? | Rural |
Cities or town lifestyle, characterized by higher population density and vast human features in comparison to areas surrounding it | Urban |